Inishowen Wildlife Club

Wildlife Habitates & Interesting Species of the Inishowen Peninsula

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The Inishowen Peninsula is located in the North East of County Donegal and includes Ireland's most northerly point, Malin Head. There is a good variety of habitats in this relatively small area which means many different species of Animals Birds and Plants can be found.

The habitats range from the rich farmland in the south of the peninsula to mountain and bog land in the centre and north . Inishowen is bounded on the west by Lough Swilly with Lough Foyle to the east and the Atlantic Ocean to the north, and this long coastline ranges from mudflats at the inner reaches of the loughs, through sandy beaches in the middle reaches to rugged rock and cliff on the Atlantic coast. There are small areas of natural woodland of mainly oak and much larger areas of state conifer forestry. The wetlands of Inch Lake and Blanket Nook are often mentioned in bird books as important areas for Ducks and Geese. The small area of hayfields around Malin Head have become very important recently as one of the few places in Ireland where the Corncrake still breeds

All these different habitats have their own particular community of animal and plant life adapted to the conditions of the habitat, for example Heather grows on acid soil mooreland but not on arable farmland. Even within a general habitat there micro habitats and one species will grow on wet areas while another will only grow on dryer areas.

The other pages of this site give an outline of areas of Inishowen with distinctive habitat types and some of the species that can be found there.

But remember ...............the best place to experience the wildlife of Inishowen is out there with the wind blowing in your hair.


The Urris Hills from Dunree.







Rugged Coastline Malin

View from Knockamany Malin


                                                                                                                      Lissnagrath Wood

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