Mission and Vision Statements

Welcome to Piltown and the Parish of Templeorum! 

Piltown boasts a wide range of facilities, amenities and organisations, all of which contribute towards enhancing the overall quality of life and wellbeing in this beautiful area.

The Catholic Church in the Parish is the focal point for many of our community-based activities. It is pro-active, vibrant and very, very welcoming. The Parish of Templeorum, which comprises Piltown, Templeorum and Owning, has three churches and serves over   3000 Parishioners.

As well as caring for the sacramental and spiritual needs of our members, the Church and its Priests provide a constant source of support, guidance and pastoral care within the community and beyond.

As we work closely together to live out and promote the Word of God, we reach out to each and everyone in a true spirit of Christian friendship, solidarity and understanding.

Our faith is vitally important to us.  As we face the daunting challenges of modern living, our faith in Jesus Christ provides us with a valuable sense of connectedness,
fellowship, hope and inspiration.

We urge you to nourish and to explore your faith and we invite you to take an active and meaningful role in the community life of the Parish. We encourage you to become involved in our Christian work and to experience the real love of God as you participate in the life-enriching ceremonies of your local church.

Do come along and introduce yourself. You will receive a warm welcome. If we can be of any assistance whatsoever, just ask!

May God Bless You.

Rev. Fr. Paschal Moore, P.P.
Rev. Fr. John Condon, C.C.