is silver bells

Knight Magnifico :KM

grandee or great personage ie, a Venetian Grandee. Magnific signifies magnificent, imposing,
grandiose, pompous, noble, sublime, great in deeds, lavish. The KM in the game of Chesmayne moves in a 2 x 2 fashion and may jump over the heads
of other MPs/mps on the board just like his near-relative the
occidental KT. The letters
KM are used to identify this chess MP. They may be
used on the 8 x 8 and larger boards.
Magnificent signifies august, stately, majestic, imposing, sumptuous, grand. Magnificent, gorgeous, splendid, superb are
terms of high admiration. That which is
magnificent is beautiful, princely, grand, or ostentatious. That which is gorgeous moves one to
admiration by the richness and often colourful variety of its effects. That which is splendid is dazzling or
impressive in its brilliance, radiance, or excellence: ‘splendid jewels’. That which is superb is above others in, or
is of the highest degree of, excellence or elegance. On Level-1, 02 and 03 they may be used instead of the traditional KT or,
you could have one traditional KT and one Knight Magnifico (KM). KM1 and KM2. Song: ‘Vesti la Guibba’. Eximious: excellent, distinguished, eminent.
La Rendicion de
Granada jigsaw puzzle – 8,000 pieces. A beautiful work by Francisco
Pradilla transformed into a challenging, high-quality jigsaw puzzle with 8,000
pieces and measuring, when completed, approximately 75.5 x 53.5 inches. Manufactured in Spain by Educa.

KM1 and KM2 on a 10 x 10 board
KM1 or KM2 can
move to 1, 2 or 4 cells depending on the cell position.
KM1 or KM2 placed
in B$A can move to 4 cells.
KM1 or KM2 placed
in B$B can move to 4 cells.
KM1 or KM2 placed
in B$C can move to 4 cells.

KM1 or KM2 placed
in B$D can move to 1 or 2 depending on the cell position.
KM1 placed in $A01
can move to 1 cell ($C03).
KM1 placed in $B02
can move to 1 cell ($D04).
KM2 placed in $H02
can move to 2 cells ($F04 or $K04).

Chess will never be the same! Knightmare Chess is chess played with cards
- and what cards! Each card breaks the rules
in a wild and unpredictable way, giving the game more twists and turns than a
roller coaster. A translation of the
popular French game ‘Tempete sur l’Echequier’ by Pierre Clequin and Bruno Faidutti, ‘Knightmare Chess’
has 80 big, beautiful cards - each with an individual color
painting by Brazilian
artist Rogerio Vilela.

Some ‘Knightmare Chess’ cards affect a single
move, while some change the entire game!
Each card is assigned a point value, so you can build custom decks based
on an agreed point total, or handicap the match so the better player has fewer powerful
cards. The possibilities are endless -
and so is the fun!
Stock number: 1321 ISBN: 1-55634-332-9
Suggested retail price : $16.95 Ordering

Chess, Set 2 is
now available! 80 NEW cards for more
chess chaos and fun!
Also New: Knightmare Chess Blank
A packet of 20 cards with ‘Knightmare
Chess’ backs and blank fronts, for those of you who want to create your own
fiendishly clever cards. Stock number: 1323.
Suggested retail price: $4.95.
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Knightmare Gallery, card images from Knightmare Chess artist Rogerio Vilela.
us a Suggestion for a new Knightmare Chess Card.
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