Midi: Along Again - Melody: “Brother, Where Art Thou”  

Double Check +DO

A +DO is when two MPs/mps attack the KI at the same time.   The KI checked by two different MPs/mps.   +DO is nothing other than a +DC where the discovering MP gives +CH at the same time.   It is more effective than other +CHs.   You cannot defend yourself against +DO by either interposing a MP/mp or capturing one of the checking MPs/mps with a MP other than the KI.   The KI in +CH is obliged unconditionally to withdraw from the cell on which he stands.   Also, +DO is given by MPs that have different ways of moving.   This rule knows only two exceptions, which arise out of the regulations covering taking ‘en passant’ and PA promotion.   +DO is even more frequently put to use for the purpose of bringing about a direct checkmate.   A move that is a discovered +CH, and in which the MP that moves also gives +CH.   The only way out of a +DO is to move your KI - you cannot block both checking MPs, nor can you make a move that would capture them both at once. 

          +CH by two MPs at the same time.   The opposing KI must be moved from the cell on which he resides.  +DO is brought about by the masking MP also giving +CH.   Of the three possible parries to a +CH (capture, interposition, flight), two are nugatory (latin: worthless).  Flight is the only possible move available.   +DC is a tactical weapon.   In the example below the XY notation is shown on the left.   The acentric notation is indicated on the right. 

01A PA5-E02/E04 PA5-C04/A02

01B PA4-E07/E06 PA4-C13/B03

02A PA4-D02/D04 PA4-C03/A01

02B PA5-D07/D05 PA5-C14/A04

03A KT1-B01/C03 KT1-D02/B01

03B KT1-G08/F06 KT1-D16/B07

04A BS1-C01/G05 BS1-D03/C09

04B BS1-F08/E07 BS1-D17/C13

05A PA5-E04/E05 PA5-A02/A03

05B KT1-F06/E04 KT1-B07/A02

06A BS1-G05*E07-BS1 BS1-C09*C13-BS1

06B QU1-D08*E07-BS1 QU1-D19/C13-BS1

07A KT1-C03*E04-KT1 KT1-B01*A02-KT1

07B PA5-D05*E04-KT1 PA5-A04/A02-KT1

08A QU1-D01/E02 QU1-D04/C04

08B KT2-B08/D07 KT2-D21/C14

09A %Q %Q

09B PA3-F07/F06 PA3-C12/B07

10A PA5-E05*F06-PA3 PA5-A03*B07-PA3

10B KT2-D07*F06-PA5 KT2-C14*B07-PA5

11A PA7-G02/G03 PA7-C06/C07

11B %K %K

12A BS2-F01/G02 BS2-D06/C06

12B PA4-E06/E05 PA4-B08/A03

13A BS2-G02*E04-PA5 BS2-C06*A02-PA5

13B KT2-F06*E04-BS2 KT2-B07*A02-BS2

14A QU1-E02*E04-KT2 QU1-C04*A02-KT2

14B RO1-F08*F02-PA6 RO1-D17/C05-PA6

15A KT2-G01/F03 KT2-D07/B04

15B QU1-E07/F07 QU1-C13/C12

16A KT2-F03/G05 KT2-B04/C09

16B BS2-C08/F05 BS2-D20/B06

17A QU1-F04*B07-PA7 QU1-A02/C16-PA7

17B RO1-F02*C02-PA3+CH RO1-C05*C02-PA3+CH

18A KI-C01/B01 KI-D03/D02

18B RO1-C02/C01+DO RO1-C02/D03+DO

19A KI-B01*C01-RO1 KI-D02*D03-RO1

19B QU1-F07/C04+CH QU1-C12/B12+CH

20A KI-C01/D02 KI-D03/C03

20B QU1-C04/D03+CH QU1-D12/B02+CH

21A KI-D02/E01 KI-C03/D05

21B QU1-D03/E03+CH QU1-D02/B03+CH

22A KI-E01/F01 KI-D05/D06

22B RO2-A08/F08 RO2-D22/D17

23A RO1-D01/E01 RO1-D04/D05

23B BS2-F05/H03++DO BS2-B06/D10++DO

++LS for :A ++WN for :B

Set-up the board and play through the moves as shown above.   Notice in the above example that :B

 gives +DO on move 18B.   Notice in the above example that :B gives ++DO on move 23B.   B-RO2 and B-BS2 both +CH the KI at the same time (++DO = Double Checkmate). 







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