Tommy Byrne
Photographic Society

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April:    Launch Night
June:     Competition Winners - Glendalough & Nature Shots
             Poker Classic
July:      Competition Night (photos will be posted soon)
Royal Summer Ball (photos will be posted soon)
August: Graduation For the Basic Theory & Practical Aspects of Photography
             People's Photography in St. Stephen's Green
October: TBPS Tommy Byrne Landscape Competition
November: Official Web-site Launch

Friends, Family & Members at the Launch of the TBPS
6th April 2005, Royal Hotel, Arklow.

Mrs. May Byrne & daughter Mrs. Julie New  Ms. Bernie O'Halloran with Mr. Joe Ryan Robert Husdon, Eugene Whelan, Kristine Case & Joe Divito Richard Redmond with Mairead Bolger & Noleen Brauders.
Wife & Daughter of the late Tommy Byrne Mrs. May Byrne & Julie New Mayor of Arklow Bernie O'Halloran with Joe Ryan President of TBPS Robert Husdon, Eugene Whelan, Kristine Case & Joe Divito ESB Environmental Award Winner Richard Redmond with Mairead Bolger & Noleen Brauders.
Jenny Bardon, Joy & Colum D'Alton & Anthony Byrne Rory O'Sullivan, Julie New & Carol O'Sullivan Jackub Syriste, Niamh Jackman, Teresa O'Duffy & Des Irvine Eliot, Stewart (Chairperson TBPS), Claudia & Kristine Case
Jenny Bardon, Joy & Colum D'Alton &
 Anthony Byrne
Rory O'Sullivan, Julie New & Carol O'Sullivan Jackub Syriste, Niamh Jackman, Teresa O'Duffy & Des Irvine Eliot, Stewart (Chairperson TBPS), Claudia & Kristine Case



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