I only want to be with U

Chu Shogi
Also see ‘Shogi’ and ‘Tori’ in this dictionary
Chu Shogi is played on a 12 x 12 board and the
promotion zone comprises the four ranks furthest away from each player. It is played without drops. The 12 x
12 board looks like this - unchequered…….

The board is 12 cells/squares by 12, but otherwise is
the same as a Shogi board. The circular points [dots] are to mark ‘promotion
zones’ and to enable you to
visually divide the board up easily. The
letters and numbers are for notational purposes eg, the top right cell is A01, the bottom
left is L12, and so on. As usual, black [:A] plays ‘up’ the board, and white [:B] plays ‘down’ the board. The files are lettered 01 to 12 and the
ranks are lettered A to L. There are 144
cells/squares on this
board. There are 21 MPs/mps in the ISP
and 8 types of promoted piece [listed in the tables below], making a total of
29 types of MPs/mps used in Chu Shogi.
Initial Starting Position – ISP – for Chu Shogi
Also known as ‘Middle Shogi’. Chu Shogi, played on a 12 x 12 board is seen by
connisseurs as the ultimate form of the game.
The traditional Japanese version of this board game is unchequered. :A commences the
game on the top ranks of the board.
Promotion occurs on the top and bottom four ranks of cells for each
player – Ranks-01, 02, 03 and 04 for :A. Promotion is also optional. ‘Drops’ are not permitted in Chu Shogi. MPs/mps that are captured are removed from
play. The objective of the game is to capture your opponent’s KI or all of the
MPs/mps except the KI. Perpetual
check (+PC) is not permitted.
A typical game may run to 150+ moves.
If a player has promoted a DE (Drunk Elephant) to a CP (Crown Prince) it
is necessary to capture the CP as well as the KI to win the game. The LN (Lion) is considered the strongest MP
on the board. Three types of MP/mp are
used in Chu Shogi:
01 Step movers - nine different types.
02 Line movers - nine different types.
03 Leapers - three different types.

Left: Kimono Dance. Right: Man in front of Lantern
are a total of 92 MPs/mps. 29 types and
46 per side which are as follows:
Name Monogram
01 - 2 x Drunk Elephant DE1, DE2
02 - 1 x Free King FK1
03 - 1 x KI (the King is not numbered)
04 - 1 x Kylin KY1
05 - 1 x Lion LN1
06 - 1 x Phoenix PX1
07 - 2 x Bishop JB1, JB2
08 - 1 x Blind Tiger BT1
09 - 2 x Copper General CG1, CG2
10 - 2 x Dragon Horse DH1, DH2
11 - 2 x Dragon KI DK1, DK2
12 - 2 x Ferocious Leopard FL1, FL2
13 - 2 x Go-Between GB1, GB2
14 - 2 x Gold General GG1, GG2
15 - 2 x Spearman SP1, SP2
16 - 2 x Reverse Chariot RC1, RC2
17 - 2 x Rook JR1, JR2
18 - 2 x Side Mover SM1, SM2
19 - 2 x Silver General SG1, SG2
20 - 2 x Vertical Mover VM1, VM2
21 - 12 x Samurai SA1 to SA12

Left: Children. Right: Japanese Fans.
Promoted/Enrobed pieces
22 - Flying Stag FG1
23 - Horned Falcon HF1
24 - Soaring Eagle SE1
25 - Crown Prince CP1
26 - White Horse WH1
27 - Whale WE1
28 - Free Boar FB1
29 - Flying Ox FO1

Left: Pond with Carp. Right: Traditional Dancer.
ISP of Chu Shogi
SP02 FL02 CG02 SG02 GG02 DE01 –KI- GG01 SG01 CG01 FL01 SP01 -12
RC02 ---- JB02 ---- BT02 PH01 KY01 BT01 ---- JB01 ---- RC01 -11
SM02 VM02 JR02 DH02 DK02 FK01 LN01 DK01 DH01 JR01
VM01 RC01 -10
SA12 SA11 SA10 SA09 SA08 SA07 SA06 SA05 SA04 SA03
SA02 SA01 -09
---- ---- ---- GB02 ---- ---- ----
---- GB01 ---- ---- ---- -08
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -07
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -06
---- ---- ---- GB01 ---- ---- ----
---- GB02 ---- ---- ---- -05
SA01 SA02 SA03 SA04 SA05 SA06 SA07
SA08 SA09 SA10 SA11 SA12 -04
SM01 VM01 JR01 DH01 DK01 LN01 FK01
DK02 DH02 JR02 VM02 SM02 -03
RC01 ---- JB01 ---- BT01 KY01 PH01 BT02 ---- JB02 ---- RC02 -02
SP01 FL01 CG01 SG01 GG01 –KI- DE01
GG02 SG02 CG02 FL02 SP02 -01
-A-- -B-- -C--
-D-- -E-- -F-- -G-- -H-- -J-- -K-- -L-- -M--
what follows, the moves of the MPs/mps are described as if the MPs/mps were
‘black’, ie: playing ‘up’ the board. The diagrams below are scanned in (with permission) from
the leaflet describing Chu Shogi, which is supplied by G F Hodges. The quality
of the scanned images leaves something to be desired, but this is unavoidable
due to the resolution of the scanner I am using. To get the move for the white move, simply
rotate all directions (and the piece!) through 180 degrees. A circle means that the piece can move to
the cell/square so marked (step mover).
An arrow means the piece may move any number of cells/squares in that
direction (ranging mover). A cross
means that the piece may move to that cell/square, jumping other pieces if
necessary (jumping mover).
are three types of MP/mp:
01 Step movers
02 Ranging movers
03 Jumping movers
Kakugyo moves any number of squares/cells in a diagonal direction. Initially, each side has two Kakugyo. Blacks Kakugyo are sited at K10 and K03,
whites Kakugyo at B10 and B03. The
Kakugyo promotes to a Dragon Horse.

