this boy


Value of the MPs/mps - Level-1 - Traditional chess 

This depends on various factors but a rough guesstimate is as follows…

01 QU1 = 9 points

02 RO1 or RO2 = 5 points

03 BS1 or BS2 = 3 points

04 KT1 or KT2 = 3 points

05 PA = 1 point

06 GU = 2 points

An approximate value can be given to each MP/mp apart from the KI.   In certain cases the value of a MP/mp can dramatically increase or decrease, according to what the MP/mp can achieve.   Together, for example, a BS and a KT are more useful than a RO and PA combination, even though the value of each pair is six PAs.   These rough values can assist you to work out when you should or should not capture your opponent’s MPs/mps, and whether you should worry about your own MPs/mps being captured.   The values can also help in assessing which side is ahead - with careful play the side with the highest total MP/mp value, or the most material, will usually (but not always) win the game.   The value of the MPs/mps is forever varying, their relative values dependent on the mutations of position.   Their exact value is constantly modified by the circumstances of time, position and opportunity.   Only experience will enable you to determine accurately which to give up and which to keep in a particular situation. 

          Although QU1 is the most powerful chess MP, the KI is the most important and must be guarded very carefully at all times.   The KI cannot be valued because if you lose him the game is lost.   It does not matter how many MPs/mps you have if you are going to lose your KI. 

01 Fair exchange: if you lose a MP of the same value as the MP you capture. 

02 Exchange advantage: if you lose a MP of less value than the MP you capture. 

03 Sacrifice: if you lose a MP of more value than the MP you capture. 

MP/mp values are a useful average guide in play but you also have to bear in mind other factors.   A PA on rank-7 that is about to be promoted/enrobed, is worth more than one point.   To exchange BS1 for BS1 is not good if your BS is more mobile than your opponent’s. 

Value of the MPs/mps :L01

Over 20% of moves in chess are captures.   So it is vital to have an idea of the average values of the various units of force.   Each MP/mp has an average value.   For QU1, RO1 and RO2 and BS1 and BS2, it is proportionate to the average number of cells controlled.  An unobstructed RO always controls 14, but a BSs range varies from 13 to 7, and averages just under 9.    On this basis a RO is worth at least 1.5 BSs, and in practice this figure holds.   Similar calculation would rate a KT as much weaker than a BS, but special factors favour the KT so much that its true average value approximates to a BSs.   Factors favouring the KT are that it cannot be obstructed, and it has access to all the cells, a BS only to 32.    In freak positions the average values can be temporarily quite false, but normally they are a good guide.  The unit is always taken as an average PA ie, a PA that has no special advantage, like being passed (:pa-PA), or part of a checkmating net.   Average values are, 

Value of the RO

Winning a RO for a KT or BS is called ‘winning the exchange’.   The exchange is worth on average, nearly two PAs.   Two BSs or two KTs equal a RO and two PAs.   Two KTs or BSs are worth only a RO and one PA if the other MPs have been exchanged.   ROs like open spaces and are therefore strongest in the endgame when the board is clear of obstruction.   Two ROs may be exchanged for BS1, BS2 and KT or, KT1, KT2 and BS. 

Value of QU1

Before the endgame QU1 is worth two ROs, but in the endgame the two ROs are nearly always worth a PA more, unless the KI is exposed to +CH.   Another approximate equivalent of QU1 is three KTs or three BSs or two KTs and one BS.   They are almost always at least equal to QU1.   Two BSs and a KT are usually superior.   RO and BS or KT plus two PAs are almost always superior to QU1.   Exceptions to these valuations occur where the opposing KI is very exposed so that QU1 can organize many +CHs, giving herself virtually several successive moves while your opponent is powerless to make useful replies.   QU1 may be exchanged for two ROs and a PA, but towards the end of a game she is not as valuable as two ROs. 

About His Majesty - the KI

Since the fate of the game hangs on the KI, he cannot be given a precise numerical value.  However, when so many MPs/mps have been exchanged that checkmate is no longer a serious danger, he may and indeed must be used as a fighting MP.   As such the KI rates well below a RO but above a BS or KT.   When most of the MPs have been exchanged, including the QUs and at least one pair of ROs, your KI ceases to need shelter of PAs in a corner.   Use him as a marauder in your enemies lines.   

01 BS or KT = 3 PAs (3.5 in the early stages). 

02 RO = value of KT or BS plus 1.5 to 2.0 PAs. 

03 QU1 = 2 ROs, or 3 KTs, or 3 BSs, or RO, KT or BS and 1.5 PAs. 

04 Summary: KT, BS = 3 to 3.5.   RO = 5.   QU = 9 to 10. 

Some MPs/mps are, of course, more valuable than others.   Often the value of a MP/mp depends on its position on the board and what it can do in this position.   A BS stuck behind mps, or in a corner, is not as powerful as a central KT with more freedom of movement.  When exchanging MPs/mps, there should be some evaluation.  Remember: all PAs (mps) are of equal value, but some are more equal than others. 

          The values of the traditional chess MPs/mps - RO, BS, KT, QU and PA have been found by experience to be approximately proportional to 1, 3, 3, 5 and 9.   A KI is worth about 4 in the endgame.   These values vary with the position and with the number of MPs/mps on the board.  For example, two KTs are worth less than a RO when the only other MPs/mps on the board are two KIs, in so far as two KTs and a KI cannot force checkmate against a lone KI.   Two KTs are about the equal of six PAs on rank-2 even when the KIs are removed.   A theoretical attempt to evaluate the MPs/mps was made by H.M. Taylor in 1876.   The value of a MP/mp is taken as proportional to the average number of cells controlled, averaged over all cellular positions of the MP/mp on the board.   This argument leads to the relative values of KT, BS, RO and QU1 - 3, 5, 8 and 13 respectively. 

