Also see: ‘Knight Tours’
KN |
figurines |
Xiangqi KT figurines |
KT piece |
KT figurine |
Graphics of Staunton KT pieces |
01 A mounted
soldier - a man of noble birth, who after an apprenticeship as page and squire
is raised to honorable military rank and bound to chivalrous conduct ie, Thomas
a Becket (1118-1170) was trained in knightly exercises at Pevensey Castle and
showed his knightly prowess in the Toulouse campaign (1159). He was murdered in Canterbury Cathedral in
1170 by four knights.
Knight. From the ‘Charlemagne’ pieces. Ivory – Italy, end of the 11th
Century. Paris Cabinet des
médailles. |
02 Staunton chess-set: the MPs shaped like a horse’s head which have an ‘L’ shaped movement. Chesmayne: 2 x 1, 2 x 2, 3 x 1, 3 x 2, 4 x 1
and 4 x 2 etc. The KT moves 2 cells
horizontally and one cell vertically or visa versa. The KT may pass through cells that are
occupied by the :A
or :B MPs/mps. The KTs move
has not changed or been modified since chess was invented/devised.
How the KT moves
03 Knight Errant:
a wandering knight who travels in search of adventures, to exhibit military
skill etc - quixotic conduct or action.
of Sir Gawain Jigsaw Puzzle – 1,500 pieces.
Image is from Sir Edward Burne-Jones
tapestry; Burne-Jones was a leading member of the Pre-Raphaelites. The central figure, Sir Gawain, was the noblest and most gentle of the knights of King Arthur. Quality
puzzle, manufactured in Spain by Educa. : 33.5” x 23.6”..
“Every man has something of Don Quixote in his humour, some darling
Dulcinea of his thoughts, that sets him very often upon mad adventures. What Quixote’s, does not every age produce in
politics and religion, who fancying themselves to be in the right of something,
which all the world tells ‘em is wrong...?” – Motteaux.
04 The 2 x 1 move
of the traditional KT was invented over 1500 years ago - symbol: KT.
05 The Chinese
knight symbol:
The KT moves in the shape of an ‘L’, 2 x 1 or, 1 x 2.
06 Knights are
effective when placed in the center of the board but when placed near the edge lose some of their power – “a KT on the rim is very dim”. KTs have the ability of jumping over MPs/mps, so you can bring them out early during a game. Because of their leaping
ability, KTs work well in blocked positions as they may move to critical cells
and stage surprise raids on your opponent.
In the endgame they are at their weakest because of their slow
movement which is a hinderance (compare them with the BSs). The move of the KT is
unusual. The KT (Level-1) is the only MP which has the ability of leaping over other
MPs/mps. The other MPs/mps are
dependent on their freedom from obstruction by their own and your opponent’s
MPs/mps. The knights are the only MPs
which can be moved before the mps are moved.
The KI,
RO2, BS1 and BS2 are all hemmed in by the mps on rank-2. The KTs
have the liberty of springing over the heads of the other MPs/mps and enter the
field of action instantly. If a KT is
stationed on a light
cell of B$A he has access to eight XD cells (dark coloured). If stationed on an XL (light coloured) cell he has access to eight dark cells. If you place a KT on the side of the board (B$D), he may move to four cells.
Standing in a corner a KTs action is diminished, having only two cells
to which to move. Since its
introduction to European chess the KT has not undergone any variation in power
or action. The attack of a KT is more
subtle and dangerous than that of any other MP, because they attack without
putting themselves en
prise, and their
attack cannot be prevented by the interposition of another MP/mp. Due to the
KTs moving ability, they can jump over the other MPs/mps and wend their way
into the penetralia of your opponent’s position, and if attacked can jump back
(retreat) to safety.
Anna Morandi
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The L-shaped movement of the
knights (KT, KM, SB, KN etc) has rendered them the favorite MP of many
players. In the end phase a KT plus three PAs has the advantage over a BS and three PAs because the
KT can move from the XL to XD cells quite easily.
