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The National
Consultative Committee,
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National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism


Page Contents:


Bewley, V., ed. The Travelling People in Ireland. Veritas, 1976.

Donald, James and Rattansi, Ali, eds. 'Race', Culture and Difference. Sage Publications, The Open University, 1992.

Dublin Traveller Education and Development Group, Irish Court for Civil Liberties, Irish Traveller Movement. Anti-Racist Law and the Travellers. 1993.

DTEDG File. Irish Travellers: New Analysis and New Initiatives. Pavee Point Publications, 1992.

DTEDG, ICCL, ITM, Anti-Racist Law and the Travellers. ITM, 1993.

Eurobarometer Opinion Poll No. 47.1: Racism and Xenophobia in Europe. Draft final report presented at the Closing Conference of the European Year Against Racism, Luxembourg, 18 and 19 December 1997.

Helleiner, Jane and Szuchewycz, Bohdan. 'Discourses of exclusion: The Irish Press and the Travelling People' in Others in Discourse: The Rhetoric and Politics of Exclusion. Newbury Park, Sage, 1994.

Husband, Charles. "Race in Britain: Continuity and Change," in "Introduction" to 'Race', the Continuity of a Concept. Ed. by Charles Husband. Hutchinson, 1982.

Jenkinson, Hilary. Racism and Prejudice in Ireland: The Position of Travellers in Irish Society: Which Way Forward? University College Cork, MSW thesis, 1993.

Kenny, Máirín. The Routes of Resistance: Traveller and Second-level Schooling. Ashgate, Aldershot, 1997.

Kovel, Joel. White Racism: A Psychohistory. New York: Vintage Books, 1971.

McVeigh, Robbie. The Racialisation of Irishness: Racism and Anti-Racism in Ireland. Belfast: Centre for Research and Documentation, 1996.

McVeigh, Robbie. Minority Ethnic Groups and Racism. CRD North/South Factsheet Series, number 5. Belfast: Centre for Research and Documentation, 1996.

Miles, R. Racism. London: Routledge, 1989.

Miles, Robert and Phizacklea, Anne. White Man's Country: Racism in British Politics. London: Pluto Press, 1984.

O'Connell, John. Travellers, Gypsies, Roma. Pavee Point Fact Sheet, 1997.

O'Connell, John. Reach Out. Pavee Point, 1994.

Troyna, B. and William, J. Racism, Education and the State. Croom Helm, 1986.

Roma, Gypsies, Travellers: East/West: Regional and Local Policies, Report of International Study Conference, Rome 1991. Pavee Point Publications, 1997.

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Cities Anti Racism Project. Its Been Our Experience. 1997

Committee on the Administration of justice. Racism in Northern Ireland. 1992

Comlámh. Refugees in Ireland: A Saga of Loss an Opportunity for Gain. Focus Winter 1997/98

Combat Poverty Agency. Strategic Plan. 1998

Combat Poverty Agency. Grants. 1997

Combat Poverty Agency. Poverty Today. (1997/98 editions)

Community Workers Cooperative. Co options two: Racism. 1990

Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. Strategic Plan 1998.

Danish Refugee Council. Legal and Social Conditions for Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Western European countries. 1995

Government of Ireland. The National Anti Poverty Strategy. 1997

Government of Ireland. Task Force Report on the Travelling People. 1995.

Government of the United Kingdom. Fairer, Faster and Firmer-A Modern Approach to Immigration and Asylum. CM 4018. July 1998

Harmony. Racial Discrimination in Ireland: Realities and Remedies. 1990 Homeless initiative. Homelessness, Housing Need and asylum seekers in Ireland. Homelessness Initiative. 1997.

Irish National Teachers Organisation. The Challenge of diversity. 1998 Irish Refugee Council. Annual Report. 1997

Lazenby; Simpson. Meeting the Language Needs of Refugees. TCD. 1996.

National Coordinating Committee. 1997 European Year Against Racism. Ireland Report. 1998

National Coordinating Committee. Ibid. Framework Programme. 1997.

National Coordinating Committee. Ibid. Racism and Poverty Proofing. 1998.

Nozinic. D. Educational Needs and Possibilities for Asylum Seekers in Ireland. 1997

Pavee Point. Incorporating an Anti Discrimination Theme within the proposed National Anti Poverty Strategy. 1995

Pavee Point. Roma; Gypsies and Travellers. East/West Regional and Local Policies. 1991

Refugee Agency Addressing Racism in Predominantly White Communities. 1997 Refugee Agency. A Part of Ireland Now. 1997

Refugee Resettlement Research Project. Report of a Survey of the Vietnamese and Bosnian Communities in Ireland. 1998.

Refugee language and Training project. Development of Pilot courses. March 1997- March 1998

Refugee Trust. Ireland's Link with the Global Refugee Crisis. 1997

Trocaire. Submission to the Oireachtas Sub Committee on Human Rights. 1997

Women's Human Rights Campaign. Refugee Women and the Right to Health Care. 1998.

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