Key quotes:
On 27 July 2005 National Library Director
Aongus Ó hAonghusa wrote: 'It is clear from the file
that Mr O Donoghue
Herald] granted no recognition to Mr Sweeney'.
It is now up
to you, Mr Sweeney, to publish the full text of Ms Mac Conghail's 2003
report, or effectively admit that your claim to chiefship is based
merely on family
lore as opposed to acceptable documentary evidence.
Rather than
fairly with the specific criticisms I have raised with him in
correspondence and in my
report on
his claim to chiefship, Mr Thomas Sweeney has unfortunately chosen
to publish a series of personal attacks on his website at,
transferred 1 July 2005 to
and now swollen to a rather spectacular 30,000-word and rising exercise
evasion, obfuscation and plain abuse. Most
the points raised are rather petty and indeed
including an allegation that I am guilty of 'jiggery-pokery', criticism
of my use of
the initials 'MA'
after my name in reference to a university degree, an attempt to damage
my standing with an employer, a suggestion that I am akin to a 'used
dealer', that
I cannot remember my grandfather's name (I am named after him!), and
much more in this vein. Mr Sweeney makes copious references to 'Dr'
Kenneth Nicholls, implying that in some way his work negates mine.
While Mr Nicholls is indeed an eminent scholar to whose work I have
often had occasion to refer, he does not in fact possess a doctorate,
and there is no evidence that he has supported Mr Sweeney's claim to
chiefship in any way.
More seriously, Mr Sweeney has
alleged that my account of my role in
exposing the Mac Carthy Mór hoax has been shown to be false by
Cecil Humphery-Smith OBE, to which charge I have elsewhere made a more
than adequate
Much is made of
the fact that in 1992 then acting Deputy and now Chief Herald
Gillespie signed
the infamous Mac Carthy Mór
'per pro' or on behalf of Chief Herald Begley: a signature is a
signature, and it
should of course have been refused on principle by both officials, who
it is now clear must both have known that MacCarthy's claim was
suspect. Furthermore, a copy of a
from Terence MacCarthy to Mr Gillespie dated 27 October 1991 has now
come into the writer's possession, and this shows clearly that the
latter was closely involved in the validation of MacCarthy's spurious
claim to chiefship.
If my report is
'semi-researched' and the report of his professional genealogist
Máire Mac Conghail is complete, as Mr
Sweeney alleges, then why not prove this to be
the case by releasing the full text of the latter? One
increasingly tends to suspect that there may well be even more glaring
weaknesses in the earlier section of the report commissioned by Mr
Sweeney, touching on the
difficult and indeed, as the writer knows well, frequently impossible
task of proving descent of Gaelic and Catholic families in the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The ancestry of the
present writer, of Terence
MacCarthy and his late grand-uncle Terence Maguire, of Mr Sweeney
and indeed of a majority of us, cannot be traced back much before 1800
due to paucity of surviving records, in
which fact of course there need be no shame whatsoever.
Mr Sweeney also states that
I fail to understand that I have 'no right and no authority to see or
judge Ms Mac Conghail's report', and that my 'insistent requests' for
access to
the report were 'regarded by The Mac Sweeney Doe Clan steering
committee as ill-mannered and arrogant' (comment formerly on
As Mr Sweeney has persistently
questioned my credentials, I consider it reasonable to point out that
as well as being a qualified historian and an experienced educator and
professional genealogist,
my expertise in respect of the pedigrees of Irish
chiefly families in the modern period (repeat, in the modern period) is
well proven and second to
none, as I have issued carefully researched and properly referenced
reports above my name, I helped check and update the pedigrees of
fide Irish chiefs for the 2003 edition of
Burke's Peerage, and I have
had published a full-length book, entitled
of the Chiefs: The Mac Carthy Mór Hoax.
Furthermore, and I choose my words carefully here, the skills of a
specialist rather than a generalist, no matter how able, are required
if claims to Gaelic chiefship are to be investigated properly.
