This web site is meant to help you get up and running with Java development fairly quickly. If you're a Java newbie and are just starting out on the coding path, this site should provide you with some help. It gives an outline of how to setup your computer for developing Java and addresses some of the common issues you're likely to come up against. It also provides a list of Java resources that you should find helpful.
Advanced Topics:
The stuff at the end of the page
I hope this web site helps you overcome some of the problems you're likely to hit when you first start developing in Java. If you have any suggestions or advice for how this page could be improved, feel free to mail them to me. If you're looking for help with your compiler problems, don't feel free to mail me. If you've got a problem, take a look at the Java FAQ first, if your answer isn't there, then post a message to comp.lang.java.help or comp.lang.java.programmer . It's unlikely that someone won't be able to help you out.
since August 8th 2000 |
Last updated August 15th 2000 |