The Moko moves one cell/square in any direction except
north. Initially, each side has two
Moko. Blacks Moko are situated at K08
and K05, whites Moko at B08 and B05.
The Moko promotes to a Flying Stag.

The Dosho moves one cell/square in a north-west, north,
north-east or south direction. Initially, each side has two Dosho. Blacks Dosho are situated at L10 and L03, whites Dosho at A10 and A03. The Dosho promotes to a Side Mover.

The Ryume may move any number of cells/squares in a
diagonal direction, plus one cell orthogonally. Initially, each side has two Ryume. Blacks Ryume are situated at J09 and J04,
whites Ryume at C09 and C04. The Ryume
promotes to a Horned Falcon.

The Ryuo may move any number of cells/squares in an
orthogonal direction, plus one cell diagonally. Initially, each side has two Ryuo. Blacks Ryuo are sited at J08 and J05, whites
Ryuo at C08 and C04. The Ryuo promotes
to a Soaring Eagle.

The Suizo moves a single cell/square in any direction
except south. Initially, each side has a
single Suizo. Blacks Suizo is situated
at L06, whites at A07. The Suizo
promotes to a Crown Prince.

The Mohyo moves one cell/square in any of the forward
or backwards directions, that is, n-w, n, n-e, s-w, s, s-e. Initially, each side has two Mohyo. Blacks Mohyo are situated at L11 and L02,
whites at A11 and A02. The Mohyo
promotes to a Bishop.

The Hon’o noves any number of cells/squares in any
orthogonal or diagonal direction.
Initially, each side has one Hon’o.
Blacks Hon’o is situated at J06, whites at C07. The Hon’o does not promote.

The Chunin moves one cell/square orthogonally forwards
or backwards, ie: north or south.
Initially, each side has two Chunin.
Blacks Chunin are situated at H09 and H04, whites at E09 and E04. The Chunin promotes to Drunk Elephant.

The Kinsho moves one cell in any direction except the
two backwards diagonals, ie, 1 cell in a n-w, n, n-e, e, s, w direction. Initially, each side has two Kinsho. Blacks Kinsho are situated at L08 and L05,
whites at A08 and A05. The Kinsho
promotes to Rook.

The Osho moves one cell/square in any direction. Each side has one Osho. Blacks osho is situated at L07, whites at
A06. The Osho does not promote.

The Kirin may move (jumping if necessary) two
cells/squares in an orthogonal direction (n, s, e, w) or one cell/square in a
diagonal direction (n-w, n-e, s-e, s-w).
Initially, each side has one Kirin.
Blacks Kirin is located at K07, whites at B06. The Kirin promotes to a Lion.

The Kyosha may move any number of cells/squares in a
forwward (ie, north) direction.
Initially, each side has two Kyosha. Blacks Kyosha are located at L01 and L12, whites at A01 and A12. The Kyosha promotes to White Horse.

The Shishis move is complicated. The Shishi may move to a cell/square or jump
directly to a cell (1), capturing or not the Shishi may capture at a (1)
cell/square and then move to an adjacent
(1) or (2) cell/square without further capture. The Shishi may capture two enemy MPs/mps at
adjacent (1) and (1) or (1) and (2) cells.
The Shishi may capture at a (1) cell/square and then return to its
starting position, thus capturing without moving position, thus skipping a

Each side has one Shishi. Blacks Shishi is located at J07, whites at
C06. Each side has one Shishi. Blacks Shishi is located at J07, whites at
The Shishi does not promote. The Shishi may also capture a MP/mp on a (1)
cell/square, and then return to its original cell/square, or move to a (1)
cell/square and then back to its original cell/square (effectively
Information relating to capture of a Shishi
(from Adrian King): Shishi capture restrictions are as follows…….
These rules strongly discourage exchanges of Shishis,
and since the Shishi is the most powerful piece on the board, the Shishi
capture restrictions significantly affect the play of the game.
The Fuhyo may move one cell/square forward (ie,
north). Initially, each side has 12
Fuhyo. Blacks Fuhyo are located at I01
to I12, whites at D01 to D12. The Fuhyo
promotes to a gold general.