As of May 2006, Mr Sweeney has
taken to alleging that the Centre for Irish Genealogical and
Historical (formerly Local) Studies is an unregistered business
operating in breach of
the Companies Act, a very serious charge which if true would render the
writer subject to stringent legal penalties. In fact the Centre is not
and never has been a commercial business,
charges no fees whatsoever, and has been operated solely by the present
writer for over a decade as a vehicle for voluntary genealogical and
historical research and publication, in particular, research on Irish
chiefship. It is true that I once had hopes that others might join me
in the work of the Centre, but the threats and abuse which my work on
bogus and questionable chiefs provokes have persuaded me that it is
best that I continue to work alone. My professional work is kept
separate, and I operate as a
self-employed individual under my own name who is now and has always
been tax compliant.
This fresh and maliciously false allegation by Mr Sweeney is yet
another attempt to
divert attention away from the questions raised about his claim to
chiefship, and having contacted the Companies Registration Office I am
satisfied that I am not in breach of any regulation and that no
complaint exists against me on that score.
Mr Sweeney makes much of the fact
that I lack a 'professional qualification in Irish', such as he implies
his professional genealogist possesses but does not actually specify,
that this disqualifies
me from investigating claims to Gaelic chiefship. While
fluency in Gaelic may be a commendable accomplishment, it need not, and
indeed in the present case did not confer any particular ability in
researching a chiefly lineage in the modern period, when the bulk of
the sources are in English. While I have not pursued the subject
academically, my late father was a native speaker and of course I am
reasonably competent in the Irish language, even to the extent of being
able to recognise
when it presents itself. In the present case I have taken due
account of sources in Gaelic, not alone those where English
translations are provided, for example,
Annala Rioghachta Eireann (Annals
of the Four Masters),
Chlainne Suibhne (Rev Paul Walsh's account of the
Leabhar Genealach
(the Great Book of Irish Genealogies), but those entirely in Gaelic,
for example,
Leabhar Muimhneach
(the Book of Munster), and articles on the piper Tarlach Mac Suibhne in
Béaloideas, 1964, and
Donegal Annual, 1978. Are
there perhaps other relevant sources in Gaelic referred to by Mr
Sweeney's professional genealogist, and again might not it be a
good idea to release the full text of her report so that it can fairly
be compared with mine?
Mr Sweeney has now assembled
as well a
formidable battery of prestigious names who he claims stand against my
work (see part 16 of his webpage at,
but I would imagine that most of these would be quite surprised to see
themselves enlisted as authorities in defence of his claim to
chiefship, not least the State Examinations Commission Office! Truly
what we have here is another smokescreen,
brat deataigh to use Mr Sweeney's
own phrase. In any case, before his hoax was publicly exposed by myself
and others, that master of smoke and mirrors Terence MacCarthy
'Mór' could advance in support of
his chiefship such illustrious names as President Mary Robinson, Chief
Herald Donal Begley, Deputy (and now Chief) Herald Fergus Gillespie,
two former Taoisigh, the author Peter Berresford Ellis (now a supporter
of Mr Sweeney), a prominent
university historian, and so on.
The writer's
report on the Mac
Sweeney Doe chiefship quotes a point in the
code of conduct of the US Board for Certification of
Genealogists: 'I will
not publish or publicize as fact anything I know to be false, doubtful,
or unproven; nor will I be a party directly or indirectly, to such
action by others' (
The code of practice of the
Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland, placed
online in or about December 2005, contain a similar provision, but
omits the 'doubtful' element (
The writer's report also cites the Board for Certification of
Genealogists' Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS), which consists
of five principal elements: 'a reasonably exhaustive search; complete
and accurate source citations; analysis and correlation of the
collected information; resolution of any conflicting evidence; and a
soundly reasoned, coherently written conclusion' (
Because the full text is supplied, it is possible to judge how far the
present writer's report accords with
the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS), but there is no
similar opportunity in relation to the report of Mr Sweeney's
professional genealogist, as there is continuing refusal to release it.
