Japanese terminology

[A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z]

Age tsuki Rising punch
Age uke Rising block
Ago Chin or jaw
Aka Red
Aka ippon Red point (tournament sparring)
Akiresu ken Achilles tendon
Ana ta no catch (You are the) Winner
Arigato Thank-you
Ashi or Ashibo Leg or shin
Ashi kubi Ankle
Ashi waza Foot techniques
Ashi ura Sole of the foot
Ashi yubi Toes
Ashi zoko Bottom (bottom side) of foot
Atemi Striking
Atemi waza Striking techniques
Awase uke Combination blocks

Budo Martial arts way
Bunkai Application of a technique
Bushido Way of the warrior

Chudan Midsection of the body

Dachi Stance
Dan Black belt rank
De ashi barai Forward foot sweep
Do The Way
Dojo Martial arts training hall (Place of the Way)
Domo Arigato Thank-you

Empi Elbow
Empi uchi Elbow strike

Fukushin Judge
Fukuto Outside, lower thigh
Fumikomi Stamping kick

Gankaku dachi Crane stance
Gatame Arm lock
Gedan Lower part of the body
Gedan barai Low block
Geri Kick
Gi Karate Uniform
Go Five
Gyaku Reverse, reversal
Gyakuzuki Reverse punch

Hachi Eight
Hachiji dachi Natural stance
Hai Yes
Haishu Back of the hand
Haisoku Instep
Haito Ridge hand, inner blade of hand
Hai wan Back of the arm
Hajime Begin
Hanshi Master - Usually the highest ranking in the organization
Hansoku Foul
Hantei Decision
Harai Sweep
Hidari Left
Hiji Elbow
Hitai Forehead
Hiza Knee

Ibuki Controlled breathing
Ichi One
Ippon Point (as in scoring)
Ippon kumite One-step sparring
Iyeh No

Jikan Time - as in tournaments
Jinzo Kidney
Jiu kumite Freestyle sparring
Jodan Head or upper area
Jogai Out of bounds - tournaments
Ju Ten
Juji Cross

Kache Winner (Tournament)
Kagi Hooking
Kakushin waza Hidden technique
Kaisho Open hand
Kakato Heel
Kakuto Bent wrist
Kamae Combative posture
Kansetsu Joint lock
Kara Empty
Karate Empty hand
Karateka One who practices karate
Kasumi Temple (side of the head)
Kata Pre-arranged form or techniques
Keage Snap kick
Kentsui uke (tettsui uke) Hammer fist block
Keri waza Kicking techniques
Ki Mind, spirit
Kiai Focused shout
Kihon Basic technique
Kibadachi Horse riding stance
Kirits Stand to attention
Kizami tsuki Jab punch
Kokutsudachi Backstance
Kon bon wa Good evening (after daylight)
Konnichi wa Good evening (during daylight)
Kosa uke Crossed block
Koshi Ball of foot
Ku Nine
Kudasai Please (if you please)
Kumite Sparring
Kyu Colored belt rank

Ma-ai Distancing
Mae Front
Mae geri Front kick
Mae geri keage Snap front kick
Matte Wait
Mawashigeri Roundhouse kick
Mawashizuki Roundhouse punch, hook punch
Mawatte Turn
Migi Right
Mikazuki Crescent
Mikazuki geri Crescent kick
Mo ichido Once again
Mokuso Contemplation, meditation
Morote uke Augmented block

Nagashizuki Cross counter (leading hand)
Naifanchi Straddle stance
Nai wan Inner arm
Neko Cat
Nekoashidachi Cat stance
Ni Two
Nukite Spear hand

Obi Belt
Ohiyo gozaimasu Good Morning
Okuri ashi barai Foot sweep
Onigaishimasu Please teach me
Osu Greetings
Oswate Sit down
Otogai ni rei Bow to all
Otate Stand up
Oyasumi nasai Good night (departure)

Rei Bow
Reishiki Etiquette
Roku Six
Ryu School of martial arts

San Three
Seiza Kneeling/Sitting position
Sensei Teacher
Sensei ni rei Bow to instructor
Seridsu Line up
Shiai Tournament
Shihan Master instructor
Shikkaku Disqualification
Sho Palm of hand
Shuto Knife hand
Shuto uchi Knife hand strike
Shuto uke Knife hand block
Sokko Top of the foot
Sokuto Edge of the foot
Soru Sit down (or kneel)
Soto Outside
Soto ude uke (soto uke) Outside forearm block
Suwari Sit

Taisabaki Body twist, evading movement
Tatte Stand up
Te Hand
Teisho Palm heel
Tenshin Moving, shifting
Tenshin sho Divine intervention
Tettsui Hammer fist
Tobikomizuki Snap Punch (leading hand)
Tome Return to original position
Tsukami waza Catching technique
Tsuki Punch or fist

Uchi Inner
Ude Forearm
Ude uki Forearm block
Uke Block
Ukemi waza Fall breaking techniques
Uraken Back fist
Uratsuki Close punch
Ushiro Rear
Ushiro geri Back kick

Wado ryu Way of Peace and Harmony
Wado kai Association of pupil "Wado"
Wadokan Club house "Wado"
Wan Arm
Waza Technique
Wazari Half point

Yama Mountain
Yawara Control
Yame Stop
Yasumi Rest
Yodansha One who is a black belt
Yoi Ready
Yoko Side
Yoko geri Side kick
Yudansha Black Belt

Zen Buddhist sect or Religious meditation

All information on this ASKO website is ©2000-2001 Blackrock Karate Club.
Last updated on Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001.