Midi: Will U still love me tomorrow

Skewer :sk

01 The :sk - another ‘type of combination’ is called a skewer. 

Below: A-BS threatens to capture B-QU.   When B-QU moves away B-RO is subsequently captured by A-BS. 

02 Similar to a pin, but not the same.   A :sk is an attack along a file, rank or diagonal which threatens a high value MP/mp.   After this MP/mp has moved, another lower value MP/mp is exposed. 

Creating a skewer.   If the BS moves from E01 to C03 the KI is placed in +CH.   The QU is captured on the next move. 

03 An example of this is a protected BS (:pr-BS) attacking a RO through QU1.   After QU1 moves the RO is captured by the BS.   Even if the BS is subsequently captured there is a gain of 2 points as a RO is worth 5 points compared to a value of 3 for the BS. 

04 Another example is a RO checking the KI with QU1 being placed behind on the same file.   When the KI moves QU1 is captured by the RO.   A MP/mp is attacked by a less valuable unit.   The attacking MP can capture a MP/mp beyond. 

05 An attack on two MPs/mps, along the same rank, file or diagonal.   An attack which forces a MP to move and so reveals an attack on a MP/mp of less or higher value.  Play through the sample game below.  The XY notation is shown on the left.  The acentric notation is indicated on the right…….