A BS is confined to either the XL or XD cells. The KT is not as useful in defending as a BS or RO because if forced to retreat the KT ceases to defend,
while a RO or BS can move back and still offer protection. The traditional KT is known by different
names in differing countries:
# |
Language |
Piece |
Game Name |
01 |
English |
Knight KT |
Chess Chesmayne |
02 |
French |
Cavalier |
echecs |
03 |
German |
Springer |
Schachspiel |
04 |
Italian |
Cavallo |
scacchi |
05 |
Spanish |
Caballo |
Ajedrez |
06 |
Portuguese |
Cavalo |
Xadrez |
07 |
Russian |
Kon |
IIIaxmatbl |
08 |
Arabic |
Faras |
Ash-shatranj |
09 |
Latin |
Equus |
Scaci |
Jigsaw Puzzle: Knight
Moves - by Schmid. His puzzles
are well known for their extreme attention to detail and versatile designs.
This line of jigsaw puzzles range in size from 100 (children’s puzzles) to
2,000 (adult puzzles) pieces. Unique
shaped puzzles also available in our children’s puzzle section. Finished puzzle
measures: 20 x 27 inches. 1000 piece
07 The KT as a symbol has come to represent the virtues of chivalry.
08 Phidias was the sculptor who worked on the Parthenon (see Elgin
Marble’s) and is considered
the greatest sculptor of Ancient
09 Tristan und
Isolde by Richard Wagner: tells the story of the Cornish knight Tristan, who is
taking the Irish princess Isolde to KI Marke as a bride. Considered one of the greatest operatic musical expressions of sexual love.
10 Arcite: a
Thebian knight and imprisioned with Palamon at
11 Walter Map and
other Arthurian writers introduced the romantic spirit of Chivalry
and courtly manners into European literature. KI Arthur became
the embodiment of the ideal Christian Knight.
12 Britomart: a
female knight. In Spenser’s Faerie QU, she is the personification of chastity and purity. She dashes her enemies violence into
adoration and blank awe.
13 Sir Calidore,
(Spenser’s Faerie QU): the most courteous of all the knights who was given the
name ‘all-beloved’.
14 Battle of
Camlan: the fight which brought the end of the knights of the Round Table.
15 The Knight of
16 Amadis of
17 Latin: ‘salire’,
‘to leap.’
18 Baffle: a
punishment or degradation of a recreant knight including hanging him or his
effigy by the heels from a tree.
19 Knight of the
20 Last KT of the KIs :&G (Kings Gambit). This term was
applied to Rudolf Spielmann.
21 St Thomas a Becket: murdered in the cathedral by four knights of KI Henry
the 2nd in 1170. In 1997 the
Basilica of
22 See Knights
has a selection of knights that can be used during a game…
01 2 x 1 The traditional KT of
occidental chess KT.
02 2 x 1 The oriental
knight of Chinese
chess KN.
03 2 x 2 Knight Magnifico KM.
04 3 x 1 Standard-Bearer SB.
05 4 x 1 Bannerette BA.
06 3 x 2 Pallatine PA.
07 4 x 2 Praetorian Guard PG.
Other knights that may be used are listed below:
08 Knight Bachelor KB
09 Knight of Columbus KC
10 Knight of Saint John KJ
11 Knight of
12 Knight Templar TE
13 Knight Cossack CK
14 Knight of the Garter KG
KT1 and
KT2 on an 8
x 8 board
KT1 or KT2 can move to 2, 3, 4, 6
or 8 cells depending on the cell position.
KT1 or KT2 placed in B$A can
move to 8 cells.
KT1 or KT2 placed in Block-B can
move to 8 cells.
In B$C a KT can move to 4 or 6
depending on the cell position.
In B$D a KT can move to 2, 3 or 4
depending on the cell position.
KT1 or KT2 from the ISP
(Level-1) can move to 2 cells.
A KT placed in $A01 can move to 2
cells $B03 or $C02.
A KT placed in $B01 can move to 3
cells $A03, $C03 or $D02.
A KT placed in $C01 can move to 4
cells $A02, $B03, $D03 or $E02.
A KT placed in $C02 can move to 6
cells $A01, $A03, $B04, $D04, $E03 or$E01.
Since the KT
can jump over the other MPs/mps, he is good on a crowded board. A KT fork is a deadly coup.
A well-posted KT is as good as a well-posted BS, but it takes longer for a KT to get to a good post. The KT is a MP in the Chesmayne set - KT1 and KT2 are equal in
strength. Both the KT and BS are less
powerful, and therefore less valuable, than RO1,
RO2 and QU1. It may help to think of the KT as a horse leaping over fences. The KTs capture in exactly the same way that they move, replacing the chess MP/mp that
occupies the cell they land in.