If it is the case that the report of Mr Sweeney's professional
genealogist 'validated' his now abandoned line of descent via Donnchadh
Fheargal, there is a clear ethical duty to issue a correction and
acknowledge that my criticisms were well founded, because with respect,
the skill at issue here is not fluency in Gaelic, but ability to check
As pointed
out in the main
report on Mr
Sweeney's claim to chiefship, the National
Library has now distanced itself from him and repudiated his inference
that he has been validated as Mac Sweeney Doe by the Office of the
Chief Herald. On 27 July 2005 National Library Director
Aongus Ó hAonghusa wrote:
'It is clear from the
that Mr O Donoghue
Herald] granted no recognition to Mr Sweeney'. Mr
Sweeney's continuing efforts to exculpate current Chief
Herald Gillespie from any involvement in the Mac Carthy Mór hoax
serve to increase the man's embarrassment by continually reminding the
world that his signature appears on MacCarthy's spurious 1992
certificate of recognition alongside that of then Chief Herald Begley.
Both officials had a clear duty to refuse MacCarthy's application for
recognition as a chief, as Mr Sweeney's was refused, and I say again
that if apologies are in order, they should come not from me but from
those who validated MacCarthy's hoax and provided him with official
documentation which he used to rake in millions from his too trusting
Perhaps in rage or desperation,
Mr Sweeney has now intensified his
blackguarding of my reputation, amplifying an old malicious
admitted, 05-09-2006, that he examined the research results of another
MacCarthy Mór
investigator (p.m. 28 June 1999?). Therefore, the amended version of
the MacCarthy report posted by Mr Murphy two days later (30 June 1999)
cannot be regarded as all his own work.' I 'admitted' no such thing,
and now repeat that that my Mac Carthy Mór report of 16 June
1999, which in slightly amended form was posted on the Internet on 30 June 1999, was based on
my own research, which again was entirely unpaid. At a later stage I
saw the interesting but
eccentrically compiled anonymous report to which I think Mr Sweeney may
be referring, as well as the basic report of Paul Gorry commissioned by
Herald O Donoghue and released only after I made a Freedom of
Information application. I made appropriate use of the anonymous and
Gorry reports only after thoroughly checking them, and both are
properly cited in my 2004 book, Twilight
of the Chiefs.
Mr Sweeney also takes me
to task for taking two years to research my Mac Carthy Mór
report of 1999, an effective charge of care and caution to which I have
to plead guilty, noting that it took another five years of research
before my full-length book on the affair was completed. Truth may be a
complicated thing to unravel, but lies are even more so. Finally,
speaking of being candid about reports, if the oft-mentioned
report compiled for Mr Sweeney
by Máire Mac Conghail in 2003 is really as conclusive and
effective as he
implies, he would surely have released it in full by now, rather than
concealing it from public view. I accept that although its compiler was
nominated by a Chief Herald of Ireland, this was a privately
commissioned report, and I suspect that it may be a cause
of embarrassment, because from the small portion released it can
be seen that the evidence cited is insufficient to prove Mr Sweeney's
claim to chiefship. However, as this report is continually put forward
as an allegedly superior production to my published analysis, I must
continue to press for sight of the full text. How about it, Mr Sweeney,
everyone can
read and judge my reports for themselves, don't you have enough faith
in Ms Mac Conghail's 2003 report to release it?
