its now or never

Rook :RO
VII (the Chariot) in the Tarot deck of cards. Hebrew
letter: Cheth. It signifies the field
and its enclosure which is both boundary/enclosure and protection. Enclosed within a vehicle like a crab. It is balanced four square, stable and yet
mobile. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer, the crab.
The charioteer wears lunar crescents on his shoulders. Sanskrit: ‘ratha’ (chariot). ROs are best on open files and ranks. At the beginning
of a game, move them to
the center where you will have created open files with mp moves. RO1
and RO2 on the same file are known as ‘doubled-ROs’ (:do-RO) and strong, as they support one another. They are very strong on open files where
they are not blocked by mps and have extra strength on rank-7 where they can trap the opposing KI on the back rank. On a clear
board, the RO commands 14 cells (D-Array).
Below Left: the
RO may move to all of the red cells/squares marked
Below Right: the
RO cannot move past PA2 on Rank-02
Below Left: the RO can capture B-PA4 on cell/square E06
Below Right: the
RO can capture all of the B-PAs

The RO has the same capturing power as the QU, forward, backward and laterally (sideways), but
cannot take any MP/mp diagonally. RO1 and RO2
seldom have much scope for action in the early part of the game.
When the board is thinned out, no time should be lost in bringing them
into the fight. Endeavour to double
your ROs (:do-ROs) by placing them on the same file. In this position they sustain each other and
their power will be equal to a QU. If
your opponent tries to gain control of a file with B-RO1 it is better to defend A-RO1 with A-RO2 than to capture B-RO1 or remove
A-RO1. If you can place a RO on your
opponent’s 7th rank this MP can attack the PAs that are unmoved (in the ISP) quite easily and compel your adversary to lose
time defending them. The main reason for moving KT1, KT2, BS1, BS2 and QU1 from the back rank is that they retard
RO1 and RO2. At the beginning
of the game these MPs are
inactive (activate them!). Many games
are lost before RO1 and RO2 are brought into play. Ship (Rook): symbol
of journey and passage.
The ranks and files are
the domain of RO1 and RO2, which can move as far as desired across empty cells up, down or across the board in a straight
line. On an empty board RO1 or RO2,
whatever cell they are on, thus have a choice of 14 cells to which they may
move (8 x 8 board), 7 on the vertical line of cells through their own
cell and 7 on the horizontal line.
Beginners often move mp-01 or mp-08 two cells, planning to get RO1 or RO2 into
play via A03 or H03. This is a very bad
idea for two reasons. One is that your
opponent need only unblock BS1 on BS2 on whose diagonal A03 or H03 is located to make it inaccessible to RO1
or RO2. The other is that RO1 or RO2 do
not belong on the open board as long as they can be chased by the mps of your
adversary. Not only does repeatedly
moving RO1 or RO2 lose developing tempo, but RO1 or RO2 may not find a safe place at
all. The proper way of developing RO1
and RO2 is by castling (%K, %Q) in order to let them cooperate with each
other. They can then be placed on rank-1 in files in which they may be able to invade the enemy’s
territory or in which they may be useful in supporting an advanced MP
or mp. Also, when protecting each other on rank-1,
they are in a position to contest the control of an open file which your
opponent prepares to seize with a RO.
Many medieval buildings are known as castles or tombs of Digenis. The Indian dawn-god Aruna is described as a
charioteer of the sun. See
‘Argil’, ‘Argot’ and ‘Auriga.’ When the
QUs are exchanged early in a game it is better to move the KI to F01, bring the ROs into play, instead of
castling, because there is less danger to your KI who may become a valuable
auxilary during the remainder of the game.
It is not prudent to advance your PAs on the side that the KI has castled. Rook – RO - Castle.
The RO is known by different names in differing countries:
The RO may move any
number of cells vertical or horizontal.

Advice on Developing your ROs, Level-1
ROs should be left on the back
rank, at the ends of
effective files.
01 The most effective files
are ‘open files’ (files free of mps).
02 Next come ‘openable
files’ (files that can at any time be cleared of mps by an exchange).
03 Then come ‘semi-open
files’ (files that are clear of mps at least half-way along or can be so

If there are two effective files, place a RO on each
as soon as possible. If there is only
one, place at least one RO on it (if the file is open, you should if possible
double RO1 and RO2 on it, one behind the other). If there are no effective files then defer
the development of RO1 and RO2 until an effective file is made. Seize
any open file with a RO as soon as possible.
But note that a RO commands a file just as well from the first cell in
the file as from any other cell.
Therefore, as a rule, keep your RO there as long as the board remains
crowded. If moved out, your RO is
exposed to attack. ROs are
stronger MPs than KTs or BSs. RO1 or RO2
is usually worth roughly the same as a BS and two PAs, or a KT and two PAs. KTs, BSs,
ROs and QUs are MPs. The RO can move in
a straight line along a rank or file, but in one direction only each go. RO1 and RO2 are not allowed to jump over an
occupied cell (see ‘Chinese Chess’ - CN), except in the special case of castling. RO1 or RO2
are equal to a BS and two PAs or, a KT and two PAs.
ISP of the
ROs. They are usually given a value of 5 points

ROs move any number of squares/cells in ‘one’
direction – vertical or horizontal.

Connected ROs
are very strong, :co-ROs, either in a
file or rank.

