

Included in the many facilities of the school are :-

  1. Nineteen classrooms (excluding specialist rooms).
  2. A modern Science department which has three fully equipped laboratories for Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  3. Three Technical Drawing rooms, two of which are located in the new wing of the school. Modern drawing office style desks are provided as standard.
  4. A fully equipped Geography/Environmental Studies room complete with weather satellite and computers.
  5. A tiered Demonstration Room which can facilitate sixty people.
  6. A modern Computer Room with an ethernet network of thirty Apple Power Macintosh computers, printers, scanners and the most up to date software (Microsoft Office, QuarkXpress, ClarisWorks, Filemaker Pro, Internet Explorer and Windows). All computers can simultaneously access the internet. The school also has its own web site and email addresses.
  7. An ultra modern Language Laboratory which can accommodate up to thirty six students each with their own individual workstation. There is also provision for video and slides.
  8. Specialist Business Studies room.
  9. School chapel located in the heart of the school linking both the old and the new sections.
  10. Library/Assembly Hall.
  11. Enclosed Basketball courts.
  12. Playing fields for Gaelic Football, Hurling and Rugby and Soccer.


In addition, the school is adjacent to the Mallow Youth Centre and Mallow Swimming Pool, both of which are used extensively in Physical Education classes.

The school has recently purchased its own school bus which is used to transport students to games, the Golf Club, the Driving Range, Outdoor Pursuits, outings etc.

Our next major development will be an ultra-modern, state of the art, super gymnasium to ensure that our students have the very best physical education.


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Date Last Modified: 30/9/00