          Coxter and Taylor went on to modify this argument by asking instead for the probability of ‘safety’ giving check, that is, without being ‘en prise’ to the KI, if the MP/mp and KI are both placed on the board at random. 



The numerical value of the chess pieces accepted by most chess players is as follows:

KI........... Infinite - you lose the game if you lose him!
QU........ 9 points
RO.......... 5 points
BS....... 3 points - Bobby Fischer values him at 3.25 points
KT........ 3 points
PA......... 1 point

Of course those values are relative to their strategic position on the board during the game, i.e., a
passed PA on the 6th or 7th rank has a possible potential value of 9 points or so. 

win is 1 point, a loss 0 and a draw ½ point for each player. 


 Ideal Values and Practical Values - part 01

by Ralph Betza

My research into the values of chess pieces was conducted with the specific end in view of making it possible to construct the game of Chess With Different Armies, although of course the research has also contributed to many other interesting chess variants.  

In this research, I found that the basic pieces formed from a single type of movement, that is, the Alfil, Dabbabah, Ferz, and Wazir, had very different values when considered as pieces in their own right - but when one of these pieces was added to a Knight, the combination of the two was equal for all practical purposes.   (The NA is as strong as the ND which is as strong as the NW or the NF, even though the F by itself is worth nearly twice the A by itself.)  

In fact, it seems that each piece has two values.   One value is the ‘practical value’ of that particular piece, considering all its specific weaknesses and strengths; and the other value is the ‘ideal value’ of that piece, the ‘abstract value’ that the piece has when combining the moves of two pieces masks the weaknesses of both.

I devoted a great many words to the question of practical values, and came to the conclusion that although I could not really solve the problem I could at least develop some useful guidelines; however, I largely ignored the question of ideal values.

As it turns out, ideal values of simple one-step pieces are absurdly simple: however many different moves it can make, that’s its ideal value.   An Alfil moves to 4 different squares, so it is ideally worth half as much as a Knight, which moves to 8.   A piece that combines the moves of Alfil and Dabaaba moves to 8 different squares, so it has the same ideal value as the Knight.  

Although this is absurdly simple, I believe it to be a Truth; and equally, the ideal value of a piece combining many moves is the most important component of its practical value.  

For example, the practical value of the AD is much less than the practical value of a Knight, and it is obvious that the main reason for the weakness of the AD is caused by its extreme colorboundness (it can only go to squares of one color, and what’s worse, it can only go to half the squares of one color).   If we mask that weakness by adding a W, we get the WAD, which is as strong as a NW for all practical purposes.  

For all practical purposes” is vague because A piece is as strong as the hand that holds it.   A grandmaster who is thoroughly familiar with both pieces might find that one or the other has a winning advantage; but a mere master who has only a nodding acquaintance with them does in fact find them to be roughly equal.  

In fact, experience shows that a NW or a WAD is in practice roughly as strong as a Rook, and by extension the NWAD or NWB (adding something the value of a minor piece to something the value of a Rook) must be roughly as strong as a Queen. 

When I realized that this simplification could be made to work, I was pleased and excited - think about how regular it is!   Take a pile of piece components each of which is ideally worth half a Knight (the W, F, A, and D of course, but also the Crab, the Barc, the narrow half Knight, and the wide half Knight), and if you combine any two of them you have something ideally worth as much as a Knight or Bishop; combine any three of them, you get a Rook’s value; combine five, and you’ve got a Queen.  

How simple, how regular, how symmetrical!  

Not only that, but if you combine four of these units, it’s an Archbishop (Bishop plus Knight, a piece seen in many chess variants); combine seven (forget that the choices I listed only go up to 6) and it’s an Amazon; combine six, and it’s a piece of a value that’s rarely been used (worth as much as a piece combining the Rook and the Knightrider).  

How beautiful, simple, regular, and symmetrical!   The several common values of chess pieces are reduced to a simple quantity, take two, take three, take five.  

The ideal values at least are thus reduced.   The practical values can still raise complicated questions.   On the other hand, it is easy enough to choose combinations of choices that mask the weaknesses of the components and bring a piece approximately to its ideal value in practice - for example, adding W or Crab to a colorbound piece nearly always does the trick.  

Nearly always does the trick” should be exciting to all the chess variant inventors out there.   It means that you can design chess variants in which the players have different armies, using pieces that have never been seen before, and although you will still want to playtest it a bit you can expect to have a good chance of getting it right the first time.  

For example, suppose you invent a new piece called the Crabbish, which combines the powers of Bishop and Crab.   You know from the start that its ideal value is exactly a Rook, and you also know that its practical value is sure to be very close to that of a Rook.    You can give one player a Rook, and give the other player a Crabbish, and you can be fairly confident that you haven’t created a major problem with your game’s balance.   (In practice, K plus R versus K is an easy win and K + Crabbish versus K is certainly difficult and perhaps impossible; but if the player with the Crabbish has this “can-checkmate” advantage with some other pair of pieces, for example WD versus N, it should even out.)  

There is more to be said on this subject, but this seems a good place to stop, and allow both the author and the reader to think about what has been said so far.  

Click here for the next article in this series.  

Written by Ralph Betza. 


Ideal Values and Practical Values - part 2

Atomic Pieces and Subatomic Movements

By Ralph Betza

Alfil, Dabbabah, Ferz, and Wazir, and Knight are the fundamental geometrical units of Chess; each moves and captures one square in all instances of type of movement.   They are basic pieces formed from a single type of movement.  

I have said they were the atoms of Chess, but in fact they can be further divided.  

The Ferz, for example, can move in four directions and can capture in four directions; and it is possible that a piece could be composed that would use just a few of the eight movements that make up a Ferz.   Indeed, such a piece exists, and Philidor said it was the soul of Chess.  

