electro-cannon builds up a powerful electric charge in its storage
units, and can fire this energy off in large arcing bursts of
lightning. The shock can overload complex systems, electrocute
crew, and melt tyres. It takes quite a while for the wheel generators
to build up a current, but it is worth the wait. Electro-Shock: If a hit is scored, roll a D6 on the Electro-Shock
No Effect. The power is insufficient
to do any damage.
Short Circuit. One weapon is rendered
unusable until the vehicle spends 1 turn stopped in repair
Shock! All crew take a Strength 3
hit, no armour save allowed.
Controls Jammed. The vehicle goes
out of control next movement.
Overload! Roll twice on the Vehicles
Damage table.
shock may destroy complex circuitry, especially in gyroscopes.
If a vehicle with gyro-stabilizers is hit with an electro-shock
roll of 4 or more, roll another D6, on a 5 or 6, the stabilizers
are destroyed. Recharge: The generator of the cannon is fitted to the
wheel, so the faster the wheels go, the less time the cannon
takes to recharge. If the vehicle is on slow speed the cannon
takes 2 full turns to recharge, on cruising speed, 1, and on
fast speed, 0(fire every turn).
Range: Short - Long
To Hit: Short - Long
- -1
Electro-Shock, Recharge
nail gun was designed by the Adeptus Arbites to stop high speed
rioters and joyriders. It is easy to make and fire, and uses
a long clip of sharp nails as ammo. It is however, quite inaccurate,
as it is so difficult to aim at the small exposed area of wheel,
and it causes very little damage to the hull. Punctures Wheels: If a hit is rolled, roll D6+1 on the
wheel damage table.
Range: Short - Long
To Hit: Short - Long
Nail Gun
-1 -2
Punctures Wheels
grapples are very similar to the smaller grapnels used by gangers,
but in addition to the magnetic clamp, they have three curved
hooks to grip edges, corners, and even people. Grapple: If you hit a non-moving target like a walkway
or bulkhead, You may move 1D6” towards the feature. If the grapple
hits another vehicle, roll for hit location. If the hull is
hit, you may move 1D6” towards the vehicle, or move it 1D6”
towards your vehicle. If the grapple hits a normal model or
vehicle crewman, you may pull it towards your vehicle, also,
the model will take a hit at Strength 2.
Range: Short - Long
To Hit: Short - Long
+2 +1
are similar to the front grapples, but their position makes
them more versatile. Side Grapples are covered in all manner
of gripping equipment, and the cable is a sharp length of high-strength
adamantium-plasteel. This cable, when taught and moving at speed,
can easily cut a man in half. Grapple: As Front Grapple, above, but with the following
additions. If you hit a non-moving target like a walkway or
bulkhead, You may move 1D6” towards the feature, or, if you
want to turn, you may pivot around it, allowing you to make
as many turns as you want just as long as you stay the same
distance from the feature and pivot around it. If the grapple
hits another vehicle, roll for hit location. If the hull is
hit, you may move 1D6” towards the vehicle, or move it 1D6”
towards your vehicle. If the grapple hits a normal model or
vehicle crewman, you may pull it towards your vehicle, also,
the model will take a hit at Strength 2. The grapple takes one
full turn to reel in. Slicy-Dicy: When pivoting around an object, maintain
a line between the side of your vehicle and the object. If this
path is crossed by foot model, the line will catch them unless
they can roll under their initiative on a D6. A model caught
will take damage depending on how fast the vehicle is going.
On slow speed they take a hit at Strength 4(-1 save), at cruising
speed Strength 6(-3 save), and at fast speed strength 8(-5 save)
and D3 damage. A vehicle caught by the cable takes a hit on
the hull at an armour penetration based on the values above(depending
on the speed of the vehicle[slow 5+D6, cruising 7+D6, fast 8+D3+D6])
Range: Short - Long
To Hit: Short - Long
Side Grapple
+2 +1
Grapple, Slicy-Dicy
are tiny, complicated suspensors that stop the vehicle unbalancing.
