she called me baby                                                             save the best



01 The creative mind - ‘nature’s masterpiece’.   The soul or spiritual body is an energy pattern - a citizen of eternity.   Souls were made for companionship with God.   The pattern used was God Himself.   Individuality (personality) is the cloak of the soul.   When a life is over the personality vanishes and is absorbed into the individuality!   Each soul is a corpuscle (atom) in the body of that force called God. 

02 Vertical line: joins above and below. 

03 Horizontal line. 

this is a chess gif

04 Cross: union of opposites.   It also has a specific central point/it joins and balances. 

05 Tripod: Faust: three triangles pointing upwards. 

06 The circle adds the dynamism of movement.   Circle is also a symbol of completion.  The equal-armed cross is set in motion and the circle is formed.   When the soul returns to God the ego is voluntarily relinquished (this is the symbology of the crucifixion). 

07 All symbols are a product of the psyche. 

08 Xmas tree (three triangles).   Tripod. 

09 Pentangle (related to man’s five limbs). 

10 Upward pointing triangle: fire, which as light is the thinking function.   May also symbolize the transforming fire of conscious intuition.   Tripod. 

11 The four-armed Krishna is symbolically equivalent to a living three-dimensional cross. 

12 The circle and the wand are the basic weapons of magic, just as the sword and shield are of battle. 

13 The Stupa (Tibet) piles these symbols on top of each other (triangle, circle and square). 

14 Riding: symbol of loving and the power of Eros (Man rides in the body of his mother, his/her first horse). 

15 Milton and Spinoza are considered seekers of patterns in creation. 

15 Everything in the universe follows certain patterns and processes that escape precise definition; imprecisely this is called Dao [Tao], the “Way”. 

Flower of life

The blueprint of creation

Flower of life - symbol of all major religion

The “Flower of Life” can be found in all major religions of the world.  In Egypt, the source of all the monotheistic religions, the “Flower of Life” can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos.  In Israel it can be found in ancient synagogues in the Galilee and in Mesada.  The “Flower of Life” contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the “Great Void”.  Everything is made from the Creator’s thought.


Flower of life


Flower of life creation

After the creation of the Seed of Life (See the article about the seed of life) the same vortex’s motion was continued, creating the next structure known as the Egg of Life (diagram 8).  In three dimensional forms it looks like diagram 4. This structure forms the basis for music, as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. 

Flower of life
It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight).  Thus this same structure as it is further developed, creates the human body and all of the energy systems including the ones used to create the Merkaba.  If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end up with the structure shown in diagram 8a.   This structure is called the Flower of Life. 


Fruit of life inside the flower of life

The flower of life holds a secret symbol created by drawing 13 circles out of the Flower of Life as shown in diagram 8b.  By doing this, one can discover the most important and sacred pattern in the universe.  This is the source of all that exists; it’s called the Fruit of Life.  It contains 13 informational systems.  Each one explains another aspect of reality.  Thus these systems are able to give us access to everything ranging from the human body to the galaxies.  In the first system, for example, it’s possible to create any molecular structure and any living cellular structure that exists in the universe.  In short every living creature.

Platonic solids

By connecting all the middle points of the 13 circles to each other, one gets the pattern shown in diagram 8c.  This is known as the Metatron Cube.  Inside it are five three-dimensional shapes known as the Platonic Solids.  These five shapes and all their combinations create all the possible structures in the universe, such as the embryonic cell division existing in every living creature. 

          This is only the first informational system within the “Fruit of Life”, which is derived from the Flower of Life.  The Ancient Egyptians used to hide this way of producing the “Fruit of Life” from the “Flower of Life” by drawing the “Flower of Life” without some of its outer circles and drawing two circles around the inner circles.  This is similar to the inner and outer membranes of the ovum surrounding the embryonic cells. 

flower of life symbolFlower of life

King Akhenaton Flower of Life

The special qualities within the Flower of Life were taught in Egypt in the 18th Dynasty, during the reign of King Akhenaton.  He established three schools of mysticism:

The Right Eye of Horus dedicated to the left (masculine) side of the brain.  This side controls logic, calculation as well as the ability to understand geometry and spatial relations.  Its aim was to prove the existence of one spirit that exists everywhere and in everything.

The Left Eye of Horus dedicated to the right (feminine) side of the brain (emotion and sensitivity side).

 The Middle Eye of Horus dedicated to life itself.

The Egyptians were aware of dimensions and referred to a higher level of existence called “The Fourth Dimension”, known as the “after life”.  The aim of the schools was to reinstate the knowledge of the “One true force - the almighty” that exists everywhere and in everything.  This knowledge which came from the advanced Atlantean race was lost 13,000 years ago with the destruction of Atlantis. This loss resulted in “good and evil”, duality consciousness.

