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"The Jor-Jet Vision"


Greetings Family of God,

Our desire is to preach the uncompromising Word of God to a dieing and hurting world. 

Our passion for God and for souls continues to burn in our hearts, as God continues to

open great doors of opportunity to the nations of the world and in the United States.


Since the demand is becoming greater, we are in need of an airplane and we are believing

God for a Cessna Jet and by faith we recieve it and have it according to Mark 11:23-24.


Stand with us and pray with us as we believe God for our Jor-Jet according to Isaiah 58:14,

it says that He will cause us to ride in high places and feed us with the heritage of Jacob,

Amen to that!


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© 2002 Jorge R. Rojas, The Holy Ghost Preacher & Family Ministries International