In an amendment to his webpage
dated 19 November 2007 Mr Sweeney indicates that my continued challenge
to his claim to be Mac Sweeney Doe constitutes slander or libel, and
repeats that he has a report from a professional genealogist nominated
by the Chief Herald of Ireland to prove his claim (
Interestingly, Terence MacCarthy was in the habit of threatening
critics with proceedings for libel (indeed going so far as to
orchestrate the infamous MacCarthy versus Horak case in Italy), and
before I published my report in June 1999 which exposed him as an
impostor, he could point out that he held an unchallenged
certificate of recognition as Mac Carthy Mór signed by both a
Chief Herald and his then acting deputy (
Sweeney will not produce the full text of his professional's report so
that it can be evaluated, and the present writer believes that it
attempts to validate a now abandoned version of his pedigree, and so
may constitute something of an embarrassment to all concerned. In a
further amendment to his webpage dated 26 November 2007, Mr Sweeney
denied that his professional genealogist validated a now abandoned
version of his pedigree, stating that a '1909 genealogy' was posted on
his website 'c2000 but was not amended until 2005', which delay
allegedly gave rise to 'a monumental blunder' on my part. If blundering
is involved, the fair minded will perceive that it applies not to me
but to one who has published several versions of his pedigree over the
years, all inadequately documented and containing anomalies. The
current edition of Mr Sweeney's very variable pedigree, appearing on
his website at
since September 2006, gives three possible fathers for his alleged
ancestor Donnchadh Oge, who is claimed to have died in France after
1691, namely Maol Mhuire ('Donegal-based accounts'), Murrough (John
O'Donovan's pedigree) and Edmund (1909 oral pedigree, named Donnachadh
Fhergal). Which if any of these three versions can Mr Sweeney claim to
be the 'correct' one, why so, and which if any has been validated by
his professional genealogist? Again, Mr Sweeney has explained his
'correction' of O'Donovan's pedigree in the following terms:
'Eamonn Rua had forgotten to include his father, Eamonn Mór, who
died the previous year' (
As noted above, Mr Sweeney once took me to task for not being able to
remember the name of my grandfather (after whom I am called), but his
case depends on O'Donovan's chief forgetting to include the name of his
own father!
It is worth repeating that the
Library, obviously stung by its entanglement in the Mac Carthy
Mór scandal, has now repudiated any inference
that Mr Sweeney was in any way confirmed to be Mac Sweeney Doe by the
Genealogical Office/Office of the
Chief Herald, and on 27 July 2005 Library Director
Aongus Ó hAonghusa wrote:
'To the
uninitiated this report [by Ms Mac Conghail] could be interpreted as
having the imprimatur of the Genealogical Office when of course it does
not. . . . . .
It is clear from the
that Mr O Donoghue
Herald] granted no recognition to Mr Sweeney'. While the present writer
is not in the habit of threatening litigation, the terms 'slander' and
'libel' could certainly be applied to the extraordinary catalogue of
personal abuse and false accusations flung in my direction by Mr
Sweeney since I challenged his claim to chiefship, for example, that I
am a 'self-proclaimed scholar', that my academic qualifications are
'unexceptional', that I only became involved in the Mac Carthy
Mór case after the bogus claimant's exposure, that I am an
incompetent professional genealogist who
plagiarised another's work, that my report on the Mac Sweeney
Doe case is 'semi-researched', that I run an unregistered business, and
much more in the same vein. The plain fact is that my report on the Mac
Sweeney Doe chiefship is the only competent one in the public domain,
I stand over its conclusion, namely, that the claimant has not proven
his right to the title, and that claims to chiefship based on
inadequate or manipulated documentation are in essence spurious.
Tithe Applotment Book, Parish Gartan, County Donegal, 1833
(National Archives of Ireland, 7/14 microfilm 29)
In further addenda to
his webpage at
uploaded in December 2007, Mr Sweeney again declares that I am wrong to
consider the settled Edward Sweeney of 'Altinadeague' (officially Attinadague), recorded in the
Tithe Applotment Book of 1833 illustrated above, to be his great-great grandfather (and
earliest traced ancestor). I note that Mr Sweeney's great-grandfather
James was resident in this townland in 1858, spelt 'Attinadague', as per
Griffith's Valuation, and
that his son Edward was listed as the informant on James's death
registration in 1883. Mr
Sweeney claims that the Edward Sweeney listed in the tithe record died
'unmarried 1841-51', and was a brother of his great-grandfather James,
the two allegedly being sons of O'Donovan's wandering 1835 chief
Edmond. I will be happy to amend my account if Mr Sweeney can produce
documentary evidence, as opposed to infinitely malleable family
tradition or reference to an unseen professional report, proving that
Edward Sweeney the tithe payer died unmarried between
1841 and 1851 and
was a son of O'Donovan's chief.
