Cannonball First
appearance: Marvel Graphic Novel #4
(aka Samuel Guthrie) is the elder brother of Husk
(aka Paige Guthrie). Paige looks up to her
brother and respects him. Cannonball is the
leader of X-Force (the team formerly known as the
New Mutants) and a former member of the X-Men.
Sam possesses a kinetic blasting field which
surrounds his body, making him near invulnerable
and allowing him to fly. Sam apparently died
during his last mission with X-Force.
Chevy First appearance:
Generation X #16
Chevy applied for a
job as handyman at the Massachusetts Academy. At
that time most of the team were in St. Louis and
only Chamber and Skin remained. When Chevy later
returned to the Academy he found himself alone.
It emerged that he was involved in the murder of
the mutant Dennis Hogan and that his father had
recommended that he keep his head low for awhile.
Chevy did show remorse for what he had done and
he was last seen in issue #20. His status and
current location are unknown.
Johnston Coffin First appearance:
Generation X #63
Warden Coffin was the
administrator at the House of Correction, a place
where 'troublesome' teenagers were sent. The
institution was apparently sanctioned by the
government. There the teenagers were neglected,
abused and some died. Generation X defeated
Coffin and closed down the House of Correction.
Coffin was, apparently, a mutant. His powers were
not named but they may have been super speed and
super strength.
Tom Corsi First appearance: New
Mutants #?
Tom Corsi was NYPD
officer who was transformed, along with nurse
Sharon Friedler, into a superhumanly strong
Native American by a demon bear that the New
Mutants were battling. He was offered a place at
the Academy by Professor Xavier and was helping
to train the GenXer's. After the 6 month gap he
is no longer at the Academy, his status and
location are unknown.
Daria First
appearance: Generation X #20
was an assistant to Bastion and as such was
involved in Operation: Zero Tolerance. When
Jubilee was captured by Bastion, Daria showed
concern for her and eventually helped her escape.
Whether Daria was some kind of Prime Sentinel or
another kind of robot is not certain. Her status
and current location are unknown.
D.O.A First appearance:
Generation X #1
D.O.A's the sidekick
to Emplate. Although he has never displayed any
mutant abilties it is presumed that he is a
mutant. His most recent appearance was issue #57.
His name might mean Dead On Arrival.
Ebon First
appearance: Generation X #57
this character was never named she has the
ability to control and generate ebon energy so
her name comes from that. As one of Emplate's
followers she was part of the attack on
Generation X, during their school dance, in an
attempt to regain Penance.
Lady Gayle Edgarton First
appearance: Generation X #10
was Chamber's girlfriend before the accident,
when his mutant powers surfaced resulting in
psionic energy exploding out of his chest. The
accident resulted in Chamber losing half his face
and his upper torso, and Gayle was crippled.
Seeking revenge she sought out Emplate and became
a parasite like him. When GenX were captured by
Emplate and his group of enthralls he turned on
Gayle. While captive she and Chamber were
reconciled and she no longer blames him for the
accident and it's effect on her life.
Eliot First
appearance: Generation X #4
was a boy whom everyone thought was a mutant
because he was malformed. When he transferred to
a school in Faybrook they immediately kicked him
out. Eliot then took a class full of kids hostage
as well as a teacher, Mr. Lorenanzo, who had
stood up for him. In the end Eliot let the
children go but the teacher died from a heart
attack brought on by the strain of the event.