School is closed Thursday & Friday
2nd & 3rd March due to Met Eireann Severe Weather Warnings
The decision to close the school was taken by Father Michael, Chair BOM, in discussion with the Principal following severe weather warnings for the next two days.
1st March and the Snows Arrive!
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Great fun was had in the school yard by staff and pupils!
'Frásaí Na Seachtaine'
2nd Month
How did you get on with the first four phrases? If you missed them they are now in the archives, under newspage for February 2006; you can access them there or by clicking Feb 2006 NEWS ARCHIVE . Here are the 'frásaí na seachtaine' for the next four weeks:
Gabh mo leithscéal.
Excuse me...
Conas atá tú?
How are you?
Fáilte romhat
You're welcome...
Seo duit…
(On handing something to someone) Here... Here you are...
Now you try them at home!
K'Nex Competition in 4th Class
David Mullen from Tubbercurry Engineering arrived in 4th Class to introduce the K'NEX engineering challenge. The teams had to make a Green Machine to collect recycling material from home & school. The Green Machine:
- has wheels so it can move 1 metre
- has space to carry 3 containers of recycling material
- is not more than 30cm long or 15cm wide
- has a place for the driver to sit and
- can carry 500g of recycling material
Steps to Engineering aims to encourage primary and post primary students to explore the world o science and engineering and raise awareness about engineering as a career choice.
For more info log on to www.steps.ie
Many thanks David for your visit. The students clearly enjoyed the challenge
And the winning model was...

Courses for Parents at Sligo Education Centre
Please visit the Parent Page of this Website for details.
Future Dates:
17th March Closed St Patrick's Day
7th April Closing for Easter
24th April Opening for Summer term
1st May Closed Bank Holiday
20th May Saturday 11am First Communion
25th May Thursday 4pm Confirmation Rathcormac Parish Chuch (School Closed 12.30)
5th June Closed Bank Holiday
29th June Closing for Summer Holiday