
Updated: 11/01/2007

 Utopia-1: Sci-Fi/action

"Do what any good soldier does
when they walk into an ambush.
The last thing an attacker
expects. Take the fight to your attacker.
If you retreat, you are dead. If
you attack you have the element
of surprise on your side"

Read the first ten pages here.

Read reviewers comments here.

Read Random Scene: here.

 Logline (s):

(1) A terrorist plot to destroy a base on the Earth’s Moon, unleashes a far greater terror, by starting the clock on an Alien invasion of Earth.

(2) A terrorist attack against a base on the Earth's Moon awakens an Alien front line invasion force.

(3) A black ops team carry out a mission on the Earth's Moon, to prevent a terrorist from activating a nuclear device; the mission takes a different turn when the bomb awakens a dormant alien force, using the dark side of the moon as a front line base for their invasion.

(4) A special forces team carry out a mission on the Earth's Moon, to prevent a terrorist cell from activating a nuclear device; the mission takes a turn for the worst when the bomb awakens something far more evil.

Synopsis: Set in the not too distant future, when the World is controlled by a global Government. The rich and powerful live away from the threat of terrorism and pollution, in a man made complex situated on the Earth's Moon.

Terror pays a visit to the base, when a terrorist group attack. It is up to an anti terrorist team to restore order and prevent a nuclear device from being detonated.

The team manages to save the hostages and facility. But as a result awaken part of an Alien front line force, waiting to invade Earth. The survivors must band together to survive a common enemy.

The moon is the main setting for the movie as it stirs the imagination more than other "planets", being so close to Earth - also added interest, because of future "real" NASA missions.

Synopsis(2): Set in the not too distant future, when the World is controlled by a global Government. The rich and powerful live away from the threat of terrorism and pollution, in a man made complex on the Earth's Moon.

When a terrorist cell attacks, it is up to an anti terrorist team to prevent a nuclear device from being detonated in the base.

The mission takes a turn for the worse and awakens part of an Alien front line force, awaiting an invasion of Earth.

The humans must put their beliefs behind them and stand side by side to fight a common enemy; whose plan is the extinction of mankind.

Notes: Utopia-1 was conceived as what I thought to be a killer concept and idea to sell. My wife persuaded me to attempt to write it, so I did and continued to write ever since. I wanted to write a story that I would have been excited to see on the screen when I was a teenager. The location of the moon has always fascinated me and stirred the imagination. I feel it's location (being nearer to Earth) is more believable for a Moon base off planet. Not to mention the perfect advertisement; every time you look up on a clear night.

Based on the old stories when I was a kid "of something hidden on the dark side". I decided to write a story using elements I feel kids are interested in today. Video games, soldiers, aliens, Space etc etc. Research has been reading a lot of comics, watching documentaries and playing a lot of video games - to get the smaller elements right. I wrote this with the intention of having one sequel. (yet to be written).

Interesting moon landing facts here.

Update: Decided to go back and revise Utopia-1, as despite it obvious issues: I still think is a killer concept. Been doing some research on various future weapons etc and came up with some ideas.

The screenplay has also benefited from my additional knowledge in writing since I first wrote this. In all happy with the new draft, adding a further 16 pages: but not just padding. More action and gadgets, making the scenes more exciting as well as spelling out the creatures and where they came from. Also a new "cliffhanging" ending which shows the story will progress as suggested before. Amazing how this story had grown to 138 pages at one draft, trimmed (too much) down to 95 and now at a healthy 111 pages.

This would make for a good script for a video game or comic. But will be ever get the chance to be such???? May be an idea to pitch to video game developers.

You can read/review the following at:

Read the first ten pages here.

Read reviewers comments here.

Read Random Scene: here.

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