

Children’s Round”, Hans Thoma

This universal symbol (evident shape of moon and sun, less evidently the shape of the earth) implies totality, perfection, the unity of the Self.   The eastern meditational designs called mandalas are usually circular designs within an inscribed square, possessing a center, symmetry, cardinal points and the harmonious balance of all elements.   The heavens wheel round the earth, human life wheels from birth to death.   In Norse myth the world serpent, or serpent of Midgard, encircles the world, biting his own tail.   The circle is also the wheel - the wheels are the third rank of angels after the Seraphim and Cherubim.   As an image of defence it implies unbreachable walls - conversely it implies fixed thinking.   How to square the circle ie, how to harmonize worldly truths (square) with celestial philosophy (the circle).   This search, like that for the Philosopher’s Stone, remains as mythic now as ever it was.   The Power of the World always works in circles and everything tries to be round: the sky is round and the earth is round and so are the stars and planets.   The wind whirls.   Birds make their nests in circles.   The seasons form a great circle in their changing.   Cross inscribed within a circle: the relationship between man and the world of nature surrounding him.   This symbol is painted on a number of Indian (American) objects and on the bodies and heads of men who participate in their tribal ceremonies.   In the Hako ceremony of the Pawnee, the priest draws a circle on the earth with his toe.   The explanation given is that the circle represents a nest, and is drawn by the toe, because the Eagle (symbol of the Great Spirit) builds its nest with its claws.   Another ritual is the ‘Sacred Wheel’ (placed against each of the four sides of a man’s body and finally lowered over the head so that he is ritually at the center, a vertical axis to the horizontal).   The circle, whether found in nature, painted on a buffalo skin or enacted in a sun dance, is but an unexamined luminous symbol whose meaning is intuitively sensed, not consciously interpreted.   Peace pipe: symbol of solidarity, moves deliberately in a perfect circle from one smoker to the next.   Indians often camp in circles.  The tribal circle, each segment composed of a clan, or band, makes a living picture of tribal organization and responsibilities.  

The nature of God is a circle of which the center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere” - Empedocles.   A point within a circle was the Egyptian, Chinese, and Mayan glyph for ‘light’.  

Pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105, or 22/7 (the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference).   Yasumasa Kanada has taken Pi to 50+ billion places.  The Chudnovsky brothers claim to have gone much further.   Some think that if a pattern were discovered in Pi, it might provide an insight into the inner meaning of the universe - squaring the circle, - perpetual motion.   Pi has its own web site at 

Often contrasted with the square.   Symbol of unity, the absolute and perfection that leads back into itself in an infinite line (serpent) and associated with the wheel.   Concentric circles symbolize enlightenment in Zen Buddhism and three intersecting circles the Trinity in Christianity.   A circle inscribed in a square (Cabalist symbol) indicates the spark of divine fire.   Jung saw it as a symbol of the psyche.   Circumambulation.   Disk: when winged indicates the Sun (lofty spheres).   Ring: symbol of eternity and a sign of office (knights, Roman senators, marriage etc).   In some marriages (Greece) simple gold bands are exchanged.   Engraved in each ring is the name of the betrothed.   They are worn on the left hand until the wedding day, when they are transferred to the right hand.  The origin of the word diameter comes from the Goddess Demeter. 

From Goddess web page:

The circle represents the Godhead, all that was, is and ever shall be; spirit, the I Am; love because it encompasses, enfolds and contains; balance, because however you turn it, it maintains its shape; and justice, because it is in a state of perfect balance.  A circle contains three hundred sixty degrees.   3 + 6 + 0 = 9.   9 is the highest and final digit in the series of single digits; when multiplied by another number, the result always reduces again to 9 (2 x 9 = 18/9, 3 x 9 = 27/9, 4 x 9 = 36/9 and so on).   A circle has no beginning and no end; it is infinite and endless.  The Lord said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega” (Revelation 1:11), the beginning and the end. 