Anna Morandi
Title: Il
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Bernard of
Clairvaux 1090-1153 drew up the statutes of the Knights Templar in 1128. Mounted knights became a professional brotherhood
during the middle ages and from this arose the word ‘chivalry’ (from the French
cheval, or horse). The era in
which knights wore various colours and carried banners is long gone but their
tradition is still carried on by the horse racing fraternity in which the
riders wear various colours ie, The Oaks, The Prix de l’arc de Triumph, various
Derby’s, the Grand National or the Australian Cup being modern day
Regarding the Knights
Templar from Goddess
Knights Templar
were frequently depicted as convening over a black and white checkered floor,
the pattern of which was consistent with ancient
Mason-architecture, Pythagoras, and the floor of the Hall of Judgment over
which Maat/Thoth
presided. ‘Id est’, a giant chessboard.
Papal advisors suspected that the true mission of the
Templars was to merge Hermitic and Christian teachings. In 1307 Pope Clement ordered the arrest of
every Templar in every country. In 1314
the final 'Grand Master' of the
Templars ‘Jacques de Molay’ was
burned at the stake. The church fathers saw the Hermetic representing
feminine consciousness that could undermine their authority. Anything feminine was suspect! Women and Men who dealt with healing, herbs,
and being close to Earth were suspect and vulnerable to burning. The Knight is also the only chess piece
which has two parts Rider & Horse (Alcor & Mizar - see Orion). And look at where the Knight starts on the
chess board between the Rook & Bishop. Both the Rook and Bishop have the power to
move the entire eight squares one straight and the other diagonally. The Knight however moves both straight and diagonally. Because it is the Warrior that has integrated both male and female
aspects into One. The Knight can also
move over or thru another piece.
It does not take
a beginner long to become familiar with the KTs move and to see at a glance their
threats to attack two MPs/mps at once.
Nevertheless, you will often be taken completely by surprise through combinations involving KT forks in situations in which the two MPs/mps in question do
not stand in a forkable position but are forced into it by a move, usually a sacrifice which you have failed to consider.
This is why the KT can attack eight MPs/mps simultaneously (in
theory!). In reality, even triple attacks
by a KT are rarely seen in play. See
When KTs move,
they attack a completely new set of cells.
Compare a KT with the RO. A KT attacks
eight entirely new cells when moved. The great disadvantage of the traditional
KTs is that they are a short-range MP.
This means, that you must post them in the center and as near the enemy position as is safe. Then they will be at their best in making
forks and other attacks. Finally, the
one MP a KT cannot normally fork is an opposing KT, since this could result in an exchange. However, in Chesmayne there
are different types of knight and these may fork other knights without being
subject to a fork themselves!
It is worth
studying carefully the different arrangements of enemy MPs/mps that make a fork possible. This will help you
not to miss chances of a fork in play.
First, remember that all cells attacked by a traditional KT at a given
moment are of one colour, the opposite colour to the cell on which the
traditional KT stands. This means that
only MPs/mps which stand in cells of the same colour as each other can be
forked by a traditional KT. It is
important to know the forking combinations very well. An experienced player will think of a fork
instantly on seeing the possibility.
NOTE: some of the other knights of
Chesmayne can attack both coloured cells at the same time!
Fork :fk
64 = 6+4 = 10 =
1+0 = 1 + 64 = 65 = rev 6:5 ‘the black horse with balances of heart’.
Below: How to place the
KTs on the 8 x 8 chessboard.
Below: How to
move your KT – 2 x 1 or 1 x 2
Below: The KT may
jump and capture any of the white PAs below
Below: By moving
to D05 the KT attacks the QU and +CHs the KI.
A KT on the ‘rim’
is very ‘dim’. Here the KT can capture
only four PAs.
In the corner the
KT can only capture two PAs
Below: A-KT2 on
F03 can capture B-QU1 on H04
Below: A-QU1 has
just moved to cell F03.
B-KT2 on cell C06
can now capture A-KT1 on cell D04 for nothing.
When B-KT2 moves
from cell C06 and captures A-KT1 on cell D04 he will also fork A-QU1 and
Right: the KT can
capture all of the PAs in this diagram.