In a report prepared for Mr
Sweeney in 1999 by fellow contested chief Randal MacDonnell 'of the
Glens', a copy of which I succeeded in securing under the Freedom
of Information Act, the following interesting
but characterisitically incompletely referenced fragment from the
lost 1851 census appears:
In my view the most rational
explanation of the information in this
abstract is that Edward Sweeney the tithe payer of 1833 is the second
head of family listed on the sheet, while the James at the top is most likely his
son, as indeed is the final Edward listed as deceased. Mr Sweeney has
an altogether more complicated and improbable reading of the data,
claiming that the deceased Edward is the tithepayer of 1833, and that
his father Edward senior is none other than O'Donovan's 1835
chief, who has in the interim moved from the Sheep Haven area to
Attinadague, given up his wandering ways and taken over his son's
landholding. What if any
documentary evidence exists to suppport these assertions, which of
course conveniently allow Mr Sweeney to claim kinship with O'Donovan's
chief? Meanwhile, back at his webpage at,
Mr Sweeney has taken to counting the days during which allegedly I have
not produced proof to back up my challenge to his claim to chiefship,
but of course it is clear that it is he and not I who has failed
to furnish properly referenced documentary evidence.
Mr Sweeney also takes
exception to my observation that his professional genealogist does not
have a track record in relation to researching claims to chiefship: it
is the essence of a 'track record' that it should be public and not
hidden, and while my reports are in the public domain, those of
his genealogist continue to be withheld, and a substantial publishing
record in the specialised area of Irish chiefship is also not in
evidence. While there are indications
that at least a few Irish professional genealogists are privately
concerned over the roles of a past and a serving Chief Herald in giving
credence to
unverified, bogus or questionable claims
to chiefship, there is reluctance to go on the record for fear of
employment consequences, or indeed having to endure malevolent and
bilious online attacks on their characters and professional abilities.
In a further effort to obfuscate, Mr Sweeney
now challenges the veracity of my claim to be descended from small
farmers in Ballylusky, County Kerry, although my modest
pedigree is based on identifiable census, vital and valuation records
as opposed to undocumented family yarns about descent from chiefs. I
will say again that myself, Mr Sweeney, the hoaxer Terence
MacCarthy 'Mór' and most other people of Irish descent have this in
common, that we cannot and probably never will be able to document our
pedigrees before the early nineteenth or late eighteenth centuries. It
remains the case that if my
report on the Mac Sweeney Doe chiefship is really the
'semi-researched' and incompetent production which Mr Sweeney claims it
is, the easiest thing to do would be to publish the full text of his
professional genealogist Ms Mac Conghail's report for purposes of
comparison with mine, and Mr Sweeney's persistent refusal to do this
cannot be said to indicate complete confidence in the said report's
As of 14 October 2008 Mr Sweeney's webpage at exceeded
35,000 words, most of it bluster and invective, and he retains such
brazen falsehoods as that I maintain an unregistered business. Mr
Sweeney also publishes a 1923 statement by his father claiming chiefly
descent, but such family traditions are very common in Ireland and need
not be accepted in the absence of documentary evidence (I point again
to my own family tradition of descent from Fiach MacHugh O'Byrne on my
mother's side, which I take with a large grain of salt). The following
remarkable addition to Mr Sweeney's webpage was also noted:

Long will not thank Mr Sweeney for drawing attention so conspicuously
to the validation of his claim to the O Long of Garranelongy chiefship
by Terence MacCarthy, the bogus 'Mac Carthy Mór' and fabricator of
pedigrees (see my Twilight of the Chiefs: The Mac Carthy Mór Hoax).
Nor indeed will Mr Sweeney's professional genealogist be grateful for
the claim of legal parity between her work and that of MacCarthy. I
always take legal threats seriously, but I doubt if any court would be
so perverse as to find someone guilty of defamation for challenging the
research of such a notorious hoaxer as Terence MacCarthy. Nor indeed
for declining to accept a pedigree so laden with anomalies and patched
up with convenient assumptions of chiefly descent as that of Mr Sweeney.
It is now up to you, Mr
Sweeney, to publish the full text of Ms Mac Conghail's 2003 report, or
effectively admit that your claim to chiefship is based merely on
family lore as
opposed to acceptable documentary evidence.