TvTome has an almost bewildering collection of episode guides for shows past and present.


Zap2It has the latest news from the US networks, and has TVGal to provide the latest spoilers and opinion.
Tim Goodman is a columnist for the San Franciso Chronicle and can be relied upon for balanced reviews and witty insight on what's happening Stateside.
Television Without Pity is a site hosting merciless reviews of popular shows. Sometimes their dissections are more entertaining than the shows themselves.
Tuesday Night Movie Club offers similarly merciless reviews for shows with a scifi and fantasy slant.
Tom Shales is the renowned TV reviewer for the Washington Post.
Ratings Geeks should look no further than the Futon Critic for all things Nielsen.
SciFi Geeks should look no further than SciFi Wire for their fix.


The Custard brings together news, reviews, and episode guides for British TV.
BBC Newsnight Review has some seriously high brow reviews of British TV programs.
Commercial Breaks and Beats lists songs used in popular UK ads.
TV Cream is an odyssey of nostalgia, with pages on classic shows.
For the latest listings and station schedules, there's the (free) Sky TV Guide, and (pay) Digiguide.


Useful sites for picking up information and quotes for the below shows:

The O.C. -> Welcome to the OC & The Outsider
The West Wing -> TWW Episode Guide, Bartlet 4 America & TWW Communications Office
Angel -> Angel @ Buffy World
Smallville -> Devoted to Smallville
The Gilmore Girls -> Dot Net


The Great Link is the place to go for the latest Trek news.
Tim Lynch is the legendary internet reviewer of TNG & DS9.
For Enterprise reviews, there's Jammer and Ex Astris Scientia.


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