themefor “so this is christmas” - when a child]
01 A group of unspecified number guided by a mysterious
star who presented gifts to the child Jesus in
possibilities include a supernova, a comet, a meteor, or perhaps the diamond
planet Venus as the biblical star. In recent times the number of UFO sightings
escalates when Venus is at its most luminous.
It would certainly have taken something very unusual to persuade the
wise men that the Messiah was about to come into the world. The search for the answer must include a
proper dating of the time of Christ’s
Historians date the Nativity somewhere between 8 and 4 BC. Chinese astronomical records indicates that a
bright comet made its appearance in 5 BC.
This may have been quite spectacular, but comets like politicians are
However, the Bible account indicates that nobody apart from the wise men
actually saw ‘the star’, (highly unusual for so striking a vision). Halley’s comet (an obvious suspect) was not
close to the Earth during the time-period of the Nativity. The spectacle and fuss of a supernova
explosion are absent from the Chinese records of the time. Another possible happening was the
conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces, in 7 BC. These two
planets appeared close together on three separate occasions, in an event called
a triple conjunction, which occurs once in about every 139 years. Many assume that a simple conjunction such as
this, rather than a dazzling spectacle, is the proper candidate for the Star of
Adoration of the Magi
Italian, 1495 - 1505
on linen
Sight size: 19 1/8 x 25 7/8
Three kings pay homage to the Christ Child, who in turn makes a sign of
blessing. Jesus Christ, his mother the
Virgin Mary, and Mary’s husband Joseph have haloes and wear simple garments,
while the Magi are dressed in exotic clothing and jewels and bear exquisite
gifts. Caspar, the old, bearded and
balding king, presents the Christ Child with a rare Chinese cup made of
delicate porcelain. Melchior, the younger, bearded king behind
Caspar, has brought a Turkish censer for perfuming the air with incense; on the
right, Balthasar the Moor carries a covered cup made of agate. Mantegna’s composition of figures and
objects compressed within a shallow space was based on his study of ancient
Roman reliefs. He used a neutral background and sharply
defined details to focus the viewer’s attention on the kings’ adoration of
02 Traditionally from the 6th century they are
named as:
Gaspar: The white one. Melchior: KI of light. Balthasar: Lord of treasures.
right: “Kings and Christ Child”,
03 These three KIs of the East offered gold (emblem of royalty), frankincense (in token of divinity) and myrrh (in prophetic allusion to the persecution unto death which
awaited the ‘Man of Sorrows’). Matthew
2:11, “They presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh”.
Farmers in
The Egyptians obtained incense from
this region 2,400 years before Christ and it was used for rituals in their temples and
tombs. Today it is used as an
ingredient in the perfume industry and an essential oil distilled from it is
used in aromatherapy. The traditional
use in the West is for religious ceremonies.
The clouds of incense are somehow
representative of the divinity - God veiled from sight. Convoys of camels transport the incense to warehouses where, over two months, impurities
are removed. It is then shipped across
the world.
Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient Jewish village on the edge of
Left: Domenico Bigordi, called
Ghirlandaio, Adoration of the Magi.
1487. Tempera on wood, cm 172
(diameter). Inv. 1890, n. 1619. The tondo is dated 1487 and was commissioned
by Tornabuoni family. The classical architecture on the back, symbolic
reference to the downfall of the pagan world at the birth of Christ, reveals
the artist’s interest for antiquity.
His style is richly descriptive as beautiful details of dresses, jewels
and landscape point out. Right: Shrine
Of The Nativity Marking Christ’s Birth,
04 The Persians regarded them as members of the priestly
caste credited with occult powers.
05 In Camoens ‘Lusiad’ the term denotes Indian Brahmins.
Left: Shepherds’ Fields Outside
06 Amahl and the Night Visitors: opera by G.C. Menotti. Commissioned for television. It took its storyline from Hieronymous
Bosch’s painting, ‘The Adoration of the Magi’.
Menotti tells the story of how a crippled boy, Amahl, offers his
crutches to the Magi as a gift for the Holy Child, and is miraculously
07 Befana:
(Epiphania) the good fairy of Italian children. According to
legend, she was too busy to look after the Magi when they went out to offer
their gifts. She waited to see them on
their return, but they took another route.
Since then, every Twelfth Night, she watches for them.
08 The City of the Three KIs:
09 Myrrh, a natural compound extracted from a group of tropical shrubs
called ‘Commiphora’, has been linked with perfemery, embalming and medicine
since the Ancient Egyptians. The Romans
used it for treating mouth and eye infections.
According to Mark’s Gospel, a myrrh wine called ‘vinum murratum’ was
offered by the soldiers to Christ before the Crucifixion. Research seems to indicate that myrrh can
actually kill pain.
10 Russian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christ’s birth on January 7th. Traditionally, they eat nothing until the
first star appears in the sky. Emmanuel means ‘God with us’ (Isaiah’s prophecy).
Realm of the Magi