The circle symbolizes eternity and immortality of the soul.   This is seen through the laws of nature and cyclicity.   Planets revolve around our sun in a circular pattern; nature repeats itself in cycles; and if we travel far enough out in space, we arrive at the same point from which we started ( so scientists claim).  The God energy is elliptical or round.   It goes on and on, never ending.  The ancients said, “God is a spherical intelligence whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”.  

This is from “Numerology and The Divine Triangle” by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker. 

The Alpha and the Omega might also rightly be considered the Monad, that out of which all things come forth, symbolized by a circle.   The circle that arises out of the circle of the Monad creates the ‘Vesica Picsis

’, from which arises the line; out of one arise two, connected to each other, striving to be separate and independent and yet yearning to join back together and become one once more.  Holmes, observe: 74 = 64+10; 74=7+4=11=1+1=2; 64+10=6+4+1+0=11=1+1=2. 2=2.  The creative tension of the Dyad, the doorway to all other numbers and things, arises out of ‘The Game’ (the 64) plus the Monad (Alpha & Omega; 10).   Take away either element, and we have only the 1 (64=6+4=10=1+0=1; 10=1+0=1).  Put the two together, and you get creation!   Gerhard is absolutely right in his theory that ‘The Game’ arose under the auspices of the Ultimate Fertility Goddess, Inanna-Ishtar-Venus, and that it represents a “marriage” of elements of Heaven and-Earth!   Most people would say that a circle has no corners - but it is more accurate to say that it has an infinite number of corners!  



Vesica Pisces 

          The shape of the Vesica Pisces is derived from the intersection of two circles, the Pythagorean “measure of the fish” that was a mystical symbol of the intersection of the world of the divine with the world of matter and the beginning of creation. The Vesica Pisces is used in a wide range of symbolism:

1. The joining of God and Goddess
2. A symbol for Jesus Christ
3. The vagina of the female goddess
4. The basic motif in the Flower of Life
5. An overlay of the Tree of Life
6. A geometrical description of square roots and harmonic proportions

Vesica pisces



The Vesica Pisces pendant is a description of the Cherubim which were set upon the Ark of the Covenant.  The Cherubim are holding the Vesica Pisces. On one side of the pendant appears the Hebrew word “Tohu Va Vohu” and on the other side “eheye asher eheye”.

Vesica Pisces


TOHU VA VOHU” - movement then rest

Let’s take the first line of the book of Genesis:
Bereshit bara elohim et hashamaim veet haaretz vehaaretz haita tohu va vohu vechoshech al pney tehom”  - which means…

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep”.

          The old testament states that in the beginning, God created the earth and the sky and that the earth was “TOHU VA VOHU” (darkness upon the void).  The Hebrew word “TOHU VA VOHU” was seen by most people as chaos, a lack of any order. However, it is written that the land was darkness upon the void.  In other words, an empty space, a void, nothingness - and nothingness cannot be in a state of disorder! The solution to the meaning of the word is hidden in the word itself and its sound. Repeat the word “TOHU VA VOHU” – it’s a sound that repeats itself – “movement then rest”.  When we start to examine what matter is made of we get to molecules and then to atoms.  Atoms are composed of particles moving around each other at great speed.  When scientists searched for what these particles are made of they found various wave lengths (frequencies).

Movement and rest - a vibration

          The simplest way to understand a vibration is to imagine constantly repeating “movement” and “rest”. The human ear can hear 30 to 16000 vibrations (“movement” and “rest”) per second.   In fact, everything is made of frequencies, even the “matter” we previously mentioned. 

          The first letters of “Tohu Va Vohu” creates the Hebrew word “TAV” - a musical note. These letters also create the initials of “TENOOAA VEMENOOCHA” (Movement and rest translation to Hebrew).

“Vayomer” - And God said

          Another interesting thing that I’ve discovered is that the remaining letters that are the gap between the “Tav” and the “Vav” create the number 12 which is the number of notes in the musical scale, while the word “Tav” creates the 13th number which is the great void between the different harmonies. Therefore, all that exists including our self is made from frequency.  That is the reason that God speaks (creates a sound) during the creation process, “Vayomer” – “God said”.  That is the reason we call the things that surround us “Dvarim” meaning “things”, from the Hebrew word “deebur” meaning to speak, and the word “dvarim” which means “things that were spoken”. 

