Coach Corner
MATCH PREPARATION : CHECK LIST by Kiron Choudery November 2003

Bold = You must

1. Before going in the playing are:
1a. Find out the Name of the Referee & where he/she can be found.
1b. Number of Games to be played to decide the winner; ie 5, 7, or 9 games.
1c. Point scoring system; ie 11/9 6/11 11/7 13/11
11 -6 11 13 (- indicates that home player lost at)
1d. Collect Score Sheet and a box of Balls.
1e. At what stage Doubles are to be played.
1f. Check that you have your tools; ie :
1fa. a disc or a coin for tossing,
1fb. a pen or a pencil,
1fc. a net height measuring gauge,
1fd. a Stop Watch,
1fe. a Red, a Yellow and a White card,

1ff. a note book
1fg. a Rule Book (current),
1fh. a piece of rag (if needed to wipe off sweat from the table).

2. You are now in the playing area:
2a. The Score Board is in place.
2b. Check surroundings.
2c. Check that the Net Posts are secured.
2d. Check that the height of the Net is correct.
2e. Check that the tension of the Net.
2f. Check that the Net is lined in the middle of the table.
2g. Score Board : Games : Blank on both sides. Score: Blank on both sides.
2h. A Chair is there for the Umpire.
2i. A Chair is there for the assistant Umpire.

3. Players arrived:
3a. Check that player's Name and Number with Names and Numbers on Score Card,
3b. Check Bats/Shirt (not the same colour if it is team event. Rubber must not overlap too much)
3c. Name of Team Captain & where he/she is sitting.
3d. Score Board : Games : 0 on both sides. Score : Blank on both sides.
3e. Allow 2 minutes for practice (check in your stop watch).
3f. Check that Track Suits/Bags are outside the playing area.
3g. Toss a disc/coin to decide who is to start the game.
3h. Take a note of the player Serving first/Receiving first (doubles).
3i. Reset Stop Watch.
3j. You are now ready to start the game.
3k. Score Board : Games : 0 on both sides. Score : 0 on both sides.
3l. Co-ordinate with your assistant umpire.

4. You are ready to start the match:
4a. Ask players to start the game,
4b. Start your Stop Watch as the player serves,
4c. Declare score - loud and clear,
4ca. Update score indicator after each point is awarded,
4cb. Announce change of service,
4cc. Show hand towards the player who is to serve next,

4d. Observe if players are being coached during the game,
4da. If necessary, take appropriate action,
4e. Call "time" if the game lasts for 10 minutes and the score is not 10 all,
4f. Allow toweling after 6 points only,

5. When the game is finished:
5a. Leave the Score indicator as the game finishes,
5b. Stop your Stop Watch,
5c. Collect the ball,
5d. Write the Score Card,

5e. Do not update the Game indicator,
5f. Ask players to leave bat on the table if they do not,
5g. Reset Stop Watch.

6. The Rest period:
6a. Allow up to 2 minutes in between games,
6b. If players are not on the table before end of 2 minutes call "time".

7. The next game is about to start:
7a. Update game indicator,
7b. Update score indicator - 0 on both sides,
7c. Reset stop watch,
7d. Give ball to the serving player (side if double),

7e. Ask players to start the game.

8. After the Last Game is finished:
8b. Do not update game indicator,
8c. Stop the Stop Watch,
8d. Write the Score card,
8e. Collect the ball,
8f. Update Score Board, as below, just before leaving the playing area:
8fa. Games : Blank on both sides,
8fb. Score : Blank on both sides,
8. Return Score Card to the appropriate authority,

8h. Report (in writing) to the Referee if any misconduct of players, or, of their captain/manager during the game.

9. Time-Out card indicator:
9a. The new score boards may have provisions for time-out cards on both sides.
9b. A player who has taken a time-out a white card should be on the side of the score board of that player.
9c. If the player has taken time-out before the last game is played do not forget to move the white card on the side of the player. If both players have taken time-out then there should be two white cards on both sides of the score board.