Midi: The Air That I Breathe



01 What makes a mature player more proficient than the novice?   It seems that the mature player can ‘see’ things that the novice cannot.   De Groot conducted a number of studies to clarify the role of perception in problem solving.   He showed the subjects, mainly GMs, a tactical position taken from a tournament game that had taken place between two GMs.  They were asked to determine :A’s

 best move.   Coming up with a good move involved a lengthy analysis of the board.   De Groot compared the responses of the GMs with the players who are one rank lower and found that the lower ranked players could analyze the board almost as well as the GMs.  However, in a real game situation the GM would win hands down!   De Groot examined this phenomena and found that the GMs explored fewer moves than players with less ability.  De Groot concluded that the GM players were able to see certain moves better than the lower ranked players because their interpretation and organization of the board was more likely to be precisely accurate.  


You see, but you do not observe”.  ‘A ‘See’ of troubles’. 

What is the use of torches, lights and eyeglasses, if people will not see”. 

02 Astronomy: altitude above the horizon is important to astronomers.   Objects reaching high altitude are above the horizon for longer.   Often more important is the shorter path through the atmosphere that the light has taken to reach us.   There is less dimming (greater transparency) and less disturbance due to unsteadiness in the atmosphere (better ‘seeing’).   For observing dim objects transparency is often more important but for fine detail, as on the planets, good seeing is vital.   Many of the world’s best observatories are on islands (Canary Islands, Hawaii) and in areas of very low rainfall (USA western deserts, Andes) and often on mountain tops.  

03 Isaac Newton (1642-1727): If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. 

04 Shufti: a quick look or glance.   A quick peep.  

05 Glore: to look fixedly, gaze intently - stare open-eyed. 

06 Celandine: poppy plant.   Bringer of light - enabling one to see. 

07 Griffin: symbol of vigilance (penetrating glance). 

08 Lynx: personification of sight.