God’s name

          The next hint concerning “who or what I am?” comes from the story of Moses who walked in the desert where he saw the burning bush.  In those days people believed that a person’s name reflected his nature - and Moses who wanted to know the true nature of the One God, asked his name and God answered “eheye asher eheye” - the true translation of this sentence is “I am becoming what I am becoming”. Moses totally understood God’s answer but because he knew that the children of Israel would not understand the depth of God’s answer he asked – “when the children of Israel will ask me for the name of the God that sent me what should I tell them?” God answered Moses and said - tell them that “eheye” sent you!

God’s answers have also been distorted over time and their significance have been changed and forgotten.  God simply said to Moses: my name is “I am becoming what I am becoming” tell the children of Israel – “that which will become” sent you. The traditional English translation distorted the original true meaning of the Hebrew writing because it was translated incorrectly to “I am that I am”.  Now, since you are surrounded by “things” what is the only thing in creation that is certain?  The answer is CHANGE.  Nothing stays in the same state forever.  The only thing that is constant in life is change”.  Everything that exists changes and is in motion.  If the frequency that governs all will stop then all that exists would disappear and creation would stop.

          The God or the force that created all does not have a name.  He is a frequency that is constantly evolving and changing therefore he is “becoming” and has no form or definition.  The meanings of one of God’s Hebrew “names” – “YEHOVA” can be translated as I AM BECOMING or

God is within us all

          The jewelry that we create symbolizes the geometric patterns that are created by the various wave lengths of the one frequency.  This frequency also wears your image - you are God in a specific level of development.  Throughout history there were individuals who came to the realization that they are God.  Some were crucified, tortured and persecuted. Those who come from the darkness hide the truth or hid nature from man for their own power, because when man finds the One within himself there is no longer a need for external teachers or guidance. 

          The cosmic joke is that many religious people have no belief at all in the existence of God because they believe in the external (superficial) and thereby take all responsibility for their own lives off themselves. 

          All is one leads to unconditional love because YOU ARE GOD AND THEREFORE ALL THE ANSWERS AND THE UNDERSTANDING ARE TO BE FOUND WITHIN YOURSELF.  That is the reason for the concept of “unconditional love” - when we hate someone we hate ourselves because all - everything and everyone is the one God. 

          People who do spiritual activities and connect themselves consciously to the one frequency will often experience other individuals’ thoughts and emotions or perhaps if they are enlightened, they will experience the entire universe when their individual artificial consciousness merges with the One. 

The world of lies - Maya

          The old testament forbids the practice of external “channeling” and foretelling the future (which are very common among the “new age people”).  The reason for this is that the person who looks for external answers “betrays” the true God within. That is one of the reasons the external world is called in ancient Aramaic in Judaism “ALMA DE SHIKRA” - THE WORLD OF LIES and “Maya” which means “illusion” in the Hindu tradition.

Tibetan Mandala and Vesica Pisces

          The concept of the frequency that governs all, exists in all cultures starting with the “TOHU VA VOHU” in the old testament or the “OM” - the sound, the frequency that created everything (O-M, movement and rest, a frequency).  The Tibetans create their beautiful Mandalas from colored sand and if you’ll take a metal plate and cover it with sand and make it vibrate with different sounds you will be able to see different structures that are formed in the sand, that are very similar to the sand Mandalas.  In the end, after a few weeks when the Mandala is finished, they simply wipe the sand off Mandala to show the non attachment to the illusion of the external, and also to show the constant change and the process of life and death that takes place in the external world of illusion. 

Movement and Rest in Egyptian writing

          In 1949, ancient writings were found in Egypt at Nag Hammadi - known as the Nag Hamadi scriptures.  These writings contain the teachings of Yeshua - Jesus.  In one of the parts, Jesus told his disciples that the SIGN OF THE FATHER (GOD) IS WITHIN THEM.  Then he asked “and when they will ask what is the sign of thy father within you tell them it is MOVEMENT AND REST”. 

