Discover Primary Science

Awards Of Science Excellence


St Molaga's undertook the Discover Primary Science Programme for the academic year 06/07. The project involved each class completing six scientific activities which included:

-making a lighthouse

-growing tomatoes

-string telephones

-making an electric quiz board

-rainbow spinners

-magnetic car

-rocket launch

-mirror writing

and lots more.

As part of the project a scientist was invited to the school to demonstrate various experiments, which included:

-acidity of Coca Cola and how it cleans a dirty penny.

-effects of Coke and other fizzy drinks on teeth and body

-use of a polymer salt in nappies for absorption.

-how cold is liquid nitrogen?

A Science Bus also came to the school as part of the project. The pupils had the opportunity to make flubber/slime which was made from PVA glue, food dye and Borax powder.

They learned about:

-The Human Body




-Optical Illusions

-Finger Prints


We received our Award of Science Excellence on the 6th of June for our work during the year. We collected it from Croke Park (Hogan Suite) where we were shown and took part in lots more of science activities.

Below are some photographs of the day.

More Photos