Their complex circuitry is delicate, and electric power surges
may damage them. Suspensors: The stabilizers allow a vehicle to make one
extra 45° turn each turn, regardless of speed. In addition,
the stabilizers add +1 to rolls on the skid turn table. Gyro-stabilizers
are so small that they do not take up a weapon mount.
jet engines are smaller versions of the jets used by aircraft
in the late 20th century, and they work on the same principle.
They are however, still very large and bulky, but the difference
in speed is worth it. Jets: The jets add +2 to acceleration and +5” to all
speed bands. The jets use up two rear weapon mounts and must
take an ammo check on a roll of 1 to 3 in the End Phase of each
turn. Ammo: 3+
Its all over for the Maldinis! They can't avoid that
wall now! What the?! By the Emperor! They jumped it! What
a fantastic race this is turning out to be!
These are small adamantium
pads with strong and fast hydraulic boosts that, when used,
can cause a vehicle to literally jump into the air. Jump: Once per turn, a vehicle with Jump Pads can jump
D6" foward at 4" high. If this movement carries it
over a vehicle or other obstacle, that’s fine, but if it lands
on a vehicle or obstacle, it do damage to the vehicle it lands
on as a shunt to the crew of the other vehicle, and then your
vehicle falls off. Roll a D6, on a 1-3, your vehicle tips over.
See result 1 on the Skid Turns Table for effects of tipping
over. Jump Pads are fitted to the bottom of the vehicle, but
their hydraulic controls take up one side or rear weapon mount.
power drain is a piece of strange Archeotech, which can somehow
transfer momentum from one object to another. It takes the form
of a very strange looking grapnel, with a fiber-optic cable
instead of rope. Drain Momentum: If you latch on to another vehicle with
the Power Drain, you can get an extra +D6 movement every racing
phase, and the target vehicles loses the same amount of movement.
The power Drain can only remain attached if you are to the rear
of the target, and it must be retrieved if you go ahead of the
target vehicle. The tight, unwieldy cable gives -1 to hit when
firing, and the drain can only be fitted to a front weapon mount,
and can only fire at targets to the vehicles front 45°.
Range: Short - Long
To Hit: Short - Long
Power Drain
-1 -2
Drain Momentum
I gotcha now escher scum! heheheh!
-Delaque hoverbike driver
These are especially
blinding lamps put to the rear of a vehicle to disrupt enemy
fire. They are made from a material similar to that used in
Photon Flash Flares, but it is longer lasting(Duracell). Blinding Glare: The blinding effect of the headlamps
is represented by a hand flamer template positioned behind the
vehicle, point facing away from the vehicle. If any driver or
gunner of another vehicle is caught within that area, he is
hit by the equivalent of a Photon Flash Flare. A vehicle with
a blinded driver goes out of control until the driver’s sight
is restored, and a blind gunner cannot shoot. Photon lamps are
just an upgrade to the lights already there, so they use up
no weapon mount.
Eat my jet fumes, suckers! - Orlock
This is an extremely
rare and powerful device. The afterburner consumes huge amounts
of fuel, but the increase in speed makes the race almost laughably
easy, as you blast forward in the first few seconds to leave
all your opponents to eat your dust. Afterburner: You may nominate to use the Afterburner
at the start of any turn unless it has run out of ammo(fuel).
The Afterburner triples your acceleration and increases your
vehicle’s fast speed band by +5”. However, at very high speeds,
using the afterburner can be dangerous. If you have exceeded
your vehicle’s normal fast speed limit, then there is a chance
your vehicle might shake itself apart. On a D6 roll of 4+ in
every racing phase where you went faster than your normal fast
speed limit, roll on your vehicle’s damage table. The Afterburner
must make an ammo test in the End phase of each turn it was
on for, and if it stops, you must decelerate as normal until
below your fast speed band, taking damage as long as you are
above it. The afterburner uses one rear weapon mount, none if
you have a Jet Engine. Ammo Roll: 4+
See this little can here, one squirt of the stuff
in this will send your bike rocketin' past everything
in sight, only 15 creds to you, my friend. - Garage salesman
Nitro Charges are small
canisters connected to the engine which contain a small dose
of Nitro super-fuel. These can be delivered to the engine with
a button on the drivers panel, and deliver a moment of breakneck
speed. However, it is dangerous to use nitro fuel at low engine
temperature, as unless it is hot, it has a tendency to go on
fire and gut the engine in seconds. Nitro Boost: A nitro charge can be used once to move
your vehicle 2D6” directly forward. They can be used at any
time during your part of any racing phase. If the 2D6 roll exceeds
your speed for this turn, the nitro ignites. You do move the
2D6”, and then a fire is started. Roll on the fire damage table
each end phase until all fires are put out. Nitros do not use
up a weapon mount, but you may only have up to 6 canisters of
Nitro on a vehicle in any one race.