Gold Vesica pisces

Gold Vesica pisces


The Circular Chess Society

The Circular Chess Society is a small but growing organizations of players of Circular Chess.   This game was invented in 1983 by Dave Reynolds, and in 1996, he founded together with other circular chess enthusiasts this organization.   The roots, the main organizers, and many of the members of this organization can be found in Lincoln, England, UK.   In March 1997, the society had around 50 members.  

·         Circular Chess Society information page

·         Circular Chess Society membership form

  • In 1996, the Circular Chess Society held its first World Championship: Robin Stevens became the first World Champion after a tournament with around 30 participants.  
  • In 1997, the second World Championship was held.  It took place on Sunday, May 25, 1997, in Lincoln, UK.   You can read more about it on the news page; Francis Bowers became the second World Champion. 
  • The third World Championship was held Sunday, May 17, 1998: read more about it.  
  • The 2000 World Circular Chess Championship: May 14, 2000, at St. Mary’s Guildhall, Lincoln, UK.    More information on the Mindsports site. 

The Circular Chess Society sends a newsletter to its members, called Chess Nuts. Membership of the CCS costs 5 pounds per year, worldwide.  

For all information on the CCS, write to:

The Circular Chess Society
11 North Parade
Lincoln, LN1 1LB
England, UK

or email to:

The Lincoln Circular Chess Board produced by the Society and seen on TV can be obtained for 35 Pounds, including postage and packaging inside the UK.   One year’s free membership is included when a board is obtained.   A free information pack can be obtained by sending an SAE to The Society.  

See also:

Written by: Hans Bodlaender, based on information by Robin Stevens.


Link to: Pi

The game Pi is a chess variant for multiple players.   By putting multiple curved or straight game boards together, a large playing area is made on which a number of players fight each other.   By buying additional sets, one can (in principle) make an arbitrary large playing area, and play with an arbitrary large number of pieces, although the number of different piece colours (twelve or more) seems a large enough upper bound.  

On this website (of ‘Kids Love Chess’, the distributor of this game), you can view the products sold, e.g., a basic set containing four curved boards and eight sets of game pieces (in various colours), extension sets with two straight boards and four sets of game pieces.   The boards each have 64 squares.   The basic set is offered (March 1999) for US$ 36.95.  

§ Pi. 

§   Annulus.   Website in preparation. 


This ‘link page’ is meant to provide a link to another website. Note that I have no connection to, or bear responsibility for the linked sites. 


Pi - the Chess Game of the 21st Century


Why did we name this game Pi (better written down by the corresponding symbol of the Greek alphabet (HB)?  The 16th letter of the Greek alphabet, Pi is an internationally recognized symbol evoking images of circles and spheres.   Pi takes the traditional game of chess and turns it into a fast-paced circular free-for-all involving as many players as you can fit in the room!

Alliances, handicaps, team play, unlimited number of players, and an infinitely variable playing field combine to transform chess into an entirely new, fast-paced, exciting game.

The playing area of this game comes in curved and straight sections (straight sections are sold separately) so that more players can be accommodated by simply adding more sections.   There is no limit to the number of people who can play Pi at the same time.   Rent a stadium and invite a few thousand friends! 

Feel free to experiment with board layouts and playing options.   Some possible options are laid out in ‘Optional Rules of Play’; use your creativity and imagination to come up with your own shapes!  

Pi lets you play chess recklessly and with flair.   Keep the action moving by planning your moves while waiting for your turn to play.  Be courageous, take risks! After all, with two sets per player, the loss of a piece becomes less of a tragedy. 

Above all, HAVE FUN!


