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Draw ++DR


Below Left:  KI and KT against KI is a ++DR.   You can see from the diagrams below that it is not possible to get ++CM.   If you have KI and two KTs against a KI you can get checkmate but you cannot force checkmate, so it is also a draw.   Below Right:  the same thing happens with KI and BS against KI - if you get this you can agree a ++DR.   You can also agree a draw with KI and KT against KI and KT, KI and KT against KI and BS, or KI and BS against KI and BS.   With KI and two BSs against KI you can ‘force ++CM’ - but it is quite difficult to achieve.   With KI, BS and KT against KI you can ‘force ++CM’ - but it is also quite hard to achieve. 


A ++DR can be achieved in the following ways……. 

01 Stalemate - ++ST. 

02 Repetition of moves/triple recurrence of position (++TR). 

03 By the 50 move rule. 

04 By mutual agreement. 

05 Perpetual +CH (+PC).   Pendulum Check (+PE). 

06 :A and :B both run out of time on their clocks (++LT).   By the falling of one player’s flag when the adversary has insufficient material to bring about checkmate. 

In Chinese Chess stalemate is a loss for the side that is stalemated.   In the game of Chesmayne ++ST can be a ++DR or a ++LS and is decided by the players at the commencement of a game.   The result of a game in which neither side wins.  In competition chess, 0.5 points are awarded to each player for a draw.   The French sometimes use the word ‘remis’ or ‘nulle’ to indicate a draw.   Pendulum ++DR: moving a MP back and forward while at the same time giving +CH to the opposing KI (this is different from a +PC ending).   Shogi and Go by their nature preclude drawn endings.   Both players shake hands like soldiers who have come to the end of a lost cause.   The first time that a draw counted as 0.5 points was at the Dundee International of 1867.   Until 1952 the USCF laws stated that a draw could not be accepted by mutual agreement until 30 moves were played. 

          Drawn Games: in competitive play the effect of a draw is that each player scores half a win ie, half a point, 0.5.   In chess there are four distinct ways in which a game may be drawn……. 

07 It used to be permissible to offer a draw at any stage of a game.   The introduction of chess clocks, however, made it necessary to forbid a player to distract the opponent while the latter’s clock was ticking.   The precise moment for offering a draw is just after moving and just before starting your opponent’s clock.   Simply making a move counts as a refusal.   You cannot be compelled to talk in chess except for a single phrase in archaic French ‘J’adoube’.   If both armies are reduced below the strength needed for checkmate, the players normally agree to a draw automatically.   But it is not compulsory.   So against an obstinate opponent you might need to invoke the method listed below, the 50-move rule.   In actual practice I have never seen this lunacy occur in real life.   French: ‘patta’ (++DR). 

08 When a player is not in check as the MPs/mps stand but has no move except one that would place the KI in check, it is stalemate.   It is not checkmate, because it is not even check.   The game cannot go on, as the stalemated player has no legal move, and yet neither player has won.   So the game is called a draw.   Stalemate adds a touch of quaintness to chess.   Stalemate in a game of chess is either a draw or a loss and is agreed as such before a game is played.   On Level-01 it is always a draw.   See Chinese chess.  

09 Only the player whose turn it is to move can claim a draw and must prove that the existing position has occurred ‘twice before’ at h/er turn to move, or else that by the next move, which must be indicated but not played could produce a position that has occurred twice before with your opponent to move.  The draw by ‘recurrence’ is often called a ‘draw by repetition’.   But many players think it means ‘repetition of moves’ and actually call it that.  They think that moves that produce the first, second and third occurrence of a position need not be the same.   They are irrelevant.   A particular case of the above is +PC.  

10 When each player has made 50 successive moves without a capture or PA move.   Rare.   In a competitive game, a player writes down each move as it is played, so a 50-move claim is easily settled. 

In Summary: a game of chess is drawn when……. 

11 Stalemate occurs (++ST).   This results when the player to move is not in +CH and is unable to make a legal move (:le).   The opposite of a :le is an illegal move (:im). 

12 Both players agree to a ++DR. 

13 Upon a claim by the player having the move, when the same position, for the 3rd time is about to appear or has just appeared, the same player having the move each time. 

14 When 50 consecutive moves have been made by each side, with neither a MP/mp being taken, nor a mp being moved. 

15 When only KI versus KI remains. 

16 When KI versus KI and only one KT or BS remains.

17 When KI and BS versus KI and BS remains, with both BSs on diagonals of the same colour.

18 Both players run out of time (this can only occur if one player fails to realize that h/er opponent has run out of time). 

19A French: Nulle.   19B German: Remis.   19C Italian: Patta.   19D Spanish: Empatada. 

A draw - nulle, nullité
To draw (drew) - annuler (annulé)
Drawn position - position de nullité 
The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for!  

Chess-Poster link: Laws of Chess


The game is drawn, upon a correct claim by the player having the move, if:

S/he writes on h/er scoresheet, and declares to the
Arbiter h/er intention to make a move which shall result in the last 50 moves having been made by each player without the movement of any PA and without the capture of any MP/mp.


The last 50 consecutive moves have been made by each player without the
movement of any PA and without the capture of any MP/mp. 

Things to say when offered a draw…….

“Why don’t you just resign now and avoid the rush?”

”With your position, a lady/gentleman would know enough to resign”. 

“Do you call THAT a move???”

“What!   You dare to make such a move against ME?”

“You know, Dominoes is such a wonderful game.   Maybe you’d like it better”. 




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