Every adult who offers their services as a Scouter must undertake the "Welcome to Scouting" Induction Training Course before they are permitted to associate with youth members.

The prime responsibility for the provision of this training lies with the Unit Leader.

Part of the training may be delegated to a Mentor and this is explained in the Mentor's Manual.

Before a Unit Leader can give this training, the Unit Leader must attend a "Welcome to Scouting" Briefing.

Briefings will be arranged for individuals and groups on request.

If you are a Unit Leader who has not attended a Briefing and wishes to do so, please contact Sean Farrell on scoutingirelandcsi@eircom.net

The content of the Course is as follows:

April 1999


Stage One - Meeting the Unit Leader

The Prospective Scouter (PS) meets the Unit Leader who gives out "Footsteps to Leadership" and the Association's "Code of Ethics and Good Practice". There is a discussion which covers why a person would become a Scouter and what it entails; the fundamentals of Scouting - its Aim, method, history and advantages as a method of training. The PS will be introduced to the Mentor (if different to the Unit Leader). (Time: 30 minutes)

Stage Two - Visiting the Sections

This stage is intended to provide an opportunity to see each of the Sections of the Unit in action. Each of the Sections of the Unit is visited (or if it does not have all of these, visit those in a neighbouring Unit). This will show how the Scout Method is adapted for the different age groups and the types of meetings or activities each Section runs. This will also gives PS a chance to decide which Section best suits their talents and that they would like to work in. (Time: not more than one a week, so four weeks minimum)

Stage Three - Talking it Over

The Unit Leader/Mentor makes the arrangements for the Section visits in Stage Two and goes with the PS on all of these. During that time the PS and Unit Leader/Mentor will take time to discuss what the Sections do and to chat generally about Scouting and the contents of "Footsteps to Leadership". (Time: total of 90 minutes)


Stage Four - A Meeting of Adults

The PS attends a meeting dealing with administration. This may be a Scouters meeting to plan programme or if the PS is to be a Troop Scouter, a meeting of the Court of Honour or, in the case of a Group Scouter, the Group Executive. (Time: as long as it takes)


Stage Five – Responsibilities

The PS has a discussion either with the Unit Leader/Mentor or with a group of other prospective Scouters on the Responsibilities of an adult in Scouting and on the way the Unit Scouters work as a Team. (Time: 30 minutes)


Stage Six – Back with the Unit Leader

The PS again meets the Unit Leader (not the Mentor) to discuss progress during the "Welcome to Scouting" Induction Training. They discuss what job the PS wishes to take on and the role to be fulfilled. Having agreed to be a Scouter, the PS completes a Temporary Leader Permit/Commission Application and signs a booking form for a Woodbadge "Scouting in Action" Training Course. (Time: 30 minutes)

Link to WTS Documentation Order Form