If a combination of any two atoms gives a new piece whose ideal value is the same as the ideal value of the Knight, then wouldn’t you expect that the combination of sixteen movements would create a new piece with Knightly ideals?  

In fact, I think it does create such a piece.   However, there are several reasons why such pieces may have practical values much lower than their ideal values.   For example, a piece with sixteen different non-capturing movements will be nearly worthless (see my article about the Black Ghost), while a piece with sixteen captures but which cannot move without capturing is less bad, but not nearly worth a Knight in practice; also, pieces that have many non-capturing movements can sometimes suffer from being blocked by enemy pieces, pieces with many more forward movements than rearward are too strong (because you start the game with foe in front; Hans Bodlaender has pointed out that much of this advantage dissipates in the endgame, but I feel that by then the excessive forwardness should have won the game) and pieces with too many retreats are too weak.  

Even if the forward and rearward movements and captures are balanced, so that the piece has a practical value equivalent to its real value, many possible pieces are too much of a hodgepodge to be interesting.   For example, a piece that moves Northwest as a narrow Knight, captures Northwest as a wide Knight, moves and captures Northeast as an Alfil, moves South in retreat as W or D, captures Southeast as a Ferz, and captures Southwest as a Ferz, may have the practical value of half a Knight, but who would want to have such a piece in their game?  

Unless, of course, the game was based on having such awful pieces; for example ‘Subatomic Chaos Chess’, in which you make a legal move and then randomize one piece, be it friend or foe, but not K or P (otherwise K versus K might be a win for a randomly-chosen player).  

Randomize” means you throw the dice to choose 16 subatomic movements for a N, or for a rider such as R, Q, or B, you randomly choose the right number of moves or captures in the directions W, F, and N.   (The Queen could become a Nightrider.)   You can’t randomize the piece your opponent just randed.   You must randomize if you can, no penalty if you cannot, and if randomizing an enemy piece puts you in check, you lose.   Basically, the rules of Avalanche Chess are applied.  

Randomizing the moves by hand could be tedious. With a computer moderator, this might be an interesting game.  

Thousands of new pieces can be created by combining the subatomic movements, and even if most of them are bad in some way, the remaining small portion must contain dozens, even hundreds, of possible new pieces that would be useful in Chess variants.   I cannot make such a statement without choosing an example, so consider the left-handed Commoner, right-handed Waffle: it moves and captures as a W in all directions, to the left as F and to the right as A.   You would start the game with one sinister and one dexter of this charming new piece whose practical value is very probably close to the Knight’s.  

Of course, the Rook, Bishop, and Nightrider can also be decomposed in similar fashion, and used to form combination pieces whose ideal values can be described simply by adding up the appropriate fractions of the known values of these pieces.   A Knight that can also move left and capture right as a Bishop should be worth a Rook; a piece moving and capturing West or South as Rook, but NNW, NNE, ENE, and ESE as Nightrider should also be worth a Rook; and both pieces should be fairly easy to learn to use.  

Now I have divided the ideals into their smallest possible parts.   Next article, I will run with the great unsolved mystery of piece values.  

Click here for the previous article in this series.

Click here for the next article in this series.

Written by Ralph Betza.


Ideal Values and Practical Values - part 3

The Rider Problem

By Ralph Betza

The Rook is technically known as a Wazir-Rider: it makes a Wazir move, and if it lands on an empty square it may make another in the same direction, repeating this process any number of times.   Of course, the Bishop is a Ferz-Rider.  

The ideal values of Ferz and Wazir are the same, but the well-known practical values of the Rook and Bishop are quite different.   Why?  

The ideal values of the R and B are presumed to be very close to their practical values, and so the Rider Puzzle is very much in the scope of a discussion of ideal values.  

I have mentioned more than once that there is a formula for the probability that a given jump is on the board:  

Consider a one-step move of displacement x and y (for example a Knight move has x = 1 and y = 2 (or x = 2 and y = -1 and so on for all combinations, but we call that a (1,2) jump)) being made on a board of dimensions w and h (the normal chessboard has w = 8 and h = 8) the answer is ((w - x) times (h - y)) divided by (w times h). 

And for a Knight the result is (7 * 6) / 64, but there are 8 directions in which a Knight can move, and so we multiply the result by 8, and it comes out to 5.25 which is exactly the average number of moves a Knight has when you put it on every square and count them up.    So there.  

A Rook makes an (0,1) jump, then if it landed on an empty square it may continue to (0,2) and so on.   Therefore its average mobility is the probability that (0,1) is on the board plus the product of the probability that a square is empty and the probability that (0,2) is on the board, and so on.   The probability that a square is empty varies (gets larger as the game goes on), so there isn’t one perfect number for the average mobility of a rider; and although average mobility is a very important part of piece values, I can’t find a reliable way to calculate one from the other.  

It would be nice to know both the ideal and the practical values of rider pieces. Even the Rook and Bishop, whose practical values are fairly well-known, have unknown ideal values.   I assume that the ideal value of the R is roughly equal to its practical value, and that the ideal value of the Bishop is a bit larger than its practical value; one possible clue is that the Queen is worth a notable amount more than the separate R and B, but this seems to be mostly because pieces that concentrate great value are as a general rule worth more than their separate component pieces (more forking power).  

The Chancellor is roughly equivalent to the Queen even though the ideal value of N is presumably less than Bishop: the Bishop is colorbound and its practical value is ever so slightly more than a Knight, combining it with R removes the colorboundness, and therefore is a classical case of “combining pieces to mask their weaknesses and thus allow their practical values to be fully expressed”; and therefore one might expect the Q to be worth notably more than the Chancellor.  

