We help our pupils develop a sense of wonder, awe and gratitude to God for
creation, peple and theselves, through frequent prayer during the day, through
building their self-confidence, developing their talents tot hte full and inculcating
respect for themselves, others and the environment.
School Ethos
As teachers it is our role, a very privileged role, to prepare your children
for life, to help them understand what lfe has to offer and the demands it makes.
Your children cannot be satisfied with mere information, with a knowledge of
facts, methods and techniques. The are seeking a meaning and purpose in life,
a high ground on which to stand, from which to survy the world around them,
with all its problems, challenges and opportunities. They seek a key to the
radical significance of the world and especially to the significance of their
own lives.
As Christian educators, we know that our real destiny in life is to be found
in the person of Jesus and in his Gospel message. We, therefore, bring the light
of the Gospel to bear on all aspects of our work in school.
Aims Of Our School
We aim to enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise
her potential as a unique individual.
We aim to develop self-confidence in our pupil by making them aware of their
own abilities and their own individual talents. We praise and show appreciation
for efforts and help them remove obstacles, which might hinder their progress.
We aim to encourage parents to be aware of their child's development in
school. We help them value their contribution in the education and development
of their child.
We aim to enable the pupil to develop as a social being through living and
co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society.
We aim to enable the pupil to acquire values on which to base choices and
form attitudes.
We aim to develop honesty, truthfulness, obedinece, espect for self, others,
God and the environment through our own example.
We aim to develop healthy eating habits and try to help our pupils value
good food and to make little sacifices for thos e suffering from hunger and
We aim to enable pupils to learn how to learn and to develop an appreceation
of the value and practice of lifelong learning.
Our primary aim is achieved by pursuing the following specific
To enable a sound social, spiritual, moral and religious develipment, through
ou Teligious Education and Social, Personal and Health Education Programmes.
To nuture the child in her cognitive, emothinal, social , imaginative, aesthetic,
physica and technological skills.
To help the pupil to be independent, tolerant, kind and co-operative.
To develop oral skills and to teach the pupil to learn to read and to read
to learn.
To ensure a good command of the Irish language and a basic understanding
of its plaace in our heritage.
To have a knowledge and understanding of basic mathematical concepts and
To cultivate observational study through the local environment, the visual
arts and the sudy of science.
To develop a knowledge and appreciation of one's heritage through the study
of history, geography and civics.
To foster skills in handwriting, handcrafts, music and other creative arts
and to have an appreciation of beautiful things.
To encourage an enjoment of physical activities, dance, drama, nusic, mime
and other recreational game skills.
These aims have been used to shape an overall approach to curriculum planning.
We see the nurturing of a confident well-developed personality as the key to
dealing with the man stressful challenges, including further education, whichface
the child in today's world.