++CM with RO and mps
commonest type of ending and the one that is the most often mishandled is the
RO and mp finale. To
play the endgame well it is essential to have a thorough grasp of the
basic principles of this ending, and it is significant that the greatest mature
players of endgame play have been those that excelled in this particular type
of ending. The set winning position is
known as the ‘Lucena position’ after a Spanish chess writer of the 15th
century. The conditions normally
necessary for a win with a RO and PA against RO are as follows - Level-1,
01 B-KI must be cut off from the promoting
cell (rank-8).
02 A-KI must be able to reach the promotion cell or, at the
very least, be in contact with the mp.
It should be noted that
much also depends on the file on which the mp is placed. The most difficult is that on file-H (8 x 8
board) and frequently only a draw is possible in which the previous procedure will not
work as A-KI cannot get away from the corner cell. Having an aggressive RO position is
considered an advantage in the endgame and to force your opponent into having ‘passive
ROs’. A ROs proper position is behind a :pa-PA (your own or an enemy PA).
position below shows you how to bring about ++CM with just a KI and RO. A-KI blocks B-KIs escape route.
Always remember that the two KIs can never stand next to one
another. The RO makes the winning move below – checkmate.

Rook - Symbolism
- Mythology
Castles/Citadel: the self - sometimes symbolized as two
castles, the centers of two different kingdoms which need to be
united. The image of the castle
emphasizes that it is as difficult to get to know the inner self as it is to
storm a castle. A female figure (the Damsel, incarcerated or enchanted, usually plays a key role). Towns
used to be laid out as part of a ritual with everything done and chosen for its symbolic value ie, a cemetery might be placed at the center
of the city, as representing the trunk of the tree of life.
Symbolic significance of the ‘dream-house’, temples/churches built to designs represent
an overall pattern of the psyche in mandala form. Gargoyles
on the outside of a church, represent monsters guarding the treasure. Twin towers represent the split in the psyche. The hero slays the dragon and extracts its teeth, which turn into mighty
warriors when sown in the ground etc.
The RO - the governor of a castle - colloquial name. A walled defensible enclosure, typically
reached by a bridge over a circular moat of water: an ambivalent symbol in that it both
includes and excludes. It may protect
its inhabitants against monsters, ogres, depending which side of its walls you
stand. In myth, castles typically contain a treasure (the Holy
Grail, or royal prisoner -
even the KI!). An
extension of the treasure-cave guarded by a dragon or a loathy worm, such a castle represents Camelot, a realm of
spiritual aspiration and attainment.
In the human body, its treasure the mind, its mystery our ignorance as to our own true human nature.

Chariot: in the Katha
Upanishad (III:3-4) it is written: “know that the Self is the lord of the chariot, the body verily is the chariot -
know that the soul is the charioteer, and emotion the reins”. They say that the bodily powers are the horses, and that the external world is their field. In myth, chariots are drawn by many
different creatures according to the nature of the charioteer.
01 The solar chariot of Apollo is drawn by white horses. Solar chariots may also be drawn by griffons or swans.
02 The chariot of
the Norse Thor is drawn by solar rams.
03 The lunar chariot of Norse Freya by cats.
04 That of the Celtic
Flidass, goddess of wild things, by deer.
05 That of Cybele by lions.
06 That of Venus by doves.
07 That of Pluto by black horses.
The chariot of the Greek war god Ares is also horse drawn, as are the chariots of many
battle heroes.
01 Chariot symbolism
survives in the 7th card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot - the Chariot.
It portrays a spear-carrying prince erect in his chariot. He holds no reins - the chariot is drawn not
by horses but by two sphinxes, so as to imply the charioteer is one who has
answered the riddle of the Sphinx and thus triumphed on all planes of human
endeavour, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

02 Arianrhod: (‘Silver
Wheel’), was associated with the constellation Corona
Borealis (‘Northern Crown’), in the starry regions, of which she maintained Caer Sidi, an otherworld
castle of initiation where the dead
went between incarnations.
03 In the Welsch ‘The Tale
of Taliesin’, Gwion-Taliesin, whose original country is in the summer stars,
spends three periods in Arianrhod’s prison while awaiting resurrection.
04 Bhagavad Gita: Arjuna,
reluctant to make war on his cousins, is persuaded to do so by the god
Krishna, his charioteer.
ROOK Symbols
:ds-RO = Double
Sacrifice RO.................................43:01
:co-ROs = Connected
:di-ROs =
Disconnected ROs....................................43:03
:co-KTs = Connected
From: Chess
Kids Home Page

Below Top: %Q or Queen-side
Below Bottom: %K
or King-side castling.
Below: :A has just
castled King-side. :B could %Q or %K on
the next move.
Below: :B has just
castled on the Queen-side. Castling on
the Queen-side leaves your KI nearer the centre of the board. Castling on the King-side leaves your KI
nearer the corner of the board.
Below: you can
only castle if your KI has not been moved.
Below B-KI cannot castle because he has been moved from his home cell on
E08 to D08. :A cannot castle on the
Queen-side below because A-RO1 has been moved to cell B02.
Below: you may not
castle if your KI is in +CH. In the
diagram below A-KI is attacked by BS2 on cell B04. :A is not allowed to castle to escape
+CH. However, if you have been in +CH in the past but have not moved your KI
you may still castle.
Below: A-KI cannot
castle Queen-side because B-BS2 on cell A03 is attacking cell C01 or
Rank-01. The KI cannot cross a
cell/square attacked by an enemy MP/mp.
Below: A-KI cannot castle KI-side or QU-side because
B-RO2 attacks cell D01 and B-BS2 attacks cell F01.