Rossbeigh Therapies
Wooden Bridge, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
Email: rtherapies@eircom.net
Updated 19 November 2000
How long does a treatment session last?
Frequently asked questions answered
A treatment session with Bach Flower Remedies
The treatment session involves the therapist gathering necessary information about the state of your health and the stresses you are under. Once these are established the therapist will make up a bottle of remedies specifically for you for the problems as they present themselves at present.
You may need a second visit and subsequent visits to receive fresh remedies for the underlying problems, which will be exposed as the outer layer is dissolved.
The healing process is not un-like the peeling of an onion. Each layer reveals the more deeply felt emotions, fears and stresses
Updated 19 November 2000
People sometimes understand this to mean that there are only 38 states of mind, but it would be more exact to say that there are 38 basic states of mind which can in combination with each other make hundreds of millions of variations. A useful analogy is with the world of colour. There are only three basic colours (red, blue yellow), yet all kinds and variations can be produced when they are used in combination. The remedies act on the body and mind calming stresses and restoring balance of energy and emotion.
Frequently asked questions answered
Updated 19 November 2000