Tidy Town Committee Members

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Rathbarry Tidy Town began in 1981. The late
Mary Hayes was founded member. She was the first person to plant a flower
in the village.
Officers were elected;
the late Tom Galvin, late Seamus Hodnett and Jim Maquire and a small committee
of the late Garry Rasmussen , late Dan Driscoll, and Matt Galvin.
It was very weak at the beginning. Then in 1989 new officers were
elected and it began to get serious work. A lot of hard work was put into
the villagebut in 1994 we hah a large general meeting and people got really
interested in Tidy Towns.
New officers were elected;
Eugene Scally was our new Chairman,
John O'Regan Vice chairman,
Donal Hayes Treasurer,
Breda Hodnett Secretary,
Esther O'Regan Assistent secretary,
Martin Barry and
James O'Hea Chief advisers
Joseph Hodnett and Martin Barry Public relations officers
From then on it was very serious business. We got great co-operation
from Cork County Council, FÀS, Duchás, Coillte, schoolchildren and business
people when it came to sponsoring material and machinery we needed and
our local people were second the none.
Also the generous people who gave their antique for museum and farm
machinery for the village.
This got the village the state it is in to-day