One hypothesis about why the Chancellor does so well is that the R has a weakness that is masked when N is added to form Chancellor.   This weakness would be its relative slowness and difficulty of development, and perhaps its lack of forwardness (it has only one forwards direction).  

Digression: the endgame with WKa1, BKg7, BPf7 is drawn if W has a Q, but won if W has a Chancellor.   You should work it out for yourself because it’s interesting.  

The Nightrider is another special case.   It moves in twice as many directions as the Rook, but covers two squares with each step and therefore cannot take many steps in one direction before being stopped by the edge of the board.   Despite this, its practical value is very much equal to the Rook - but one might expect the ideal value of the R to be larger than the NN’s.  

The Dabbabahrider moves in (0,2) increments as opposed to the Rook’s (0,1) steps.   As a piece by itself, it is much weaker than a Knight, the main reason being that it is colorbound times colorbound - it can visit only one fourth of all squares on the board.   The Alfilrider is even worse, and can see only one eighth of all squares. Because of this extreme limitation, we have the interesting case where the AD (Alfil plus Dabbabah) has the same ideal value as the Knight but is much weaker in practice, while the AADD (Alfilrider plus Dabbabahrider) has an ideal value which is unknown but which must be appreciably larger than Knight - but the practical value of AADD seems to be a bit less than a Knight.  

In order to use these atomic movements in combination with others and thus define new pieces, one would like to know their ideal values.

One way of looking at the rider-value is that the Wazir-rider (the Rook) seems to be worth 3 times the Wazir, while the Ferzrider (the Bishop) is only worth twice as much as a Ferz; and remember, the ideal values of Wazir and Ferz are the same.   (I really want to find a formula using the inverse of the geometrical distance of one step [1], but can’t find any convincing reason.)    The Nightrider is worth a mere 1.5 times as much as a Knight.   The multiplier for Dabbabahrider should be somewhere between 1.5 and 2, while the multiplier for the Alfilrider is probably less than 1.5 (and by definition must be greater than 1.0).  

If the multiplier for the DD is 1.75, exactly between the two proposed limits, the difference between D and DD is worth a Pawn; and if the AA is worth 1.25 times the A, the difference between the two pieces is just one the “quantum of advantage”, the smallest difference in values that you can notice.  

The above two paragraphs give a better idea of the values of AA and DD than we ever had before, but aren’t very exact nor probably very accurate.  

I can’t solve the Rider Puzzle.   This is depressing.   Let’s have some fun instead.

The Avian Airforce

Consider, for example, the Falcon, FAA, Ferz plus Alfilrider.   The FA by itself has an ideal value equivalent to N or B, and in practice is worth perhaps one quantum of advantage less than N or B.   Making the A into an AA should add the missing quantum, and (because of concentrated power is worth more) maybe even more. Therefore I expect the FAA to be fully equal or even slightly better than N or B.  

Consider also the Wader, WDD, Wazir plus Dabbabahrider.   The WD by itself is a good match for the N, weaker in the opening but stronger in the endgame.   The WDD must clearly be slightly weaker than the R, but it’s definitely in the “major piece” range so that the levelling effect should help the WDD by pulling its value up towards R.  

Combined, we get the Flying Kingfisher, WFAADD, which must be worth about as much as a Queen, how much more or less who can guess?  

That’s nearly a whole army.   What to use for the Knight?   Wazir plus long crab is tempting as “more of the same”, but development can get too awkward. Commoner would provide balance - this army is a little bit weak but has so much early mobility that it should be playable; using Commoners as Knights would give it some endgame punch - but so common.   I want something brand new, something subatomic in fact... 

Thus, the Darter: moves forward as narrow Knight, all directions as Wazir, and retreats as - Alfilrider!!    The Alfilrider retreat increases its value so it’s a tiny bit stronger than a N, but the army as a whole needs extra strength and so it’s okay.   The riding retreat is not nearly so strong as a riding advance, and since long diagonal retreats are the moves that Grandmasters most frequently overlook, there’s a certain charm to the choice.  

The Avian Air Force would be the army’s name, and of course it’s classed as an experimental army.  

·         The immediate threats of 1. WFAADDd1-b3 or WFAADDd1-d3 (wanting to win Ra8 by checking at a4 or e4) are easily answered by the The Fabulous FIDE army.  

You can see how research into values leads directly to creation of new chess variants.   On the other hand, using the Avians can be construed as research because practical experience with the Faalcon and Wader and Kingfisher will make it possible to refine the blind guesses about the ideal values of the AA and DD!  

In the next article, I will ferociously attempt to establish ideal values for some other types of pieces, but will probably fail.  

[1]: An interesting point is that the practical values of R and B in ‘Cylindrical Chess’ are thought to be roughly equal by players who have much experience in the game. 

Click here for the previous article in this series.

Click here for the next article in this series.

Written by Ralph Betza.


Ideal Values and Practical Values - part 5

Modified Jumpers

By Ralph Betza

The “lame” jumper is a piece that cannot leap over an intervening square if that square is blocked.   For example, a lame Alfil can move from f1 to d3 only if e2 is empty.  

The magic number is clearly applicable here, and it says that the lame Alfil is worth somewhere around 0.66 to 0.7 times as much as a normal (leaping) Alfil.  

By the same reasoning, the lame H (the non-leaping version of the (0,3) jumper) is worth 0.49 (or 0.44) standard atoms because it needs both f2 and f3 to be empty in order for it to go from f1 to f4.  

A Knight-valued piece can be made combining: 

1.    Lame H with

2.    Vertical Wazir (forwards and backwards but not sideways) with

3.    Narrow Knight (from e4 to d6, f6, d2, or f2 but unable to go from e4 to c3, c5, g3, or g5). 

and this piece would be reasonably well-rounded and pleasant to use, with its opening value enhanced by its leaping move and its endgame value enhanced by its long non-leaping move.   Its endgame value would be greater than N, but in the context of an army that is otherwise weak in endgame value that would be a good thing.  

