

History Of the Guild
Chapter Meetings
For Sale/ Wanted


The Photo Gallery

Welcome to the photo Gallery. here you will find pictures from past meetings and also photos of the competition pieces etc. click on the pictures to enlarge.


I.W.G Logo


The Stall


Danny Mc Geever at the Lathe


David Rynne Turning a Bowl


Stephen Langan turning a bowl


The Goblets!


Sligo's Night out


Sligo's Night out


Sligo's Night out


Sligo's Night out


John O' Sullivan At the Lathe


January 2007 Meeting


Competition Pieces December 2006


December 2006 Meeting


Peter Langan at the lathe January 2007 Meeting


John Byrne at the Lathe


John Byrne Stone Mason



Nick's Turning


Engraving on the Bowl


Kevin tries his hand at turning


Dougie being himself!!


Mick Hanbury Shaping


Mick Hanbury Painting


Mick Hanbury Carving


The Finsihed Piece


John O' Sullivan turning a lidden bowl


September 2007 meeting


The finished bowl by: John O' Sullivan


Continuous Line.......


Ice cream


Dougie at the lathe


The Audience



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This site was last updated 21-Sep-2007