The Hoo may move one cell/square orthogonally (n, s,
e, w) or two cells/squares diagonally (jumping if necessary). Each side has one Hoo. Blacks Hoo is located at at K06, whites at
B07. The Hoo promotes to a Free

The Hansha may move any number of cells/squares
orthogonally forward or backward (ie, north or south). Each side has two Hansha. Blacks Hansha are located at K01 and K12,
whites at B01 and B12. The Hansha promotes
to a Whale.

The Hisha may move any number of cells/squares in an
orthogonal direction (ie: n, s, e, w).
Each side has two Hisha. Blacks
Hisha are located at J03 and J10, whites at C03 and C10. The Hisha promotes to Dragon King.

The Ogyo may move one cell/square forwards or
backwards (north, south) or any number of cells/squares sideways (east,
west). Each side has two Ogyo. Blacks Ogyo are located at J01 and J12,
whites at C01 and C12. The Ogyo
promotes to a Free Boar.

The Ginsho may move one cell diagonally or
orthogonally forwards or one cell diagonally backwards, ie, n-w, n, n-e, s-e,
sw. Each side has two Ginsho. Blacks Ginsho are located at L04 and L09,
whites at A04 and A09. The Ginsho
promotes to a Vertical Mover.

The Kengyo may move any number of cells/squares
orthogonally forwards or backwards (north or south) or one cell orthogonally
sideways (west or east). Each side has
two Kengyo. Blacks Kengyo are situated
at J02 and J11, whites at B02 and
B11. The Kengyo promotes to a
Flying Ox.

The Taishi may move one cell/square in any direction
(n, n-e, e, s-e, s, s-w, w, n-w). The
Taishi is a promoted Drunk Elephant.

The Hiroku may move any number of cells/squares
orthogonally forwards or backwards (north or south), or one cell diagonally
backwards or forwards (n-e, s-e, s-w or n-w), or one cell/square orthogonally
sideways (west or east). The Hiroku is
a promoted Blind Tiger.

The Higyu may move any number of cells/squares
diagonally or orthogonally backwards or forwards. The Higyu is a promoted Vertical Mover.

The Honcho may move any number of cells diagonally
forwards or backwards or orthogonally sideways. The Honcho is a promoted Side Mover.

The Kakuo may move any number of cells/squares in any
diagonal or orthogonal direction except forwards. Orthogonally forwards, it may move to (2)
with a jump or to (1). The Kakuo is a
promoted Dragon Horse.

The Kakuo may also capture a piece on a (1)
cell/square, and then return to its original cell/square. The Kakuo may also capture a piece on a (1)
cell/square, and then move to a (2) cell/square, also capturing ie, capturing 2
MPs/mps at one move.
The Tokin moves one cell/square in any direction
except the two backwards diagonals, ie, 1 cell in a n-w, n, n-e, e, s, w
direction. The Tokin is a promoted

The Hiju may move any number of cells/squares
orthogonally sideways or forwards (n, s, e or w), or diagonally backwards (s-e
or s-w), or diagonally forward (n-w or n-e) to a (1) cell/square or a (2)
cell/square with a jump. The Hiju is a
promoted Dragon King.

The Hiju may also capture a piece on a (1)
cell/square, and then return to its original cell/square. The Hiju may also capture a piece on a (1)
cell/square, and then move to a (2) cell/square, also capturing ie, capturing 2
MPs/mps at one move.

The Keigei may move any number of cells/squares
orthogonally backwards or forwards (north or south), or diagonally backwards
(s-e or s-w). The Keigei is a promoted
Reverse Chariot.
The Hakku may move any number of cells/squares
orthogonally backwards or forwards (north or south), or diagonally forwards
(n-e or n-w). The Hakku is a promoted Lance.

Chu shogi notation is the same algebraic form as that
of Shogi. The diagram below was scanned
in (with permission) from the leaflet describing Chu Shogi, which is supplied
by G
At the start of play, the board is set up like
this - Japanese symbols are used for the MPs/mps…….

Chu-shogi rules are the same as for normal Shogi except that drops are not allowed.
There are other ways of deciding the game, including:
You can capture all of your opponent’s pieces except
his King.
The old texts say that a Kinsho and Osho against a
bare Osho wins. This is taken to mean
that a bare Osho loses because it is impossible to have less than a Kinsho (all
pieces promote to at least a Kinsho or better or have higher initial power
anyway) and it is not necessary to play out the sometimes difficult
The promotion rules are invoked less often in the
course of a typical Chu Shogi game than the Shishi capture rules, but the first
rule at least does sometimes come up in practice.
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