Tel: (071)9146034 & (071)9138507. Fax: (071)9146034 Email:
Links With Other AgenciesHSE West ( ): Sligo Family Support Ltd. is particularly pleased to have the support of the HSE WEST which funds the salaries of all our Lifestart Family Visitors, a full time project co-ordinator and a part time administrator. Family visitors and HSE West Public Health Nurses regularly meet to identify families to take part in the Growing Child Programme and to discuss issues of best practice in the area of family support. In addition to funding support the HSE WEST provides facilitators, when required, to run our parent support programmes and staff training. Finally, Sligo Family Support Ltd. is supported by the HSE West Pre-schools inspectorate, which is an invaluable resource for ongoing quality of service provision. We continue to work closely with Sligo Social Service Council, which sponsors our Community Employment Scheme. In addition staffs from the agency contribute enormously to our work through participation in our Management Committee.
The role of Lifestart Foundation is to ensure quality in the promotion, establishment, development, continuation and evaluation of community based projects delivering the Lifestart programme. The Lifestart Foundation is continuing to work with Queens University Belfast to carry out a longitudinal Evaluation of Lifestart Nationally. Lifestart Foundation and National Offices provide valuable training and resource manuals, which support us in our provision of accessible quality services.
FÁS The National Training and Employment Agency ( ): Sligo Family Support Ltd. is grateful to FAS for the support of our childcare workers through the FAS Community Employment Scheme. Sligo County Childcare Committee ( ): We continue our commitment to and support of Sligo County Childcare Committee (SCCC). The Co-ordinator of Sligo Family Support Ltd. represented our organisation on the board of Management of SCCC in 2008. In addition, the Designated Family Visitor for Travellers represents our organisation on the Equality and Diversity Sub Group. Sligo Family Support Ltd. is an effective family support service which is based on the premise that families are the primary educators of children. We believe that all families - regardless of how vulnerable - contain within them resources and strengths which can be nurtured. |
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