You look a little tight honey, maybe this'll loosen
you up for a spell. hahaha, oops! - Escher Ganger
A very simple concept,
this is just a small barrel of lubricant oil with a squirting
nozzle, a very simple device that sends other vehicles skidding
into oblivion. Oil: Using the oil creates a 1" X 1" area of
oil directly behind your vehicle. It may be used at any time
while moving. A vehicle that moves over the oil skids badly.
Roll a D6 on the out of control direction table, and if a 45°
turn in any direction is rolled, the vehicle also skids 2D6".
All oil can be stored in a bottle in one rear weeapon mount.
energy shield, when activated, erects a flashing wall of pure
energy in a long path behind it that blocks the race track.
This device is strange and extremely rare, and seems to have
a hint of Ork construction. Shield Wall: A vehicle with an energy shield may erect
up to 12" of energy shield behind it while moving. You
may only erect 12" in any one game. You may split this
distance into more than one line of shield, but you may only
create one shield each turn. Just nominate a point when the
shield is switched on, and create the shield behind your vehicle
as it moves. Mark the shield with a length of string or other
suitable marker. The shield is impassable to everything, and
is considered to be 2" high. Vehicles that hit the shield
take a hit at their own ram value, and the shield is unharmed.
Roll a D6 each end phase for each patch of shielding in play;
on a 6, it disappears. The energy shield occupies one rear weapon
Haha! Now I've gotcha! Be purged with my holy lascannon!
What! Damn your infernal devices!
- Cawdor Gunner
The force field is a
small , high strength power field generator. When activated,
it create a corona of white fire around the vehicle, which is
impervious to everything. Absolutely everything. Unfortunatly,
the power needed to keep this device running makes it impossible
to use for any longer than a few seconds. Invulnerability Field: A vehicle may activate its force
field at the start of any turn. For that entire turn, it is
completely immune to all damage from any source. No weapon,
discharge or any other device can penetrate the field. If the
vehicle crashes or is rammed, it takes no damage, but it does
apply damage to the rammer. However, while the field is active,
the vehicle may not shoot out, as the force field protects both
ways! After the Force Field has been used for 1 turn, it loses
power and fades into nothing. The field uses 1 weapon mount,
which can be of any type.
Thrusters are small afterburner-like devices fitted to the front
of a vehicle which allow it to slow down very quickly. Reverse Thrust: A vehicle may use its reverse thrusters
at time to instantly decelerate to their next lowest speed band.
eg: A bike going at fast speed activates its reverse thrusters,
and instantly slow down to cruising speed. Reverse thrusters
may only be used once per turn. Every time they are used, roll
a D6: on a 1 or 2 they run out of fuel and cannot be used for
the remainder of the race. Reverse thrusters occupy 1 front
weapon mount.
A power
boost represents new components, rare fuels, improved tyre sufaces,
better brake pads, and many other improvements. There are 5
basic types of power boost. All power boosts are permanent and
do not require a weapon mount. A vehicle may only every have
1 power boost of each type. Armour: Plates of plasteel, lightweight plascrete or
ceramite are attached to your vehicle. You vehicle's hull gets
+D6 armour value to hits from all sides. Speed: A more powerful engine is fitted, adding +D3"
to all speed bands. Acceleration: Your engine is expanded, adding extra cylinders
or better fuel pipes. Your vehicle gets +D3 acceleration Wheels: New tyres with powerful grips are fitted, allowing
your vehicle one extra 45° turn at any speed. Weaponry: Your weapon mounts are improved with suspensors
or new targeting equipment. You may add +1 to all your vehicles
to hit rolls.