Unfortunatley, this page is a bit sparse but that's becuase I expunged most of my knowledge over the last few pages, but I'll still do my best in helping you work out what's wrong.
Why doesn't it work?
First off make sure your path is set properly. Open up a DOS window and type
If your path doesn't have C:\JDK1.3\BIN or something like that at the end, that's the source of your problems. Take another look at setting up Java and make sure you're following all the steps. If the program can't find certain classes when it's trying to run you could have a classpath problem. Take another look at setting up Java .
Without trying to be patronising, make sure the spelling of your file has exactly the same spelling as the name of the class. So
public class CoNVoLuTeD
has to be saved in
Could your text editor have added a .txt to your java file?
Open up My Computer, click View/Folder Options and click on the View tab. Make sure that
Hide File Extensions for Know File Types is not ticked. That way you can ensure that your .java files are indeed .java files and not .java.txt files.
If your program is behaving in an unexpected way, maybe returning results that you weren't expecting, chances are logic errors are causing the problem. Debuging should get rid of them for you. An effective debug strategy is presented by Patricia Shanahan at
That's about all I can suggest here. Take a look at the Java FAQ . You'll find plenty more suggestions there for where you could be going wrong.
Hope this helps
Last updated August 15th 2000 |