Vocabulary and Terms

Board Segments - Curved boards marked with 64 spaces alternately coloured light and dark. 
Board Transitions - Crossing from one board segment to another according to specific rules.   See Optional Rules of Play. 
Expansion Board - Rectangular boards usually used in conjunction with the curved segments to accommodate more players.   Sold separately. 
File - Column of 8 spaces running in an arc around the curved board segments.   For instance, a pawn makes it’s move up a file. 
Format - Structure of the playing field, which may be open or closed.   See Optional Rules of Play. 
Pieces/Chessmen - Each player controls 16 pieces of various capabilities which make up each of their sets. 
Player - Person controlling one or more sets of pieces. 
Playing Field - Entire area of potential play.   May consist of any number of curved and/or rectangular board segments. 
Ranks - Rows of spaces across a board segment, perpendicular to the files. 
Spaces - Small curvilinear rectangles on each board segment.   Although they vary in size, each one is equivalent to the squares on a conventional chessboard. 
Set - Group of sixteen pieces controlled by one player.   A player may control one or more sets. 
Team - Two or more people playing together in an alliance. 

Getting Started

Contents: The Pi game box contains 4 curved game boards, 8 sets of chess pieces, a Quick Instructions sheet and the instruction manual (similar to this page) - everything you need to accommodate up to 8 players.   If any piece of the game is damaged or missing, just write or call us and we’ll send you a replacement piece free of charge.  

Number of Players: 2-8

2 players: Two people can play on two board segments (2 sets each) or on four board segments (4 sets each).  

3, 5, 6, 7 players: Use the full playing field, with each player controlling sets according to his/her ability.   See Alliances and Handicapping below.   With 6 players, the best way to play is with a Pi expansion kit (2 straight boards and 4 sets of pieces, sold separately).  

4 players: This is the basic setup.  Using the full field, each player controls two sets positioned back-to-back at the start.  

8 players: Each player controls 1 sets.   Teams may be formed, each team having two players. 

Rules of Play

How to Play.

Number of Sets: Single Set Format: In the single set format, allied sets are placed back-to-back.  Each player must defeat the opponent on his board segment before moving on to another segment.   Double Set Format: Each player controls 2 sets of pieces.   They should be different shades of the same colour (i.e. light blue and dark blue).   The sets are placed back-to-back at a junction between two segments. The dark set is on the clockwise side of the junction, (refer to that figure 2!).  

To start: players draw for the first move.  In single set format, only light players draw.   In double set format, all players draw, the winner moving with his/her light set. His opponent moves his dark set, and play proceeds. 

Each player gets one move for each King he has.  When a King is checkmated, the mated player loses one move per round.   In single set format, that person is out of the game.   Refer to Section E.  

Winner: The only person with any Kings remaining.  In teams, each player can have his King remaining, and the team wins regardless of whether one partner’s King has fallen.  

Check and Checkmate: You can, believe it or not, be checked by several players at once.  If necessary, you can form an instant alliance with another player, who would then remove the check.  Otherwise, you’re by yourself!   A checkmated king is removed from the board by its owner as a move on his following turn.  There is a point scale under development that is not official.   Currently, a player gets 6 points for a checkmate achieved solely by himself.  3 point’s each to 2 players working together.  2 points to each of 3 players who execute the mate jointly.  Resigning is permitted: One can concede defeat of a set and remove the King from the board on his turn (again, as a move, then that move is lost forever). 

Draw & Stalemate: Only possible with two players left by either agreement or repetition of position.  

Captures and Castling rules are similar to regular chess. 


Section E - Alternate Rules of Play

Moves per round: 3 possible ways (maybe more): 

  • One move by each set, in order of play, OR…….
  • The total number of moves allowed is used on one set, but not on any other set, while the other remains mobile, OR……. 
  • The total number of moves allowed is used on one piece. 

All can be used throughout the game, and it is not necessary to stick to a single one.

Checkmate options: When mated, a player with only one set leaves the game, and:

  • The King is removed and the set turned over to another player according to the mated players’ wishes, OR……. 
  • The King is removed and the rest of the set remains immobile (they can be captured), OR……. 
  • The entire set is removed (simplest, I think), OR…….  
  • The King is removed and the set given to the player who executed the checkmate (more firepower!). 

