Saggart Church

Saggart Church
The Church of the Nativity of the BVM is a striking feature of
Saggart village and the sourrounding areas.The lovely stonework, windows,
plaster and internal fixtures make it an important part of the heritage of the
area. The north-western approach to Saggart is dominated by the square
tower of the parish church on an elevated site at the edge of the village.The
nineteenth century church constructed of local stone has served the conmmunity
as a place of worship for 150 years. The building was started in the
1830's just after Catholic Emancipation and completed before its dedication in
1849. A major benefactor to the new Church was the McDonnell family who
ran the Swiftbrook Paper Mills in Saggart. A brass plaque in the Church
porch is dedicaied to the family and was installed in 1927 by Rev. Joseph
McDonnell member of the family.
Many of the craftsmen who built the church may have been
journey-men who moved from place to place as the demand arose and work became
available. They would have included stone- masons,carpenters, plasterers and
glaziers.Local men were also employed and persons with horse and drays were
given plenty of work hauling stone and timber from the Wicklow quarries and saw
A visit to the church should include a close inspection of
the door.and window stone surround, the plaster centre-folds and the foliage
decoration at the top ot the support pillars, the outstanding stained glass
window over the altar to remind us of the skill of these craftsmen.The wonderful
stained glass window over the altar is one of the most important features in the
church. The work was executed by the Dublin firm of John and David Casey who had
a stained glass business in Marlborough Street, Dublin and completed many works during
this period of church building.
Sketch of the interior.