01A PA5-E02/E04 PA5-C04/A02

01B PA4-E07/E06 PA4-C13/B08

02A PA4-D02/D04 PA4-C03/A01

02B PA5-D07/D05 PA5-C14/A04

03A KT1-B01/C03 KT1-D02/B01

03B BS1-F08/B04-pnKI BS1-D17/C19-pnKI

04A PA5-E04/E05 PA5-A02/A03

04B PA6-C05/C07 PA6-C15/B11

05A PA1-A02/A03 PA1-D28/D27

05B BS1-B04/A05-pnKI BS1-C19/D25-pnKI

06A PA4-D04*C05-PA6 PA4-A01*B11-PA6

06B BS1-A05*C03-KT1+ BS1-D25*B01-KT1+CH

07A PA2-B02*C03-BS1 PA2-C01*B01-BS1

07B QU1-D08/C07 QU1-D19/C15

08A KT2-G01/F03 KT2-D07/B04

08B KT2-B08/D07 KT2-D21/C14

09A BS2-F01/B05-pnKI BS2-D06/C18-pnKI

09B QU1-C07*C05-PA4 QU1-C15*B11-PA4

10A PA1-A03/A04 PA1-D27/D26

10B PA8-A07/A06 PA8-D23/D24

11A BS2-B05*D07-KT2+ BS2-C18*C14-KT2+

11B BS2-C08*D07-BS2 BS2-D20*C14-BS2

12A %K %K

12B QU1-C05*C03-PA2 QU1-B11*B01-PA2

13A BS1-C01/D02 BS1-D03/C03

13B QU1-C03/C04 QU1-B01/B12

14A RO1-A01/B01 RO1-D01/D02

14B QU1-C04/C07 QU1-B12/C15

15A PA3-C02/C04 PA3-C20/B12

15B KT1-G08/E07 KT1-D16/C13

16A BS1-D02/B04 BS1-C03/C19

16B BS2-D07/C06 BS2-C14/B10

17A PA3-C04*D05-PA5 PA3-B12*A04-PA5

17B BS2-C06*D05-PA3 BS2-B10*A04-PA3

18A BS1-B04/D06-fk BS1-C19/B09-fk

18B QU1-C07/D07 QU1-C15/C14

19A RO1-B01/C01 RO1-D02/D03

19B RO2-A08/C08 RO2-D22/D20

20A KT2-F03/G05 KT2-B04/C09

20B RO2-C08*C01-RO1 RO2-D20/D3-RO1

21A QU1-D01*C01-RO2 QU1-D04*D03-RO2

21B KT1-E07/F05 KT1-C13/B06

22A BS1-D06/A03 BS1-B09/D27

22B PA3-F07/F06-fk PA3-C12/B07-fk

23A PA5-E05*F06-PA3 PA5-A03*B07-PA3

23B PA2-G07*F06-PA5 PA2-C11*B7-PA5

24A QU1-C01/C03 QU1-D03/B01

24B RO1-H08/G08 RO1-D15/D16

25A QU1-C03*F06-PA2 QU1-B01*B07-PA2

25B PA1-H07/H06 PA1-D14/D13

26A RO2-F01/E01-pn RO2-D06/D05-pn

26B PA1-H06*G05-KT2 PA1-D13*C09-KT2

27A QU1-F06*F05-KT1 QU1-B07*B06-KT1

27B KI-E07/D08 KI-D18/D19

28A QU1-F05/E05 QU1-B06/A03

28B KI-D08/C08 KI-D19/D20

29A BS1-A03/C05 BS1-D27/B11

29B QU1-D07/G07 QU1-C14/C11

30A QU1-E05/G03 QU1-A03/C07

30B QU1-G07/C07-pn QU1-C11/C15-pn

31A QU1-G03/A03 QU1-C07/D27

31B KI-C08/D07 KI-D20/C14

32A BS1-C05/E03 BS1-B11/B03

32B QU1-C07/D06 QU1-C15/B09

33A QU1-A03/B02 QU1-D27/C01

33B KI-D07/C08 KI-C14/D20

34A QU1-B02/D04-pn QU1-C01/A01-pn

34B KI-C08/D07 KI-D21/C14

35A RO2-E01/E01 RO2-D05/D04

35B KI-D07/E07 KI-C14/C13

36A PA8-H02/H03 PA2-D09/D10

36B KI-E07/F07 KI-C13/C12

37A RO2-D01/C01 RO2-D04/D03

37B QU1-D06/D08 QU1-B09/D19

38A QU1-D04/G04 QU1-A01/C08

38B BS2-D05/C06-fk BS2-A04/B10-fk

39A RO2-C01/C05 RO1-D03/B11

39B BS2-C06/D05 BS2-B10/A04

40A QU1-G04/H05+CH QU1-C08/D12+CH

40B RO1-G08/G06 RO1-D16/C10

41A BS1-E03/D04 BS1-B03/B05

41B PA4-E06/E05 PA4-B08/A03

42A BS1-F04*E05-PA4 BS1-B05*A03-PA4

42B BS2-D05/E04 BS2-A04/A02

43A RO2-C05/C07+CH RO2-B11/C15+CH

43B KI-F07/E06 KI-C12/B08

44A BS1-E05/G03 BS1-A03/C07

44B QU1-D08/D04 QU1-D19/A01

45A QU1-H05/G04+CH QU1-D12/C08+CH

45B KI-E06/F06 KI-B08/B09

46A QU1-G04/C08 QU1-C08/D20

46B RO1-G06/G07 RO1-C10/C11

47A QU1-C08/F08+CH QU1-D20/D17+CH

47B KI-F06/G06 KI-B07/C10

48A RO2-C07*G07+CH RO2-C15*C11+CH

48B QU1-D04*G07-RO2 QU1-A01*C11-RO2

49A QU1-F08/E08+CH QU1-D17/D18+CH

49B KI-G06/F05 KI-C10/B06

50A QU1-E08/C08+CH QU1-D18/D20+CH

50B KI-F05/F06 KI-B06/B07

51A BS1-G03/E05+CH BS1-C07/A03+CH

51B KI-F06*E05-BS1 KI-B07*A03-BS1

52A QU1-C08/C03-sk+CH QU1-D02/B01-sk+CH

52B KI-E05/F05 KI-A03/B06

53A QU1-C03*G07-QU1 QU1-B01*C11-QU1

53B ++RS    -   ++RS

Set-up the board and play through the moves as shown above.   In this example there is a :sk+CH

 on move 52A and :B loses QU1 on move 53A.   A :sk occurs when a MP attacks a MP or mp which is subsequently moved and results in the capture of a MP or mp beyond the first attacked MP/mp.   In the example above (move 52A) the KI was skewered against QU1 (when the KI was moved out of check, QU1 was captured). 




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