Ireland Against Racism
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The National
Consultative Committee,
26 Harcourt Street,
Dublin 2.
Tel: (01) 4785777
Fax: (01) 4785778

National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism

Note: The NCCRI website has moved to the following address: Please adjust your bookmarks to the new address. You will now be redirected to this address.

An activity pack for schools and youth workers

Consultative Committee

The National Committee is a partnership of government departments, agencies and non government organisations. It was established by the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform in July 1998.

The overall aim of the Committee is to provide an ongoing structure to develop programmes and actions aimed at developing an integrated approach against racism and to act in a policy advisory role to the government. The development of such an approach goes hand and hand with the promotion of a more participative and intercultural society which is more inclusive of groups such as refugees, Travellers and other minority ethnic groups

The purpose of this website is to outline the work and approach of the National Consultative Committee on racism and Interculturalism and to provide contextual information on groups which experience racism in Ireland, including Travellers, refugees and asylum seekers.

The views expressed in this website do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

Website Contents

New: NCCRI Progress Report 1998-2000

World Conference: Towards the World Conference Against Racism and the Report of the Ireland Preparatory National Conference, November 2000.

Reporting Racist Incidents

The About Us page describes the aim of the committee, it's strategic approach, and policy initiatives which have the potential to impact on racism. February 2001 Newsletter.

The Traveller and Refugee pages give detailed contextual information regarding these two groups in Irish society. It is hoped, in the near future to provide further information about other minority groups within Ireland.

The Government page is a series of briefing papers which feed an anti-racist dimension into the Customer Action Plans being developed by each government department. There is also an Anti Racism Protocol for Political Parties.

A Bibliography is provided for further reading. There is a newsletter archive here.

A page of links to other websites relevant to racism in Ireland is provided. The Site Map page gives the contents (section by section) for the entire website.

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