          King Akhenaton, as a messenger of the ascended masters, reintroduced monotheism to his subjects whom, due to the long passage of time had forgotten this Atlantean knowledge. The Egyptian idols were only symbols of the one true God, the “Neter Neteru”, that which is beyond definition.  Egyptian mythology was transformed into a form of symbolic calculus, by which the sages interpreted the evolution of spiritual states and psychic landscapes.  Her religious teachings promoted unity and monotheism but it was never defined beyond the simplistic “Neter Neteru”. This Pharaoh’s death left behind a legacy that was the source of all the modern monotheistic religions. 

Tree of life jewelry

Pattern #1: Aries (Fire)  Aries is the step. It is the way in which one preserves, through a step-by step process. Certain people from cultures like Mexico and the Middle America created a stepped pyramid form.

Pattern #2: Taurus (Earth)  The step moves us into Taurus, which represents the maintaining of substance. Substance is a dense, preserving type of approach.

Pattern #3: Gemini (Air)  Gemini relates to the branch. It has to do with choice points. And making a choice relates to duality, the binary code of "on" or "off" represented by the Twins. It also is about distribution of information or energy. We can see this in the body through the branching systems of the lungs and blood, or in the branches of trees. The beauty of trees is that in them, what normally falls — sap, blood, water, fluid — rises, and what normall rises — light — descends from the leaves. So the distribution or the branching represents alchemical change.

Pattern #4: Cancer (Water)  The spiral or vortex correlates with Cancer. The vortex creates energy flow. It is a generator, and it could be symbolized as a spiral galaxy, generating everything — stars, planets, everything living. There are two types of vortexes: open and closed. A closed vortex has two points at each end and a circle in the center. An open vortex has the point in the center, with open circles at each end. The movement of the generating spiral in any vortex is connected with the Golden Mean spiral. The Golden Mean acts as a kind of arc between Prime Source and living beings. All spirals generate and create energy in a similar way.

Pattern #5: Leo (Fire)  Leo is the radial, and its function is broadcasting. It is for maintaining codes. In the phenomenal world, it is just a star distinguished by its radiance. Flowers mirror Leo: They are little suns on Earth, and many of them have the radial form. They may be in diverse color, but there is meaning in the color.

Pattern #6: Virgo (Earth)  Virgo is the loop, the tube torus or doughnut shape. It is turning inside out. It could be a knot, like the Celtic designs, or a link, folding in on itself. The tube torus is like that, it is turning inside out or around, looping inside out, and it has to do with the transformation of substance, or cycles, like the turning of day into night, or the turning of the seasons. The knot is the cycle. Also, the aspect of transformation of substance relates to the food chain and digestion — how all of the animals and plants interact. There is a hierarchy, here — for example, there are billions of grains and comparably a few lions. There is a pyramid. We will evolve to the point where we do not eat animals, and eventually eat very little at all. The more lightly we eat, the higher our consciousness, and this is definitely the direction to go in. Also, what nourishment we do take in should be very useful. So Virgo has to do with the purification of substance into body or consciousness.

Pattern #7: Libra (Air) : Libra relates to the column, the straight vertical line. It has to do with balance and strength. One must be centered to hold whatever is being created. The spine or the trunk of a tree are symbols of the balance and strength that holds creation. The column can actually be visualized for aligning or creating a connection between Heaven and Earth, between Light and Dark. It creates connection between things.

Pattern #8: Scorpio (Water)  Scorpio is my favorite. It represents the wave, that which creates the energy flow. It is a matrix that distributes or transmits the flow of energy. It penetrates deep. Waves are the means by which Nature transmits the codes. Scorpio is symbolized by the Dragon, as well as waves of all kinds.

Pattern #9: Sagittarius (Fire)  Sagittarius represents nesting: one form within another. In fractals, it is the principle of recursiveness. I like to think of Sagittarius as a diamond. In a way, it is the most allied with transforming codes. The transformation actually takes the energy to another level. It is the return of wisdom and life to the source, but it also is a "stepping up" of the energy. All of the forms have to do with changing energy, but this is a taking or restoring of the energy to a higher level.

Pattern #10: Capricorn (Earth)  Capricorn is the circle or the sphere. Yet it is an Earth element. It is the circle that encases things, like a skull or the skin. It is protective, making a barrier that holds shapes and Creation. It holds the life force in the physical matrix.

Pattern #11: Aquarius (Air)  Aquarius is the grid, any type of grid. It can be triangular, square, cubic, or hexagonal. It is the shape or grid-work or focus to which things attach. It is the interconnecting force that gives us our commonality. For instance, most of us have five fingers, not six. This "five" is a function of nature. It is found throughout space and within all phenomena. All things are created through the grid. All planets, auric fields, and Universes are created and permeated by the grid. There are also consciousness grids.

Pattern #12: Pisces (Water)  Pisces is transformation. There is real chaos in this form. It is unpredictable. It is an ending energy form symbolized by death, diffusion, and decay. Darkness, confusion, and destructiveness are synonymous with this form. You could think of terrorists, their unpredictability, how they can't really be stopped, bringing confusion and chaos. Pisces brings an end to order when things become too controlled, too fixed.