Another type of lame jumper can be seen in the zF2, a Crooked Bishop limited to short moves.   In effect, it makes either a Ferz move or a lame Dabbabah move, but instead of the D jumping over the square in front of it (a normal lame D could not go from f1 to f2 if f2 was occupied), it jumps over either of the diagonal squares (the zF2 can go from f1 to f3 if e2 is empty or if g2 is empty).   The probability that both of two squares are occupied ranges from 0.09 to 0.16 depending on the magic value, and so the crooked lame Dabbabah is worth 0.91 to 0.84 times as much as a normal D - not enough difference to make a difference.   The same math would apply to an H that was allowed to jump over zero pieces or one piece, but not two.  

The Cannon from Xiang Qi is a special case of lame jumper.   When it captures, it is allowed to jump over one piece, but not to jump over zero pieces.   Simple subtraction shows that if a normal lame H has 0.36 to 0.49 as much mobility as a leaping H, and if an H jumping either zero or one piece has .84 to .91, then the cannon H (gH, jumping one but not zero nor two pieces) must be 0.48 to 0.42 as much as an H; but the trick is that the normal lame H increases in value as the board empties out but the cannon H loses value when there are fewer pieces for it to jump over.  

The traditional Xiang Qi Cannon, which moves as R but captures as pR, provides balance and is an excellent combination because as the board empties out it becomes easier to move the piece but harder to capture with it (its R component benefits from the open board but its pR component suffers from the same cause).  

Note that in Xiang Qi both Kings are confined to their castles and therefore the Cannon can always be useful, using its own K as a screen and the enemy King’s defenders as a target.   This means that the imbalance of movement and capture power that would afflict the Xiang Qi Cannon if used in a FIDE setup does not hurt it nearly as much in an Xiang Qi setup.

The simplifications presented in the earlier articles of this series allow us to say that the ability to move like a Rook (but not to capture in that manner) is worth half as much as a Rook, as long as the capturing power of the final piece is above some minimum theshold value.   The threshold is unknown, which is unfortunate, but in the late endgame when very few pieces are on the board the power to capture as pR certainly falls below that threshold.   See this page for details.  

In the initial position, the average mobility of pR is two-thirds that of R, around the magic number it is half, and late in the game it falls as low as one sixth.   I’m willing to take “half” as a guess, so that the combination of mRcpR would be theoretically worth 0.75 as much as a Rook, but with the warning that you really need to trade it off before the endgame.    I follow Rudolph Spielmann’s belief that a minor piece is worth two thirds of a Rook (not the traditional 0.6), and I have won tournament games against strong players based on this belief in a difference of estimated values amounting to a mere 0.0666 of a Rook; because the mRcpR’s estimated value is 0.08 of a Rook more than a minor piece (that would be 0.4 Pawns, an advantage large enough to feel), according to this guess at its value having a pair of standard Xiang Qi Cannons against a pair of Knights should be enough to win on an 8 x 8 board with the standard arrangement of 32 pieces, and all we need is a bit of playtesting to find out if the guess is correct.  

Actually, it’s not so simple.   Take the standard FIDE army, replace the Knights with mRcpR Cannons, and now stare at the board for a while and try to figure out how to develop your pieces!     Actually, even replacing the Knights or Bishops with Rooks isn’t that easy to win, so doing it with mere Cannons would perhaps cancel completely any material advantage.  

An alternative would be to replace B with HFD and R with mRcpR; although this adds an advantage of rapid jumping development to the presumed material edge, I think that one could get a feel for whether or not the Xiang Qi Cannon is really worth that much more than a minor piece by playing several games of this; or of course one could simply replace the R4 of the Remarkable Rookies with mRcpR Cannons...

Part of the problem with cannon values is that the FIDE setup is dense and crowded.    In Xiang Qi, when a Cannon aims into the enemy position there is room to interpose or to step aside, but against the FIDE setup, a Cannon attack may be instantly fatal - for example, if the piece on a1 both moves and captures as cannon-Rook, then 1 pRa1-a3 threatens to capture Ra8, and after 1...Nb8-a6, simply 2 Nb1-c3 e7-e6 3 pRa1-e3+ Bf8-e7 4 pRh1-h3 Ng8-h6 5 pRh3-d3 wins the Queen.    Thus, there is always danger with Cannon pieces, and you need to be very careful when adding one to a game.  

My new idea that balance makes it possible to get better estimates of piece values tells me that if a piece has sufficient non-Cannon movement, preferably movement that increases in value as the game goes on, it ought to be possible to make a good guess about its value based on its average mobility using the magic number for emptiness of the board.  

The idea of balance also tells me that it’s not the best idea to make up themed armies like the Clobberers or the Avians; but these armies are perhaps more fun to design and more fun to play than balanced armies would be, and that’s a value in its own right.  

The Spacious Cannoneers

Common sense also tells me that making up an army whose power is based mostly on the combination of a new and untested estimate of the values of Cannon pieces plus a new and untested kind of piece is risky; but what the heck, if the Spacious Cannoneers turn out to be too weak or too strong when used in different-army games, at least one can always enjoy games where both sides use the same army, so let's do it.

The Spacious Cannoneers R = the Mortar and the Howitzer

The Spacious Cannoneer Rook comes in two flavors, and I like the idea of having both in the same game.

Both kinds of Rook move and capture as Wazir or as Spacious Rook.   (The Wazir power is useful only when the Spacious Rook power cannot make a one-square move.)   

