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Q 8 Sixty percent of females and 55 percent of males said Yes when asked "Do you have family rules in relation to your behaviour?'" This gave a total of 58 answering Yes to that question. The remaining 40 percent of females and 45 percent of males said No to the same question. These results show that the majority of families have rules in relation to their sons / daughter's behaviour.
Fifty-two percent of females and 36% of males answered Yes when asked " Are your parents / guardians consistent in applying these rules?" The remaining 48% of females and 64% of males answered No to that question. The inference must be that parents and guardians are stricter on daughters than on sons. When totalled we discovered that a total of 45% of students answered Yes to the question with 55% answering No.
Q 9 Fifty two percent of females answered 'Yes 'and 55% of males consider that their parents/guardians are strict about how much study they do.
Q 10 Parents are perceived as being much less strick in relation to boy/girlfriends.Twenty percent of females and 10 % of males said YES to the question 'Are your parents/guardians strict about your girlfriendsboyfriends?'. Obviously more females than males feel that their parents/guardians are strict about their boyfriends/girlfriends. The remaining 80% of females and 90% of males said NO to the same question. The conclusion is that more males than females feel that their parents/guardians are not strict about their girlfriend/boyfriends. The overall result of 15% YES and 85% NO indicates a general perception that parents/guardians are not strict about girlfriends/boyfriends.Q 11 Thirty percent of females and 35% of males answered YES to the question 'Do you have a curfew to be home by?'. We conclude from this result that more males than females have a certain curfew to be home by. Seventy percent of females and 65% of males answered 'no' to the same question. The percentage of females answering 'no' to this question are slighty higher leading to the conclusion that more females than males feel that their parents have not set a curfew for them. These results indicate that males feel that their parents are stricter about the times they have to be home by than do their female peers.
When asked "Were you involved / consulted in formulating / agreeing the rules?" the majority ( 57% ) of students answered No leaving the remaining 43 percent of students answering Yes . This illustrates that parents usually formulate rules between themselves rather than among all family members. The results also show that 38% of females and 48% of males answered Yes showing that males are consulted more than females on this topic.