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If anyone out there would like to get involved with Nasc in a voluntary capacity you can drop in to the centre on any weekday and ask to speak with Katherine or Brendan.

For anyone who may be interested in working with a particular subgroup, there are details on our Subgroups webpage of who to get in touch with in each particular instance.

We can also be contacted by phone, fax or email, the details of which are at the bottom of this and every other page on our site. If you would like to email us simply click on one of the links at the bottom of our pages to be set up to contact us.


Moses Kasule has formed a Ugandan Community Group and wishes to contact Ugandans based in Ireland to discuss ideas based on development and integration.
Contact him at: kasulex@hotmail.com

Nasc - The Irish Immigrant Support Centre, St Marie's of the Isle, Sharman Crawford St, Cork City, Ireland.
Phone (021) 4317411. Fax (021) 4317402. Email us at iisc@eircom.net