To this, the Mortar adds the power of capturing (but not moving) as a Rookwise Cannon, while the Howitzer adds the power of moving (but not capturing) as a Rookwise Cannon.  

It is recommended to start with Mortar on a1 or h8, Howitzer on h1 or a8; Black gets the one that attacks the enemy Kingside position as compensation for White's first-move advantage.   In games with different armies, perhaps only the Howitzer should be used.  

Valuewise, the Spacious Rook should be worth two thirds of a R, half the power of a Cannon Rook should be worth one quarter of a R, and the small amount added by the Wazir move should be worth one ninth of a R. This adds up to a bit more than a Rook, not enough to be significant (the error in the estimate of value is likely to be much larger than that!).  

The Spacious Cannoneers B == the Carronade

The Spacious Cannoneer Bishop is named the Carronade and moves and captures as Spacious Bishop or as Cannon Bishop.

Valuewise, two thirds plus one third, nothing could be more simple.

Note that 1. Carronade f1-b5+ is legal but not a good move.

The Spacious Cannoneers Q == Big Bertha

The Spacious Cannoneer Queen is named Big Bertha and combines the powers of Howitzer and Carronade.

Note that combining Mortar with Carronade would allow 1. BigB d1-h5+ or 1. BigB d1-a4+ not only winning a R, but also with unstoppable 2. BigbB-e4 (or to e5) checkmate.

The Spacious Cannoneers N == the Napoleon

The Napoleon is an equine piece that is neither Spacious nor Cannonistic, but is named the Napoleon after the horse-drawn field artillery of Napoleonic times.

I have chosen the fbNW - narrow Knight plus Wazir - simply because it is a good Knight substitute that I have often mentioned but have never used in any game.

The Spacious Cannoneers == Summary

This army is highly experimental and could be much too strong or much too weak to use against other standard armies.

This army is quite exotic and takes some getting used to.   Players who haven’t played enough Xiang Qi to get accustomed to cannon moves may well be baffled by a game that combines two exotic powers at once.   Players who know the Cannon well will still be startled by the Spacious pieces.  

In the late endgame, the long-distance pieces lose very little by being Spacious and gain very little by being Cannonate; but the small tactical details can be interesting, when the difference between a Bishop and a Carronade suddenly makes itself felt.

In the early game, Spaciousness should frustrate many moves you want to make, while Cannonization should give you pleasant choices to make up for that.

The Spacious Cannoneers == Sample Game

Let us suppose W has the Fabulous FIDE army, and Black has the Spacious Cannoneers with Mortar on h8, Howitzer a8.  

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d7-d5

The fbNW is a good piece in general, but can’t defend e5.  

2...Carronade c8-g4 might be good.   It pins the Nf3 with Spacious power and attacks the Qd1 with Cannon power, and after the forced Bf1-e2, both e2 and f3 are pinned by the Cannon power, though the Nf3 is not attacked.

2...d7-d6 does not block the Carronade at f8 from developing to c5, however it does block it from developing to e7!

The Pe5 is halfway defended, because 3 Nxe5 BigB d8-a5+ 4 d2-d4 (f8 is occupied, so Spacious capture on e1 is illegal) looks mighty risky.

But wait a minute!   1. e4?, BigB d8-h4+ and wins the Pe4.

1.e2-e4? is just a bad move, because 1. d2-d4 BigBd8-h4+? 2. g2-g3 BigBh4-e4 3. Bf1-g2! defends, develops, and drives back the attack with loss of time.   On the other hand 1 d2-d4 allows Carronade f8-b4 checkmate.

3.Bf1-g2 is picturesque, don’t you think?   But in fact the Rh1 wasn’t attacked because a8 is occupied.

Hmmm, 1 e2-e4 BigBd8-h4+ 2 g2-g3 BigBh4xe4 (not check!) 3 Nb1-c3 Carronade f8-b4 (pin) 4 Bf1-g2 BigB e4-g6! attacks g2, White doesn’t have enough compensation for the Pawn.   Instead 4.a2-a3 Carr b4-a5 (now b2-b4 allows Carr a5xc3), 5 Qd1-e2 BigB e4xc2, not enough compensation.

Therefore 1. Ng1-f3 is going to be a popular opening move.   1 Nc3 is also good, or 1.g2-g3, and enough other choices that the opening is playable.

If White has the Spacious Cannoneers with two Howitzers and Black has the Clobberers, 1. BigB d1-h5+? g7-g6, e5 is defended by BDh8, h7 can’t be captured because h8 occupied, W must retreat in shame; or if Black had the FIDEs, 1. BigB-h5+ g6 2. BigB-e5 makes no threat, is simply a bad move.

As I said, Cannon powers can be dangerous.   It appears as if there is danger here, but that the opposing army can, with a bit of care, always survive and even profit from attempts at early raids.

In addition, this little bit of analysis gives me more faith in the proposition that the weakness of Spaciousness balances the strengths of artillery.

I’ve always wanted to make up a variant where one side had the FIDE army but the other side had an army with Cannon pieces.   Well, not really always, only since 1977 or so, close enough.  

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Click here for the next article in this series.

Written by Ralph Betza.


Ideal Values and Practical Values - part 6

A Case Study in Piece Values

By Ralph Betza

Basis: Furlrurlbakking

Two of my armies in Chess for Different Armies use the Furlrurlbakking, frlRrlbK, a piece that moves and captures forwards and sideways as a Rook and rearwards (including diagonally to the rear) as a King.   (The notation also says it moves sideways as King, but that’s moot since the sideways Rook move includes the sideways King move; the extra “rl” in the notation was added merely to make the name of the piece more of an unpronounceable rurlmble.)

