Midi: Pualilia

Combines the pattern of
the psyche, as in the mandala,
with the path or journey into it and out of it again. The labyrinth on Crete constructed to imprison the Minotaur. The Minotaur, half-bull,
half-man (usually a man with a bull’s head) roved around the maze like a giant
spider waiting for people to fall in, rather like flies. The Minotaur devours seven youths and seven
maidens each year. Theseus and Ariadne overcome monster and maze
together. Ariadne
supplies the thread. The maze is
outwitted by a very simple device, the thread. Thread is flexible and follows the twists
of the game like a river, which threads its way to the sea. It is an aspect of the thread of life and
destiny spun by the Fates. The thread has to be flexible
and not stiffen to be useful. Spiral. Hansel and Gretel leave a trail behind them
as they enter the forest. The board -
Thread: the thread that
binds reality together. Maze, Ariadne’s thread. Also Eros. The Fates.