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Here is a list of links to websites for organisations that provide assistance and information on matters and issues relating to the area of immigrants/asylum-seekers/refugees in Ireland.

Irish Centre for Migration Studies

The Irish Centre for Migration Studies is a centre affiliated to University College Cork which promotes the study of historical and contemporary migration to and from Ireland. There is a very useful link on the homepage to information on the asylum process / applying for refugee status.


Comhlamh is an Irish voluntary organisation which campaigns for global development through education. The Comhlamh Refugee Solidarity group seeks to support the rights of asylum-seekers and combat racism.

The Irish Refugee Council

The Irish Refugee Council is an independent, non-governmental organisation. It aims to ensure that all aspects of Irish policy on asylum-seekers and refugees (legal, cultural, social and economic) are in accordance with international human rights law. They also work to promote public understanding of asylum and refugee issues.

Association of Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in Ireland
Refugee Protection Policy Group

The aim of the Refugee Protection Policy Group is to improve policy on asylum and integration in Ireland and Europe. They are also engaged in creating public awareness of the issues surrounding asylum-seekers and refugees.

Amnesty International Irish Section

This is Amnesty International's Irish site. Amnesty International is a world-wide organisation dedicated to promoting respect for the human rights that have been laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Equality Authority

The Equality Authority is an independent body set up under the Employment Equality Act 1998. This act and the Equal Status Act 2000 outlaw discrimination in employment, vocational training, advertising, collective agreements, the provision of goods and services and other opportunities to which the public generally have access. The Equality Authority acts to promote and defend the rights established in the legislation.

Metro Eireann

This is the website of Ireland's first multi-racial newspaper which has a special focus on immigrant/asylum-seeker/refugee issues.

The National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism

The National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism is a partnership of government departments, agencies and non-governmental organisations. It's main aim is to provide an ongoing structure to develop programmes and actions aimed at developing an integrated approach against racism and to act in a policy advisory role to the government.

Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform

This is the website of the Irish governmental department. It contains information on applying for asylum.

Anti-Racism Campaign

The Anti-Racism Campaign is a Dublin-based group opposing racism in Irish society. They welcome everyone who wants to combat racism.

Integrating Ireland

The National Network of Asylum-Seeker, Refugee and Immigrant Support Organisations


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Nasc - The Irish Immigrant Support Centre, St Marie's of the Isle, Sharman Crawford St, Cork City, Ireland.
Phone (021) 4317411. Fax (021) 4317402. Email us at iisc@eircom.net