


Hello! My name is William Fitzpatrick. My family grows oysters in Bannow Bay just a little bit away from our school.

At first we buy the oyster seeds from a hatchery. We put them in small oyster bags. Then Daddy and I bring the oysters out to the shore in a tractor and a trailer. Then they are put on to trestles that are covered in water when the tide comes in. Then all the family shakes the bags with last year’s seed. This year and last year we sold most of our oysters, The weight of the oysters would be 60 to 100 grams. We have a tractor and a trailer to bring the oysters in and out of the shore. In some parts of the shore, it is very soft so we can not travel on it. We export most of our oysters to France

William F.

oyster.gif (26081 bytes)

Generalized Anatomy of an Oyster

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