If a player owns more than one set, he can remove the defeated king and:

  • Use the defeated set as part of the remaining set, OR…….  
  • Remove the set from the board, OR…….  
  • Give the set to the defeated player, OR…….  
  • Leave the set immobile. 

These rules should be determined prior to beginning the game, and should not change in mid-game. 

En Garde procedure: When a player is checkmated, the checkmating player must say “en garde!” before moving to other segments.   This gives warning to other players to prepare additional defences to the new enemy.  

Board segment transitions: A piece can transcend the entire board in one move if unblocked.   Be aware of long-distance attacks from behind if you use this, especially if an opponent checks your King from behind!  A piece can also be limited to one segment, and cannot cross another border until the next move.  

Alliances: Permanent alliances are like team play: they do not attack each other (including no checks) for the entire game.  Temporary alliances can be formed between two players eying the same objective (like checkmating a weak opponent). These can be dissolved at any time using the “en garde!” procedure.  If the allied Kings are on adjacent spaces, the withdrawing player must move the King away first (the Stab in the Back; use with caution!).  A player can lend pieces to an opposing player for a specified amount of time (number of moves) or purpose (mating an opposing King).   This can be dissolved at any time, and attack the former ally using the “en garde” procedure.   One can be an ally to two players!   Very complicated, and I omit this.  

Handicapping: Some experienced players may use one set, others use two sets. Otherwise, experienced and inexperienced players can team up.  

This set of rules was sent to me by Bryan Lambert.  Pi is a commercially available chess variant for multiple players.  A website with ordering information (and more information on this colourfull chess variant) can be visited via the following link: 

  • Pi.   Link to Kids Love Chess site, that sells this game.  

Written by Bryan Lambert, with final paragraph and html-editing added by Hans Bodlaender. 

Mobius ring

That which is below is from that which is above, working the miracles of one
Emerald tablet of Hermes


Mobius ring - a ring with only one facet

          The Mobius ring is the actualization of number of major spiritual ideas that are well established in sacred geometry.  To make a Mobius strip, take a paper page and cut it into a strip (24cm height, 4cm width for the sake of convenience).  Now give one of the two ends half a twist and then reattach the two ends.  This way you will create a Mobius strip.  The Mobius ring has only one side.  To see it clearly, take a pen and draw a line on the paper ring so that the end of the line reaches the beginning of that same line.  You will end up drawing the line on the whole surface of the ring. 

Mobius Ring

There is no difference between the inside and the outside of the Mobius ring.  This is an example of the creator which created everything from himself. Man perceives reality in a dualistic manner for good and evil.  The dualistic perception of reality does not recognize the one force behind existence. 

Cutting the Mobius strip into two!

          Take scissors and cut the Mobius strip in the middle - instead of two rings you will end up with one larger Mobius ring!  This shows the idea of duality - when you perceive the One through the duality perception you get the illusion.

Cutting the Mobius strip into three!

          Now, cut the strip about 1/3 from the width.  You will end up with two rings, a big one and a small one, one inside the other.  To understand the meaning of this, let’s look at the Hebrew names of God. 

Mobius strip and the Hebrew names of God

          The Jewish tradition prohibits the pronunciation of the name of God.  However the names of the Creator (as they appear in the Hebrew old testament) are not names at all but only symbols which lead to truths.  The first Hebrew name for God is “EL” which means “into” - a definition of direction without a particular goal (since the creator is everything and everywhere).

          The numerological value of the first letter in the word “EL” is 1 and the second letter has the numerological value of 3 which means the one who is three or the holy trinity.  When you cut the Mobius strip into 1/3 you get the bigger ring - the macro and the Creator and the smaller ring - the creatures, the living beings.

          Taking the Hebrew word ELOHIM apart you get three words: “EL” (God in a male aspect), “ELA” (God in a female aspect) and “ELIM” meaning gods. Once again we have the holy trinity - male, female and plural.

          Even the Hebrew name “Yehova” contains the words “haya” (was in Hebrew), “hove” (is now) and “yeeheeye” (will be) giving us the cycle of time…

When we realize who we truly are, the cosmic joke will reveal it self!

Gold Mobius ring