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Interests Building your own house means you spend a lot of time afterwards looking at everybody else's. Here's one I prepared earlier..................
I'm afraid a lot of the others are machine-related, but here we go: Motorcycles are more than a recurring theme in our house. I'm afraid I've a bit of a penchant for bikes, and for the last few years, BMW has been my preferred brand. Not because they're perfect (they're not), but as an honest to goodness useful bike, they're hard to beat. My original criteria was for a bike which was long lived, had fuel injection, luggage that looks like it should be there rather than stuck on later, and didn't cost a fortune to run. Various bikes might fill that bill now, but back in 1991, there was only one - the K100RS.
Whilst the current collection runs like this: (yes, I know that's too many BMW's, contact me if you want to buy one....!!) Here, however, is the single greatest item I've bought for my garage over the years, with a few pics of my current bike thereon: a motorcycle lift, and one which has proven itself invaluable.