29th April 2001

The Real Counsellor

John 15.26 - 16.15

Matt Ericson went to sleep every Sunday;
he always made it through the first hymn
but ten minutes later he was sound asleep.'
So writes Eugene Peterson about the first church he ministered to in the USA. 'Red Belton, an angry teenager, sat on the back pew out of sight of his parents and read comic books.
Karl Strotheim, a bass in the choir, passed notes supplemented by whispers
to Luther Olsen on stock market tips.
One woman gave me hope-
she brought a notebook to church every Sunday
and wrote down in shorthand everything I said.
At least one person was paying attention.
Then I learned that she was getting ready to leave her husband
and was using the hour of worship to practise her shorthand
so she could get a self supporting job.
These were, most of them, good people, nice people.
They were familiar with the Christian faith, knew the Christian story,
showed up on time for worship each Sunday.
But they yawned. How could they do that?
How could anyone go to sleep ten minutes after singing 
'Blessing and honour and glory and power'?
How could anyone sustain interest in 'Batman'
while St Paul's Romans was being read?
How could anyone be content to practise shorthand
when the resurrected Christ was present in Word and sacrament?'

Why do we yawn in church?
A serious crisis is arising about the reality of our Christian life and witness.
I heard recently of one of our large and more lively churches in the North,
where after the service
a member who is a mature committed Christian was heard to remark
'I found that quite irrelevant.' 
And the people he was talking to did not disagree.
What does that tell us about not only the minister or the congregation or the person speaking or about tends and expectations today?
But it need not be like that.
Rev David Bailey in a recent Presbyterian Herald writes about a visit to India
which he made 40 years after having been a missionary there.
'How good to see a vast youthful body
all standing and vocally praying to the Father simultaneously -
a torrent of worship and entreaty!'
David puts it in context:
'The Church we had left 41 years ago had not been a buoyant church
of spiritual vitality or dynamism in service and outreach.
But now what a change!
In Gujarat we found openness and expectancy in many places.
We rejoiced to hear of a monthly all night prayer meeting
with up to a thousand people attending.
Often they were seeking healing or deliverance
and the power of God is there to heal and set free,
and many come to faith in Jesus ...
The good news of Jesus is widely attested by healings and spiritual new life.
There has been widespread intimidation and persecution;
two years ago 40 village churches were knocked down or burnt down.
But ministers and people have been humble and steadfast
in a way that is humbling and heartening to see.'

What are the main differences between our sleepy boring services
and what is happening in India?
I see two which are linked:
persecution and the clear presence of the Holy Spirit.
We have not been persecuted as Christians are in India and other places
and we do not know the overflowing power of the Spirit
as the persecuted church does.

These themes are linked in John cc 14-16
as the disciples seek to obey Christ and suffer
they will know the help of the Holy Spirit.

That's the one blessing I left out of last week's sermon
about the blessings from Christ in c 14, the true Prosperity Gospel
The blessing I left out for the sake of time was the one that motivates the others
15 'If you love me, you will obey what I command. 
16 And I will ask the Father,
and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever-- 
17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, 
because it neither sees him nor knows him. 
But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 

And v 26 of c 14 reminds us
The Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name
will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Here we are talking about a counsellor not a councillor
a councillor is a politician who can help us on the outside
a counsellor is an adviser, an advocate who can help us on the inside,
teaching, explaining, guiding, encouraging, even rebuking.
one who is called to be with us to represent God's cause 
and to do God's work among us.
one who can speak for us when we are in trouble.
Do you remember in the other gospels how Jesus promises the disciples
that when they are under pressure, being grilled for their faith in the courts
they are not worry about what they say
for the Holy Spirit will teach them at that time what to say? (Luke 12.12)
It is the same idea here in John's gospel:
when you are up against it the Holy Spirit will be there to help.

The situation faced by the disciples and by many Christians today
was quite the opposite of sleep inducing; it was scary
Jesus warned them in c 16 
2 'They will put you out of the synagogue;
in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you
will think he is offering a service to God. 
3 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. 

These sufferings are difficult for the disciples to face
but Jesus emphasises:
7 'It is for your good that I am going away. 
Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you;
but if I go, I will send him to you.'

What is it that the Spirit will do for us?
In order to try and keep you awake I will be brief and highlight 3 things
that Jesus promise the Holy Spirit will do:

8 he will convict the world of guilt
in regard to sin and righteousness and judgement: 
Convict here carries the sense not only of show to be guilty
but to convince the guilty person that he or she is guilty
Every prisoner in Cork jail has been convicted
one trusts that all are justly convicted
but how many of those prisoners are inwardly convicted?
How many will admit that they did wrong and deserve punishment?
But when the Holy Spirit convicts, we say Yes I was wrong
There is no time to go into detail of this inward conviction.
It is enough to say it shows up our basic lack of faith
9 in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me; 
and the Spirit exposes and supplies our need to live a righteous life
now that Jesus is no longer one earth to be the model of a righteous life
10 in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the Father,
where you can see me no longer;
and the Spirit exposes the reality and the defeat of the devil 
11 and in regard to judgement, 
because the prince of this world now stands condemned. 
Have you ever like me been extremely frustrated
because people do not believe in Jesus
and you find faith hard yourself
Have you ever been frustrated at your own failure to live a right life?
Have you ever been appalled that people deny the reality of the devil
or at the other extreme they think that he cannot be countered?
Let us be encouraged that the Holy Spirit is promised
to bring that inward conviction which your or my mere words cannot bring.
And let us be frustrated no longer. He will convict through and through...

And if you are puzzled and worried about what to believe or what is yet to be
Don't be worried and puzzled. Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will teach us
perhaps not all that we would like to know
but certainly all that we need to know
The Holy Spirit 13 will guide you into all truth.
He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears,
and he will tell you what is yet to come. 
This came true as the apostles were enabled
to oversee the writing of the New Testament
and it still comes true as we are enabled to understand the scriptures
and come to faith in Jesus Christ 

And finally, the third thing the Holy Spirit will do, Jesus promises,
as well as convicting people inwardly and explaining Christ to them
14 He will bring glory to me
by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. 
There are at least two important points from v 14
The Holy Spirit is focused on and gives glory to Jesus.
Beware of any claim to 'spirituality' which denies Jesus Christ.
It may give you a good peaceful feeling, it may seem profound and wise
but if it does not give glory to Jesus then it is not of the Holy Spirit.

And linked to that, if you are concerned to know more of the Holy Spirit
all you have to do,
is to seek to know more of Jesus and to glorify him, give him the first place
and the Holy Spirit will come and teach and encourage and guide and help
and change you inwardly. 

Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness
wind of the Lord, blowing strongly and free:
strength of our serving and joy of our worshipping -
Spirit of God, ring your fullness to me!
You came to interpret and teach us effectively
all that the saviour has spoken and done;
to glorify Jesus is all your activity -
promise and gift of the Father and Son.
You came with your gifts to supply all our poverty
pouring your love on the church in her need;
you came with your fruit for our growth and maturity
richly refreshing the souls that you feed

Go to serve God as his people
in the name of the Father who made you and loves you
of Jesus Christ who died for you and calls you
and of the Holy Spirit who will give you strength and courage


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