Tommy Byrne
Photographic Society

 Programme About Us Society Nights Gallery Junior Gallery Links

Meetings take place every Wednesday
9pm in The Bridge Hotel, Arklow.

Tutorial Classes will be run at various times during the year - there is one running at the moment.  If you or anyone you know would be interested in joining in the T.C. please contact us for details.

Family membership welcome.


  President: Robert Hudson

Chairperson: Stewart Case

Secretary: Paul Sheedy


Treasurer: Julie New P.R.O. Larissa O'Duffy

6th April 2006 - 1st Birthday!

Wednesday evening 6th April 2005 saw the launch of the Tommy Byrne Photographic Society in Arklow's Royal Hotel. In our first year we have gone on from strength to strength.

From small beginnings in The Royal Hotel, growing and moving to The Bridge Hotel (due to the closure of the Royal) we've held many events throughout this year such as a Poker Classic, Summer Ball, weekly/biweekly projects, Tutorial Classes & Exams (x2), local and national competitions, local and national exhibitions, website launch, not forgetting to mention the massive help and time members have given to discussions, lectures, slideshows and Photoshop sessions.  Without our members and our hosts we wouldn't exist and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them all very sincerely. 


The Society's committee for 2005 comprised of Robert Hudson (President), Stewart Case (Chairperson),  Larissa O'Duffy (Sec. & P.R.O.) and Julie New (Treasurer).  

Committee for 2006: Robert Hudson (President), Stewart Case (Chairperson),  Paul Sheedy (Sec.), Julie New (Treasurer) and Larissa O'Duffy (P.R.O.)

(see Launch Night & other Society photo events here)


 Programme ] [ About Us ] Society Nights ] Gallery ] Junior Gallery ] Links ]



if you would like to e-mail your comments to us you are very welcome to do so here.


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