PCA Portmarnock Beach Cycle lanes Planning committee Beach Council Decision Reduce waste

The PCA has a new environmental committee.

One of it's first projects will be to encourage participation in the An Taisce National Spring Clean

  • Saturday 16th of April between 11 and 1 but you can participate outside that time frame.
  • Parents are encouraged to bring children to 'lead by example'
  • Groups are welcome.
  • The main meeting point will be at the promenade, to thoroughly clean up the beach and dunes.
  • There will be another group cleaning along the estuary at Golf links Road.
  • Other areas may wish to concentrate on their own 'litter hot spots'.
  • Pickers will be available, gloves and protective wear should be worn by all.
  • Glass should be collected in heavy supermarket recycling bags.


If each of us picked up 6 pieces of litter on our walks the area would soon be spotless. Lead by example.