Déantar dian-iarracht ar shuim na
scoláirí a mhúscailt agus a shaothrú sa teanga. Cothaítear
meas ar an gcultúr Gaelach. Cuirtear labhairt na Gaeilge
chun cinn. Eagraítear turasanna chuig Gaeltacht Chorca
Dhuibhne agus spreagtar na scoláirí chun freastal ar
chursaí samhraidh sna Gaeltachtaí freisin.
Pupils of all different academic abilities are accommodated
and catered for in St. Mary's. There are provisions and
special arrangements made for pupils with: Dyslexia, Visual
Difficulty, Physical difficulty, Hearing Impairment. Our
resource teacher is available to provide learning support
as required. |
The Guidance Counsellor advises students
on: subject choices, career opportunities, training
and qualification requirements. Students are helped
to cope with any difficulties they experience as they
find out more about themselves and the world in which
they live. Co-operation between parents, teachers and
counsellors, in their common interest in the young person's
growth and well-being, is the cornerstone of this service.
Religious Education is the focus of our curriculum as
a Presentation School. We share this task with parents.
Our approaach is a team one and it is student centred.
We also offer opportunities for students to integrate
faith and living. This is done through prayer services,
personal prayer, class Masses and retreats which offer
an opportunity for a deepening of faith. Facilities include
a well equipped religion room. |