According to the simplified counting theory presented in part 1 of this series, the three single-step moves should ideally be fully equivalent to one direction of a Rook’s move. I replaced the retreat with short moves not because the short moves were weaker but because retreats are less important over the course of the whole game, and so any difference in the values would be minimized by the lesser importance of retreating moves.

Remember that the Rook gets one third of its average mobility from its ability to move one single square - in fact, this is why the Furlrurlbakking was capable of being invented even before I had devised the theories of ideal values and simple addition.  

The short moves are powerful.    The Man, or Commoner is notably stronger in practice than a minor piece.   Understanding the power of the WF is important to understanding the strength of the frlRbK.

However, the Rook is a piece whose role in the game is usually to remain on the board until the endgame, when with fewer pieces on the board it is more likely to be able to make the long moves for which it is famous.   Likewise, though we start the game with foe in front (which is the reason that forward movement is more important over the whole course of a game), by the endgame the armies are scattered around the board and retreating moves become more common, and forwardness becomes less important.  

Ever since Hans Bodlaender pointed this out to me, I’ve worried about whether the Furlrurlbakking might have an Achilles heel in that combination of 3 things: first, it is a piece of a rank likely to survive to the endgame, second, long movement powers are stronger in the endgame, and third, retreats are less unimportant in the endgame.   If this is so, then unless we assume that the frlRbK’s choice of three retreats give it enough opening and midgame advantages to compensate for its endgame disadvantage, and there seems to be no reason for this assumption, then it follows that the Furlrurlbakking is weaker than the Rook, possibly enough weaker than the Rook that the difference will often decide the game; and that therefore the armies that use it are fatally flawed.    Yes, I worry about this stuff.  

The position that shows the frlRbK at its worst has White K on b8 White frlRbK on a7, Black Pa2 and Kb1. A Rook at a7 would draw easily.   Instead, the Furlrurlbakking must helplessly watch the Pawn promote.  

In October 2001, I finally realized that the Furlrurlbakking at a7 draws easily.   It allows the Pawn to promote, and then laughs at the inability of the enemy King to approach it from the rear.   The Pawnless ending Q versus R is (in most cases) an easy win, but Q versus frlRbK is merely a draw!   I believe the same is true if the opponent has Chancellor rather than Queen.  

The Furlrurlbakking is different from the Rook, and it has different strengths and different weaknesses, but I now believe more than ever it has the same strength as the Rook.

The player with the Rook will strive for positions where the Rook shows to advantage, while the player with the Furlrurlbakking will play in a way that emphasizes the frlRbK’s strong points, and that’s what Chess is.  

Subvariations on the Furlrurlbakking

Changing the retreat of the frlRbK to give it some longer jumps would take away its powerful short moves, and the resulting piece would probably lose the Pawnless endgame versus Queen.  

Here is an interesting idea which came to me after most of this article was written: How about a piece which moves as R, but captures as Furlrurlbakking?   Or captures as R, but moves as the other?   And the same for every single one of the Rooklike pieces discussed here?   You can see that there is neither space nor time to discuss all the possibilities!   However, the general principle is that the value of the piece should be the average value of R and the other piece, and since most of the pieces already have R value or something close, many of the pieces that seem too weak or too strong would be helped by this rule.  

First Variation - the Bisserfoof

The bsRfWfF is the opposite of the Furlrurlbakking - it moves to the side and rear as Rook, but advances as a King.  

The Bisserfoof is not worth as much as a Rook over the course of a whole game, and the reason is most elegantly explained by an example that occurs later in this text.   However, what an interesting piece it would be to use!  

How much less than a Rook is it worth?   Would a forward lame Dabbabah non-capturing move added to its power make it equal to R, or stronger?   I wish I knew, and I’d welcome any ideas.  

Intuition says that the Bisserfoof is worth nearly as much a Rook.   If only it were possible to know how nearly!  

Second Variation - Fibberking and Sirking

The fbRK moves as King, or advances or retreats as Rook; it does not have the Rook's sideways move.   Where the Furlrurlbakking substitutes three short moves for one direction of a Rook’s move, the Fibberking substitutes six for two.   Given the importance of distance in forwardness, one should feel intuitively comfortable with the idea that the Fibberking is as strong as a Rook, despite its sideways slowness that may sometimes cause it to be caught off base.

However, the six short moves substituted for the sideways Rook moves include two advancing moves!   Although they are short, they are forwards, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Fibberking were noticeably stronger than the Rook for this reason; but on the other hand, perhaps they merely compensate for the fbRK’s sideways imbalance.  

Even if the Fibberking is not stronger than a Rook, of course there are situations in which it is stronger and others in which it is weaker.   The characteristic attack of the Fibberking is to zoom down an empty file, most likely with a non-capturing move, and arrive at a position where it attacks several pieces at once using its multiplicity of short-range moves.   In other words, to attack like a Man, merely arriving by chariot.  

The sRK would move as King, or sideways as a Rook.   The importance of distance in forward moves should make the practical value of the Sirking less than a Rook although its ideal value is the same as a Rook, or indeed the same as a Fibberking or as a Furlrurlbakking.

According to the theory that balance allows practical values to come closer to ideal values, adding a Knight’s power to Sirking or Fibberking, or even to Furlrurlbakking or Rook, would produce new pieces whose ideal values would all be Queen and whose practical values would be closer to each other than the original pieces.  

In other words, the difference in value between Sirking+Knight and Fibberking+Knight should be less than the difference in practical value between sRK and fbRK because the added N move gives each one more movement in the direction it lacked.   Balance.  

Of course, while reading this you have already imagined a piece that alternates between Fibberking and Sirking, that is, a piece which turns ninety degrees each time it moves.   Now you know its value.   Feel free to name it and use it.  

Third Variation - Nine Short Moves plus Unidirectional Rook. 

