PUZZLE Puzzles link

01 To ponder or study over some perplexing problem or matter.   Puzzle, riddle, enigma refer to something baffling or confusing, which is to be solved.   A puzzle is a question or problem, intricate enough to be perplexing to the mind.   It is sometimes a contrivance made purposely perplexing to test your ingenuity.   

02 A riddle is an intentionally obscure statement or question, the meaning of or answer to which is to be arrived at only by guessing: the riddle of the Sphinx. 

03 Enigma refers to some baffling problem with connotations of mysteriousness.   Puzzle suggests mental embarrassment amid a complexity of possible decisions.   “I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia.   It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma” (Churchill, 1939).  “Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide”. 

04 ‘Bewilder’ suggests complete bafflement, the mind being lost in a multiplicity of considerations and alternatives. 

05 ‘Perplex’ suggests such an entanglement of your judgment that you are uncertain as to what to think or how to act. 

06 Mad Hatter’s riddle: the riddle, as originally invented, had no answer at all.  Arabic: ‘Mikhariq’. 

07 See ‘Rubik’ cube.  

08 Quisquous: perplexing, puzzling. 



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