Avengers The Avengers
are the premier super-team in the United States.
The founding members were the Hulk, Thor, Iron
Man, Giant Man and the Wasp. Over the years the
team has included many famous characters; Beast,
Captain America, She-Hulk, Spider-man, Black
Widow, Namor and Scarlet Witch to name but a few.
The Avengers recently encountered GenX when the
team was visitng New York and Leech and Artie
attempted to enter the Avengers mansion disguised
as two of it's members.
Bastion First
appearance: Uncanny X-Men '95 Annual
was the leader of Operation: Zero Tolerance, an
inter-government organisation which wished to
control and eliminate mutants on Earth. He
captured Jubilee in order to learn about the X-Men.
It was revealed that Bastion was, in fact, a
sentinel who had been given sentience. The X-Men
eventually defeated Bastion and his current
whereabouts and status are unknown.
Beast First
appearance: Uncanny X-Men #1
Henry P. McCoy (aka Beast) is one of the founding
members of the X-Men. He possesses enhanced
strength, agility and speed as well as a high
level of intelligence. He visited the
Massachusetts Academy once to administer a test
to the GenXer's.
Bishop First
appearance: Uncanny X-Men #282
the future Bishop is a member of the XSE (Xavier
Security Enforcers). He travelled to our time to
stop the X-traitor who later turned out to be
Xavier in the form of Onslaught. Bishop aided
Generation X against Emplate and his enthralls.
He is currently trapped in an alternate future,
which he returned briefly to participate in 'The
Twelve' saga as he was one of the chosen. Bishop
possesses the ability to absorb and rechannel
Black Tom First
appearance: Uncanny X-Men #99
Tom Cassidy is the cousin of Banshee and second
cousin to Siryn. He raised Banshee's daughter and
thinks of her as his own. He has attacked
Generation X twice in the past; the first time he
nearly killed the entire team with the help of 'his'
Mondo, the second time they defeated him easily.
Tristan Brawn First
appearance: ?
was a normal human who attended the Massachusetts
Academy. He found out about Generation X and
threatened to tell everyone if Paige didn't go on
a date with him. He said then that he wouldn't
tell and Paige was dating him for awhile. It was
revealed that his grandfather, Hunter Brawn, was
responsible for the deaths of Jubilee's parents.
After the events of the six month gap, Tristan is
no longer involved with Paige. His current
whereabouts and status are unknown.
Bulwark First
appearance: Generation X #12
is one of Emplate's enthralls and helped him
capture Generation X. He was defeated by Leech,
Artie and M when Leech took away his mutant
powers. Bulwark possesses the ability to increase
his mass and strength.