Firking and Birking seem much more natural than Lurking and Rurking, don’t they? (“If I ever saw anybody lurking and rurking, I’d call a cop!” rim shot on the drum, the audience laughs.)  

There is a certain symmetry, though, which gives an insight into why the Furlrurlbakking is worth more in practice than the Bisserfoof.   Imagine that you start the game with rRK on h1 and lRK on a1, while your opponent started with rRK[2] on h8 and lRK on a8 – wouldn’t you feel that you had a big disadvantage?   Starting with the Bisserfoof is in principle very much the same as starting with rRK on h1, and that’s the insight.   So obvious now that we know it.  

The brK’s ability to make long moves cannot be used until it has climbed to the other side of the board, while the frK’s long moves are on the board from the start of the game (though they may be blocked by Pawns and other obstructions).   The brK is worth less (but again, it would be an interesting piece to use.)  

The fRK, bRK, lRK, and rRK are only seven short moves plus one direction of a Rook’s move, and so each is ideally worth less than a R by one sixth of a Rook, enough to decide the game.  

WDH is a three square x-ray Rook, and because of the way these powers work together I think the piece is much too strong to use as a Rook.   Even as a sideways move, it seems too strong; but as a retreat, perhaps it would be okay.  

Except for the special combination of WDH in the same direction, and with the additional exception that W, D, and H movements in the same direction as Rook’s movement can’t be chosen, one could start with a unidirectional Rook, add any nine “short” moves from N, W, F, A, H, or D, or even Bishop, where one direction counts as two short moves, in other words any nine subatomic “move and capture” directions from the standard list of atoms that are useful on an 8 x 8 board (of course you could also have some movement powers different from capture powers), and if the combination of ingredients you pick is well-balanced the resulting piece should be a Rook in practical value as well as in ideal value.  

That’s thousands of possible new Rook-valued pieces! (Some mathematician will respond that there are really only 932 possible combinations, or some other number.   It’s too much work for me to figure out right now, I’d have to derive or remember how.)  

For example, fRbWN, a very nice piece.   Too nice, perhaps, because adding the forwardness of the N to the forward Rook presumably makes the Firboon too strong, a rare case where practical value is greater than ideal value.  

bBfRbWsfNbbN is a much better balance. sfNbbN is the Barc, and so the Bifferbubarc (accent on biff and boo so that the name can be used in Shakespearean sonnets or in Rubaiyat[1]) is a forward Rook plus retreating Bishop plus wide forward Knight plus narrow rearward Knight.   It has a Rookish ideal value, and I think it is well-balanced enough that it is a Rook in practical value.  

Twelve Short Moves

I have no fear of fighting against a Rook with an NW, NF, ND, or NA, (or NH), because the Knight move is usually “long enough” on an 8 x 8 board (plus, my piece moves in so many directions!), but with WFD or WAF, I feel a slight degree of discomfort - and this despite the fact that Wooft and Waff “can mate”, but some of the Augmented Knights cannot.  

However, this is just chessplayer’s intuition, the same intuition that worried bootlessly about the Furlrurlbakking’s possible endgame weakness.   Perhaps WFD and WAF are okay - but WAF seems so awkward in the opening, I’ve never liked it much.  

The WFD seems to be too concentrated on very short moves.   The ffNsbNWF - the Crabman! - is likely to be better balanced because it has some “long enough” moves.  

The WAD seems a bit dispersed, but I believe in its value despite the following endgame study: W has Ka1 and WAD on e5, Black has Kd4, White’s move.   If the White K can protect the WAD, Black will be checkmated.   With a WD instead of a WAD, the game is drawn.   White wins, but best defense makes it surprisingly difficult. (If you find the one and only correct way to win on the first try, it might not seem so hard - try to find a second way!).    

The FAD is colorbound and has been tested and is known to be somewhat inferior to a Rook - but not by very much.   Note that the FAD jumps to all same-color squares in its range, while the NW jumps to all opposite-color squares in the same range.   Too bad there isn't room in one army for two pairs of Rook-valued pieces unless do something funny with the value of some other piece.  The Colorbound Clobberers did this successfully, but it’s dangerous to have a strange material balance.

HFD is the beloved Half-Duck, a lovely piece and well worth a Rook, while WFD is mentioned above in this article.  

Many other combinations of the standard ingredients exist, but have not been tested, have not been named, have not been used in games.   Think of this as an opportunity!  

Summing Up

If the Forlrurlbakking has a weakness, it is that all its moves in one direction are short - in other words, a question of balance.  

I don’t think the frlRrlbK has a significant weakness.   I think it is adequately balanced because it has long moves in some directions, short in others.  

Applying the principle that created the Forlrurlbakking, replacing one direction of the Rook’s move with three short moves, we can derive new pieces with two or one Rook directions; and when we get down to zero Rook directions, we’re talking about some well-known and well-tested pieces in addition to many unknown and untested possible pieces.

This exercise seems to support the idea that we can simply add pieces and parts of pieces, and when the total reaches a certain number we get a Rook-valued piece.

But that’s a piece whose ideal value is Rookish.   For many of the pieces I derived, I was able to argue that the piece was in practice weaker or stronger than R.   I hope my arguments convinced.

One principle allows us to simply stitch together a bunch of piece parts - Igor, we need the brain of a Rook and the heart of a Knight - and create something new of predictable value.  

That principle is - audience let me hear you, all together now - b l c .   I can’t hear you!    Let’s try again, just the left half of the auditorium, it’s bal .   That was weak, I’ll bet you folks on the right can do better, give it to me now, it’s ance!   Okay all at once, let’s hear it for Balance.  

[1] “The Bifferbubarc moves, and having moved,” for example.  

[2] The opponent’s right is your left...  

Click here for the previous article in this series.

Written by Ralph Betza.  


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