

Weight: on average, about 1.5 kg (3lb). Ten billion (10,000,000,001) neurons. It seems that the potential of the human
brain is limitless/infinite. The human brain remembers by
linking and joining facts together. The United States
Senate declared the 1990s the ‘Decade of the Brain’, stating…….

“Resolved by the Senate and
House of Representatives of The United States of America in Congress assembled,
that the decade beginning January 1, 1990, hereby is designated the ‘Decade of
the Brain’, and the President of The United States is authorized and requested
to issue a proclamation calling upon all public officials and the people of The
United States
to observe such decade with appropriate programs and activities”.

The human brain is also known as the ‘central
eye’ from research done at Bell
Telephone Laboratories. Ivan Petrovich
Pavlov 1849-1936, claimed that the purpose of your brain was to couple neurons
(nerve cells) of which the human brain contains around 10 billion, through
synaptic junctions. Up until recently
the brain for scientists was a mysterious mass of grey and white matter floating like a bowl of custard between
the ears and remained a closed book and remained so until in 1970 Sir Bernard
Katz won the Nobel prize for medicine with his discovery that the brain actually
functioned on electrical impulses.
However, the function of vast sections of your brain remains something
of a black hole but the new generation of powerful microscopes, x-ray and
ultra-sound scanners has allowed scientists to construct three-dimensional
images of ‘thoughts’ hurtling around your brain. Work has even begun using brain-waves transmitted
by radio to control computers. In the future artillect brains
(artificial intellect) will not be restricted by space and life support systems
which limit the capacity of the human brain.
Your brain contains billions of neurons - nerve centers with the
capacity to control life-support systems and intelligence. Some areas, such as the
decoding mechanism for vision, the language center and vague areas dealing with personality are
semi-understood and what happens in the vast silent bulk of the brain, the
detailed anatomy of how the cells connect and the chemical messengers involved
remain largely a mystery. There are
about 100 billion nerve cells in your brain.
Tens of thousands of them, unable to connect with their neighbours,
self-destruct every day, even in unborn foetuses, for reasons unknown. One brain cell or neuron can be capable of
receiving up to 100,000 connections from other cells which, slowed down in
brain imaging, look like a series of mysterious knight moves from an endless game
of chess. It is thought that people who
remain receptive to new ideas retain a good access to such new pathways until
extreme old age. The main difference
between the brain and a computer, is that computers are pre-programmed and
human brains have unique sets of connections perpetually modified by
experience. The Brain Trust Charity
award the title ‘Brain of the Year’ annually.
Bill Wall’s Brain Games links